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[stɑː(r)] [stɑːr]

  • n. 星,恒星;演艺界明星,体坛名将;(电影、戏剧中的)主角,主演;重要人物,优秀人士;星状,星形物;星号;(饭店、宾馆等的)星级标志;(占星术的)星相,星座(stars);一定会发生;<非正式>好心的人,乐于助人者;星章;Y形三相电绕组;星状网;用于海星或类似的棘皮动物的名字中
  • v. 主演,使主演;给……加上星号;表现杰出;用星形物装饰(或覆盖)
  • adj. 最好的,最出色的
  • 【名】 (Star)(瑞典)斯塔尔,(德)施塔尔(人名)

[ 复数 stars 第三人称单数 stars 现在分词 starring 过去式 starred 过去分词 starred ]



1994 年,卫星电视S TAR)在上海设立代表处,成为首家获准在沪设立代表处 的境外传媒公司。



S tar fru it juice 杨桃汁

water-gas s tar creosote 水煤气焦杂酚油

Tar s 焦油使用

blended tar s 混合煤焦油

  • 星号
  • 星宿;星像
  • 恒星
  • 自动选择路由的卫星通讯
  • 标准进场航线


star [ stɑ: ]

  • n.
    • (astronomy) a celestial body of hot gases that radiates energy derived from thermonuclear reactions in the interior
    • someone who is dazzlingly skilled in any field

      同义词: ace adept champion sensation maven mavin virtuoso genius hotshot superstar whiz whizz wizard wiz

    • any celestial body visible (as a point of light) from the Earth at night
    • a plane figure with 5 or more points; often used as an emblem
    • an actor who plays a principal role

      同义词: principal lead

    • a performer who receives prominent billing

      同义词: headliner

    • a star-shaped character * used in printing

      同义词: asterisk

    • the topology of a network whose components are connected to a hub

      同义词: star topology

  • v.
    • feature as the star

      "The movie stars Dustin Hoffman as an autistic man"

    • be the star in a performance
    • mark with an asterisk

      "Linguists star unacceptable sentences"

      同义词: asterisk

  • adj. indicating the most important performer or role

    "a star figure skater"; "the starring role"

    同义词: leading(p) prima(p) starring(p) stellar(a)

以上来源于: WordNet


star /stɑː/ CET4 TEM4 ( starring, starred, stars )

  • 1. 

    N-COUNT A star is a large ball of burning gas in space. Stars appear to us as small points of light in the sky on clear nights. 星


    The nights were pure with cold air and lit with stars.


  • 2. 

    N-COUNT You can refer to a shape or an object as a star when it has four, five, or more points sticking out of it in a regular pattern. 星形; 星形物


    Children at school receive coloured stars for work well done.


  • 3. 

    N-COUNT You can say how many stars something such as a hotel or restaurant has as a way of talking about its quality, which is often indicated by a number of star-shaped symbols. The more stars something has, the better it is. (宾馆或饭店等的) 星级


    ...five star hotels.


  • 4. 

    N-COUNT Famous actors, musicians, and sports players are often referred to as stars. 明星


    ...star of the TV series Scrubs.



    By now Murphy is Hollywood's top male comedy star.


  • 5. 

    V-I If an actor or actress stars in a play or movie, he or she has one of the most important parts in it. (在某戏剧、电影中) 扮演主要角色


    The previous year Adolphson had starred in a play in which Ingrid had been an extra.


  • 6. 

    V-T If a play or movie stars a famous actor or actress, he or she has one of the most important parts in it. 由…主演


    ...a Hollywood movie, "The Secret of Santa Vittoria," directed by Stanley Kramer and starring Anthony Quinn.


  • 7. 

    N-PLURAL Predictions about people's lives which are based on astrology and appear regularly in a newspaper or magazine are sometimes referred to as the stars. 星相


    There was nothing in my stars to say I'd have travel problems!



movie star 电影明星

film star n. 电影明星

pop star 歌星;流行歌手

five star 五星级的;第一流的

red star 红星

new star [天]新星(等于nova)

double star 双星(紧密相连的二颗星,借望远镜始可分辨者)

rock star 摇滚歌星

bright star 明亮的星;灿烂的星

rising star 后起之秀;明日之星

lucky star 福星

neutron star n. 中子星

shooting star n. 流星

five star hotel 五星级宾馆

see stars 眼冒金星;头昏眼花

under the stars 在星空下  

giant star 巨星

star group [天文]星群

north star 北极星

star anise 八角茴香;大茴香



  • Sens. Lautenberg and Olympia Snowe (R-ME) are the authors of S. 2685, a bill to prohibit the cigarette companies of using the so-called "FTC method" for measuring tar and nicotine.



  • America's National Cancer Institute has said that people who smoke low-tar cigarettes do not reduce their risk of getting diseases linked to smoking.

    VOA: special.2010.03.09

  • He is born into a Levite family. The Levites will be priests in Israel, so he's born to a priestly family. He's hidden away for three months, and then he's placed in a wicker basket, which is lined with bitumen, a tar, and set among the bulrushes at the edge of the Nile River.


    耶鲁公开课 - 旧约导论课程节选



movie star 电影明星

film star n. 电影明星

pop star 歌星;流行歌手

five star 五星级的;第一流的

red star 红星

new star [天]新星(等于nova)

double star 双星(紧密相连的二颗星,借望远镜始可分辨者)

rock star 摇滚歌星

bright star 明亮的星;灿烂的星

rising star 后起之秀;明日之星

lucky star 福星

neutron star n. 中子星

shooting star n. 流星

five star hotel 五星级宾馆

see stars 眼冒金星;头昏眼花

under the stars 在星空下  

giant star 巨星

star group [天文]星群

north star 北极星

star anise 八角茴香;大茴香

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