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[ˈɑːnsə(r)] [ˈænsər]

  • v. 回答,答复;回复;接电话;应门;答(题);回应,反击;满足,适合;与……相符,相配;解决(问题)
  • n. 回答,答复;答案;解决办法;回信,回函;接听,应门;相当的人,对应物

[ 复数 answers 第三人称单数 answers 现在分词 answering 过去式 answered 过去分词 answered ]



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answe e r 回答

  • 应对 - 引用次数:71

    To establish an effective financial analysis and evaluation system is the only way for the enterprise to answer to the fierce market competition.


    参考来源 - 浙江海亮股份公司财务分析及评价
    对策 - 引用次数:26

    The answer is organizational change.


    参考来源 - 组织变革理论指导下合众思壮公司组织变革研究
  • 答辩书
  • 回答 - 引用次数:298

    The answer is positive.


    参考来源 - 模糊限制语及其在英语新闻中的语用功能
  • 应对 - 引用次数:15

    The draconian law is not a way of averting "thief and brigand". He thinks that the government should expand the authority of the officials of local governments and make them answer various aspect.


    参考来源 - 秦观的思想观念简论(研究生论文)
  • (赋格曲中的)答句,答题;应答;复唱,复奏[略作 ans.]
  • 应答 - 引用次数:7

    参考来源 - 电信呼叫中心预测拨号系统的研究与实现
  • 答数
  • 答案
  • 响应
  • 回答


answer [ 'ɑ:nsə, 'æn- ]

  • n.
    • a statement (either spoken or written) that is made in reply to a question or request or criticism or accusation

      "I waited several days for his answer"

      同义词: reply response

    • a statement that solves a problem or explains how to solve the problem

      "the answers were in the back of the book"

      同义词: solution result resolution solvent

    • the speech act of replying to a question
    • the principle pleading by the defendant in response to plaintiff's complaint; in criminal law it consists of the defendant's plea of `guilty' or `not guilty' (or nolo contendere); in civil law it must contain denials of all allegations in the plaintiff's complaint that the defendant hopes to controvert and it can contain affirmative defenses or counterclaims
    • a nonverbal reaction

      "his answer to any problem was to get drunk"; "their answer was to sue me"

  • v.
    • reply or respond to

      "She didn't want to answer"; "answer the question"; "We answered that we would accept the invitation"

      同义词: reply respond

    • give the correct answer or solution to

      "answer a question"; "answer the riddle"

    • respond to a signal

      "answer the door"; "answer the telephone"

    • understand the meaning of

      "The question concerning the meaning of life cannot be answered"

      同义词: resolve

    • give a defence or refutation of (a charge) or in (an argument)

      "The defendant answered to all the charges of the prosecution"

    • be liable or accountable

      "She must answer for her actions"

    • be sufficient; be adequate, either in quality or quantity

      "A few words would answer"

      同义词: suffice do serve

    • match or correspond

      "The drawing of the suspect answers to the description the victim gave"

    • be satisfactory for; meet the requirements of or serve the purpose of

      "This may answer her needs"

    • react to a stimulus or command

      "The steering of my new car answers to the slightest touch"

以上来源于: WordNet


answer /ˈɑːnsə/ CET4 TEM4 ( answering, answered, answers )

  • 1. 

    V-T/V-I When you answer someone who has asked you something, you say something back to them. (口头) 回答


    Just answer the question.



    He paused before answering.



    Williams answered that he had no specific proposals yet.


  • 2. 

    V-T/V-I If you answer a letter or advertisement, you write to the person who wrote it. 回复


    Did he answer your letter?


  • 3. 

    V-T/V-I When you answer the telephone, you pick it up when it rings. When you answer the door, you open it when you hear a knock or the bell. 应答


    She answered her phone on the first ring.


  • 4. 

    N-COUNT Answer is also a noun. 应答


    I knocked at the front door and there was no answer.


  • 5. 

    V-T When you answer a question in a test or quiz, you write or say something in an attempt to give the facts that are asked for. (书面) 回答


    Always read an exam all the way through at least once before you start to answer any questions.


  • 6. 

    V-T/V-I If someone or something answers a particular description or answers to it, they have the characteristics described. 符合


    Two men answering the description of the suspects tried to enter Switzerland.


  • 7. 

    N-COUNT An answer is something that you say when you answer someone. 回答 [also 'in' N 'to' n]


    Without waiting for an answer, he turned and went in through the door.


  • 8. 

    N-COUNT An answer is a letter that you write to someone who has written to you. 回信 [also 'in' N 'to' n]


    I wrote to him but I never had an answer back.


  • 9. 

    N-COUNT An answer to a problem is a solution to it. 解决方法


    There are no easy answers to the problems facing the economy.


  • 10. 

    N-COUNT Someone's answer to a question in a test or quiz is what they write or say in an attempt to give the facts that are asked for. The answer to a question is the fact that was asked for. 解答


    Simply marking an answer wrong will not help the student to get future examples correct.


  • 11. 

    N-COUNT Your answer to something that someone has said or done is what you say or do in response to it or in defence of yourself. 回应 [also 'in' N 'to' n]


    In answer to speculation that she wouldn't finish the race, she boldly declared her intention of winning it.


  • 12. 

    PHRASE If you say that someone will not take no for an answer, you mean that they go on trying to make you agree to something even after you have refused. 不答应不罢休


    She is tough, unwilling to take no for an answer.



in answer to 回答;应…要求

answer for 因……而受罚;对……负责

no answer 无应答;舵失灵

answer the phone 接电话

answer the following questions 回答下列问题

wrong answer 答案错误

answer sheet n. 答案纸

short answer 简答题;简短回答

answer the telephone 接电话

immediate answer 立即应答

answer back 应答,回复;顶嘴

know all the answers 见多识广;自命不凡;好象什么都知道的样子

soft answer 温和的回答;轻轻的回答;委婉的回答

answer key 答案;题解;练习答案(解答)

answer the needs of 满足...需要

answer up 迅速回答

answer phone 留言机,电话录音机;电话留言;接电话



in answer to 回答;应…要求

answer for 因……而受罚;对……负责

no answer 无应答;舵失灵

answer the phone 接电话

answer the following questions 回答下列问题

wrong answer 答案错误

answer sheet n. 答案纸

short answer 简答题;简短回答

answer the telephone 接电话

immediate answer 立即应答

answer back 应答,回复;顶嘴

know all the answers 见多识广;自命不凡;好象什么都知道的样子

soft answer 温和的回答;轻轻的回答;委婉的回答

answer key 答案;题解;练习答案(解答)

answer the needs of 满足...需要

answer up 迅速回答

answer phone 留言机,电话录音机;电话留言;接电话

- 来自原声例句

进来说说原因吧 确定

进来说说原因吧 确定