• 添加任务进程信息几乎每一个可用的鼠标信息提示里。

    Adds quest progress information to pretty much every tooltip imaginable.


  • 信息已经写好只是点击鼠标

    Her message had been written; all she had to do was click the mouse.


  • 用户来说最主要优势来自于一个简单事实,即通过更少鼠标移动点击,获得用户想要信息

    The main advantage for the user is the simple fact that she needs less mouse movement and less clicks to get the information she is looking for.


  • 现代IDE中所有必要的类型信息都能找到,并作为鼠标指针提示出现。

    In modern IDEs, all necessary type information can be found at the tip of your mouse pointer.


  • 如果鼠标停在图表元素上,那么就会出现一个工具提示告诉您关于此元素的信息

    If you hover your mouse cursor over a diagram element, a tool tip from the documentation for that element will pop up.


  • 鼠标位置按钮信息清单7中所形式输出。

    Mouse position and button information is printed out in the format shown in Listing 7.


  • 提示——鼠标放在某个标识符上时就会出现关于标识符的信息提示

    Tool tips - When you place mouse pointer over an identifier, a tool tip with information about the identifier appears.


  • 记住事实数字对于大多数在校学生来说就是浪费时间因为这类信息需要鼠标轻轻一点可以获得到,一个著名评论员如是说

    Memorising facts and figures is a waste of time for most schoolchildren because such information is readily available a mere mouse click away, a leading commentator has said.


  • 可以使用鼠标键盘左右控制滚动条进行滚动显示日程表条目标题信息其余部分。

    You can use a mouse or the keyboard left and right arrow keys to scroll with the bar, and you can display the rest of the header information for calendar entries.


  • 作为回报,我们得到娱乐,摆脱了乏味工作动动鼠标得到想要的信息,想发起多少通信都行

    In return we get entertainment, tedious tasks done for us, facts at the click of a mouse and as much communication as we can ask for.


  • 每一个视图工具栏图标提供了附加的有用操作而且可以鼠标置于显示一些描述操作信息出来。

    The ICONS in each view's toolbar provide additional useful actions, and you can place your mouse over each of them to display a tooltip describing the action.


  • 这些事件包含有帮助信息比如事件类型鼠标页面当前位置

    These events include helpful information, such as the event type and the current position of the cursor on the page.


  • 他们同时也收集了其他270只没有触碰过任何一个鼠标细菌菌落信息

    They also collected information on bacterial communities from 270 hands that had never touched any of the mice.


  • 信息时代,只需敲键盘,点几次鼠标能够获得大量信息

    In the Information Age, a wealth of knowledge is accessible with just a few keystrokes and mouse clicks.


  • 艾斯·伯格惊讶技术如此之发达,以至于轻点鼠标便发布海量信息

    Ellsberg marveled at how far technology has come, that with the click of a mouse such a massive volume of information can be released.


  • 用户可以通过台计算机来访问应用程序鼠标键盘作为输入设备用显示器作为接收反馈信息的设备。

    Users access applications through a computer, using a mouse and keyboard as input elements, and a monitor as feedback.


  • 鼠标停留在资产上,可以显示关于资产的更多信息

    Hovering over an asset provides additional information about the asset.


  • 如果使用图片,那么ToolItem需要一个ToolTip(帮助提供信息短语句子),这样鼠标停留在ToolItem上时,显示ToolTip,解释图片功能

    If only an image is used, the ToolItem needs to have a ToolTip (phrase or sentence of help information) that will be presented when the mouse is over the ToolItem to explain the function the image.


  • 他们还需要界面工具帮他们管理各种信息窗口由此engelbart发明了叫做鼠标东西

    They needed an interface device to manage the Windows of information, so Engelbart invented something he called a 'mouse'.


  • 基于单击鼠标悬浮事件服务器发起额外信息请求,而且无需刷新用户查看页面

    Initiating a request for additional information from the server based on a click or a mouseover event without refreshing the page the user is viewing.


  • 科技信息教育领域我们登录web浏览器来实现操作今天一切一切需要鼠标来完成。

    Bringing technology, education and information to these parts of the world will be done by accessing web browsers and doing that in the ways that we are familiar with today and that is using a mouse.


  • 然后通过在节点上单击鼠标右键,然后菜单中选择RegenWebserverPlugin,重新生成Web服务器插件配置信息

    Then, regenerate the configuration information for the Web server plugin by right-clicking the name of your node, and selecting Regen Webserver Plugin from the drop-down menu.


  • 这个效果第一次coda的网站使用的名单是这里我们用这个例子代替)这些信息一种非常友好方式呈现,所有就是让你的鼠标悬停在这个按钮上。

    The information is presented in a very user-friendly way; all you have to do is hover over the button.


  • 取决于两个方向流入信息图表进入眼睛通过鼠标指针从您的大脑到达实况

    It hinges on information flowing in two directions, both from the diagram to your eye, but also back from your brain through the mouse pointer to the live diagram.


  • 记住一些单位某些单位有额外伤害可以很容易地在游戏中鼠标单位信息面板中的武器查看相关信息

    Remember that some units deal bonus damage to other units. You can see this information easily in-game by mousing over a unit's weapon on its information pane.


  • 图片库中,看到左侧一个图片,就可以单击鼠标悬停于上,然后着眼阅读有关图像信息

    In your gallery, you see an image on the left, click or hover over it, and then move your eyes to the right to read about that image.


  • 今天只需鼠标一点,大多这样信息世界任何地方找到

    Today much of this information can be found anywhere in the world at the click of a mouse.


  • 浏览这些信息时候鼠标移到到画有下划线缩写时,就会弹出一个带着简短解释的窗体。

    When browsing through the messages, underlined abbreviations pop up an little explanation, when the mouse is hovering over it.


  • 另外只需鼠标停留一个房间名称上,就显示出其他信息(对话框中滚动窗格),房间容量详细说明等

    In addition, other information, such as room capacity or description, is also displayed (without you having to scroll the pane in the dialog) by simply moving your mouse over a room name.


  • 添加结构允许用户通过单击鼠标即可向地址簿添加联系人详细信息

    Adding this structure allows users to add the contact details to their address book with a single click of the mouse.


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