  • 简明
  • abbr.晶体管耦合逻辑(Transistor-Coupled Logic);传送化学激光器(Transfer Chemical Laser);智能产品制造及互联网应用服务企业集团
  • 网络释义
  • 专业释义
  • 英英释义
  • 1



  • 2


    ... Haier海尔冰箱 TCL电视 Vatti华帝油烟机 ...

  • 3


    乐华、王牌TCL)3498CH 王牌TCL)3498GH、乐华3498GH等型号的彩色电视机I2C总线数据调整方法如下:先将遥控器后壳拆开,将集成电路PCA84C122AT/073(IC701)的第5...

  • 4


    使客户享受到服务更多;使客户得到的服 务速度更快;使客户得到的服务质量更好;使客户获得回报更大。 欢迎访问『厦门TCL空调』网站全国各市服务咨询电话?

  • 双语例句
  • 权威例句
  • 1
    It is reported that in many cities in Europe, many stores sell TCL televisions, Haier fridges and Lenovo computers.
    据报道,在欧洲的许多城市,许多商店销售 TCL 电视,海尔冰箱和联想电脑。
  • 2
    Tcl 8.4 extends this naturally to
    Tcl 8.4 将这一用法自然地扩展成
  • 3
    This is probably a tcl interpreter.
    这可能是一个 tcl 解释器。
  • 百科
  • Tcl

    Tcl (originally from Tool Command Language, but conventionally spelled "Tcl" rather than "TCL"; pronounced as "tickle" or "tee-see-ell") is a scripting language created by John Ousterhout. Originally "born out of frustration", according to the author, with programmers devising their own languages intended to be embedded into applications, Tcl gained acceptance on its own. It is commonly used for rapid prototyping, scripted applications, GUIs and testing. Tcl is used on embedded systems platforms, both in its full form and in several other small-footprint versions.The combination of Tcl and the Tk GUI toolkit is referred to as Tcl/Tk.
