Eight Eight Strategies
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  • 权威例句
  • 1.

    Different Oscar hosts, different strategies: Eight-time host Billy Crystal managed to grab laughs with film spoofs, four-time host Whoopi Goldberg got grins with her lavish costumes and one-time host David Letterman at least got his audience to smile with his Uma (Thurman), Oprah (Winfrey) quip.

    FORBES: Ellen's Tall Task

  • 2.

    Goldman Sachs (GS), for example, lost several teams of proprietary traders, including Bob Howard, head of its Principal Strategies Group, and eight traders who reported to him, to KKR (KKR).

    FORBES: 3 Ways Banks Will Be Killed by New Rules

  • 3.

    So, while the fund is not even a year old at this point, the managers have run these portfolios for four, and as much as eight, years in underlying separate account strategies, before they ever managed the fund.

    FORBES: What Is a "Flexible" Bond Fund?
