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[ˈɪntrəst] [ˈɪntrəst]

  • n. 兴趣,关注;吸引力,趣味;爱好;利息;利益,好处;权益,股权;利害关系,重要影响;利益集团,利益相关者
  • v. 使感兴趣,引起……的关注;劝说(某人)做(或参与)

[ 复数 interests 第三人称单数 interests 现在分词 interesting 过去式 interested 过去分词 interested ]



...氛;体育学习;兴趣;自我决定理论 [gap=830]Key words: otherdisciplinary; teaching atmosphere; sport learning; int erest; selfdetermination theory ...



vocational int erest 职业倾向

Int erest i ncom 利息收入


  • n.
    • a sense of concern with and curiosity about someone or something

      "an interest in music"

      同义词: involvement

    • the power of attracting or holding one's attention (because it is unusual or exciting etc.)

      "they said nothing of great interest"; "primary colors can add interest to a room"

      同义词: interestingness

    • a reason for wanting something done

      "in the interest of safety"; "in the common interest"

      同义词: sake

    • a fixed charge for borrowing money; usually a percentage of the amount borrowed

      "how much interest do you pay on your mortgage?"

    • a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly)

      "he counts reading among his interests"

      同义词: pastime pursuit

    • (law) a right or legal share of something; a financial involvement with something

      "they have interests all over the world"

      同义词: stake

    • (usually plural) a social group whose members control some field of activity and who have common aims

      "the iron interests stepped up production"

      同义词: interest group

  • v.
    • excite the curiosity of; engage the interest of
    • be on the mind of

      同义词: concern occupy worry

    • be of importance or consequence

      同义词: matter to

以上来源于: WordNet


interest /ˈɪntrɪst, -tərɪst/ CET4 TEM4 ( interesting, interested, interests )

  • 1. 

    N-UNCOUNT If you have an interest in something, you want to learn or hear more about it. 兴趣 [also 'a' N]


    There has been a lively interest in the elections in the last two weeks.



    She'd liked him at first, but soon lost interest.


  • 2. 

    N-COUNT Your interests are the things that you enjoy doing. 爱好


    Encourage your child in her interests and hobbies.


  • 3. 

    V-T If something interests you, it attracts your attention so that you want to learn or hear more about it or continue doing it. 使感兴趣


    Your financial problems do not interest me.


  • 4. 

    V-T If you are trying to persuade someone to buy or do something, you can say that you are trying to interest them in it. 引起 (购买或做某事) 的意愿


    Can I interest you in a new car?


  • 5. 

    N-COUNT If something is in the interests of a particular person or group, it will benefit them in some way. 利益


    Did those directors act in the best interests of their club?


  • 6. 

    N-COUNT You can use interests to refer to groups of people who you think use their power or money to benefit themselves. 利益集团


    The government accused unnamed "foreign interests" of inciting the trouble.


  • 7. 

    N-COUNT A person or organization that has an interest in an area, a company, a property or in a particular type of business owns stock in it. 股权 [商业]


    My father had many business interests in Vietnam.


  • 8. 

    N-COUNT If a person, country, or organization has an interest in a possible event or situation, they want that event or situation to happen because they are likely to benefit from it. 利害关系


    The West has an interest in promoting democratic forces in Eastern Europe.


  • 9. 

    N-UNCOUNT Interest is extra money that you receive if you have invested a sum of money. Interest is also the extra money that you pay if you have borrowed money or are buying something on credit. 利息


    Does your current account pay interest?


  • 11. 

    PHRASE If you do something in the interests of a particular result or situation, you do it in order to achieve that result or maintain that situation. 为了…的利益


    ...a call for all businessmen to work together in the interests of national stability.


  • 12. 

    to have someone's interests at heart →see heart


interest in 对…有兴趣

of interest 有…兴趣;权益的转易

interest rate [经]利率

public interest 公共利益

no interest 没兴趣;免付利息

with interest 有兴趣地;付利息地

common interest 共同利益

strong interest 专注

in the interest of adv. 为了;为了...的利益

economic interest 经济利益

personal interest 个人利益;个人兴趣爱好

loan interest 贷款利息

special interest 特殊兴趣

conflict of interest 利益冲突;公职人员对公众义务与其本身利益相冲突

keen interest 强烈的兴趣

interest rate risk 利率风险

high interest 高利

have no interest 不感冒

general interest 一般利益;一般娱乐;大众兴趣

places of interest 名胜古迹



interest in 对…有兴趣

of interest 有…兴趣;权益的转易

interest rate [经]利率

public interest 公共利益

no interest 没兴趣;免付利息

with interest 有兴趣地;付利息地

common interest 共同利益

strong interest 专注

in the interest of adv. 为了;为了...的利益

economic interest 经济利益

personal interest 个人利益;个人兴趣爱好

loan interest 贷款利息

special interest 特殊兴趣

conflict of interest 利益冲突;公职人员对公众义务与其本身利益相冲突

keen interest 强烈的兴趣

interest rate risk 利率风险

high interest 高利

have no interest 不感冒

general interest 一般利益;一般娱乐;大众兴趣

places of interest 名胜古迹

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