• 挤压材料金属模部件定位

    Material of moulding and extrusion . metal mould components . location pins.


  • 两个定位将座轴承座基础对准

    The two dowel pins align the cap and base of the housing.


  • 根据用户需要加工各类定位销

    Another can be processed in accordance with user needs all kinds of red needles, pins.


  • 定位防止各自脱落

    A positioning pin is used for preventing all parts from falling.


  • 回答说他正在用定位器给墙壁定位销

    He replied that he was locating the studs in the wall with a stud finder.


  • 在这里定位销,是相邻两个部件对准

    Fit a dowel pin here to keep the adjacent parts aligned.


  • 装置弹簧定位活塞等组成

    The mechanism is comprised of steel sleeve, water nozzle, spring, positioning pin and piston.


  • 方法首先确定两个定位基础位置

    The way first determines the positions of previous positioning pins at base plate.


  • 传动安放在曲轴定位上,然后曲轴法兰上。

    Position drive plate on the crankshaft's dowel pin and press on to the crankshaft flange.


  • 自主开发产品:定位,快速插,不锈钢

    Quick Release Pin, Ball lock pin, Detent pin, Locator pin.


  • 定位自动锁住升降然后更换煎饼板,煎饼重新自动开始工作

    The lifting plate is locked automatically by a positioning pin, and then the supporting plate of the pancake is replaced to enable the pancake machine to automatically work again.


  • 本机采用上下定位销装配同心度不易跑偏,便于平车和日常维护保养

    This machine is used orientation-pin method to assemble which makes this machine fixed , that is quite convenient for daily maintenance.


  • 论述了采用定位定位定位销长度设计选择工件加工定位影响

    It also involves when using locating-lock to locate, design and choose the length of Locating-lock have an great effect on locate and process of workpiece.


  • 同样定位 滑动地固定并且凸轮接合轴向移入芯中。

    Similarly, a detent pin is slidably seated in the post and is engaged by the cam for axial displacement into the lock cylinder.


  • 基于一个平面的制件适合夹具装置定位二个明确地位于

    A workpiece resting on a flat surface will be definitely located by two holes which fit over two locating pins in the jig or fixture.


  • 如果固定脱落,车止动爪定位销可能特定情况下滑移正常位置

    If the cup plug is missing, the park pawl anchor shaft can move out of position under certain conditions.


  • 阐述定位定位引起工件的定位误差对零件轮廓切割偏差影响机理

    This paper expatiated on the influencing mechanism of part's outline cutting deviation due to the locating faults owing to the locating pins and locating holes.


  • 制动力矩定位克服联结螺栓受剪切力作用加强了联结螺栓可靠性

    The brake moment is overcome by the resilient pin, and the shear force is not applied to the coupling bolt, which enhances the reliability of the coupling bolt.


  • 偏心定位取代干定型上原有黄铜定位销定位精度提高安装快捷加工方便

    After the eccentric pin replaced the previous brass pin on the die, the precision was improved, rapid installation and convenient processing were achieved.


  • 决定后轮定位参数主要制动定位空间有关的轴加工精度

    Machining precisions of axles and holes correlating with the space position of brake drum's positioning dowel on the trailing arm are the main factors determining the rear wheel alignment parameters.


  • 设计了定位,将镇定影响内件自由完全阻止向旋转

    Stop bolt is designed to fix the inner parts on the cover of the tower. This design has not only little effect on the freedom of the inner axes, but also prevent the rotation of circular rotation.


  • 两手握住断路器手车把手朝里扳动收取定位销,同时朝外拉断路器手车维修小车上。

    Take hold of the sliding handle, Pull to sliding handle inside, release truck closedown , and pull out the VCB truck to service truck.


  • 同时四角位置分别对称布置定位从而使燃料组件安装更加灵活方便

    Meanwhile, the four corners are respectively and symmetrically provided with positioning pin holes, so that the assembly of the pressure water reactor fuel element can be more flexible and convenient.


  • 定位保证不会因为重力作用下坠在下端部设置调整保证蝶板位置固定

    Play great positioning pin ensures disc not because butterfly plate gravity drop, also can be installed in the valve stem end adjustment block to ensure that the butterfly plate fixed position.


  • 如果定位滑移正常位置车辆可能无法实现档功能,此时,如果没有施加驻车制动,可能发生车。

    If the shaft moves out of the position, the vehicle may not be able to achieve "park" position. If this occurs and the park brake is not applied, the vehicle may roll away without warning.


  • 密闭工具主要螺纹接头平衡活塞限位接头内外、卡箍岩心爪、定位密封心钻头等部件组成。

    Sealing coring tools mainly consists of external threaded adapter, balance piston, limit joint, inner and outer barrel, core catcher, locating pin, sealing head and coring bit.


  • 两部分壳体相对旋转通过复位构件定位来复位芯,并且允许处于记忆模式用以需要有效钥匙的情况下更换钥匙。

    Relative rotation of the two-part housing resets the lock cylinder via the reset member and detent pin, and allows the lock cylinder to be placed in a learn mode for rekeying without a valid key.


  • 并对同等误差条件下不同定位布置切割偏差的影响进行了比较分析,最后根据上面的分析提出了几点关于定位销位置布局指导原则

    The influence on the cutting deviation owing to the layout of the pins was analyzed. Some principles about the layout of pins are brought forward.


  • rd全自动用于印刷电路叠层印制电路板数控钻床钻孔基准定位钉,从面保证印刷电路板数控钻床能加工出高品质产品

    RD auto pinning machine is used to make reference positioning pin prior to drill the laminated plates of etched circuit ca rd on drill machine for etched circuit ca rd manufacture premium products.


  • rd全自动用于印刷电路叠层印制电路板数控钻床钻孔基准定位钉,从面保证印刷电路板数控钻床能加工出高品质产品

    RD auto pinning machine is used to make reference positioning pin prior to drill the laminated plates of etched circuit ca rd on drill machine for etched circuit ca rd manufacture premium products.


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