• 麦克菲一家身为传教士戴维森一家在船上早已亲密无间由于他们走进彼此,不是因为任何志趣共享。

    Between the Macphails and the Davidsons, who were missionaries, there had arisen the intimacy of shipboard, which is due to proximity rather than to any community of taste.


  • 麦克菲:“请你那儿去一杯吧。”

    That case, Mcfee said, "allow me to invite you back to my flat for a drink."


  • 麦克菲技术将显著改善英特尔本身的安全服务提供能力。

    McAfee's technology goes well beyond what Intel currently offers.


  • 《魔法保姆麦克菲2》的首映式上,来了一位想不到的客人

    The premiere of Nanny McPhee and the Big Bang had an unexpected guest.


  • 去年麦克菲收入上升了20%,达到了19亿3千万美元。

    McAfee's revenue rose 20 percent last year to $1.93 billion.


  • 于是麦克菲手上铁钩赶走了佩吉,但是继续咬他的耳环。

    With the hook on his hand McPhee pushed Peggy away, so she took instead to biting his earring.


  • 并且麦克菲收益率达到了80%,超过了英特尔的65%左右

    At 80 percent, McAfee's gross margins surpass Intel's, which tend to be around 65 percent.


  • 麦克菲看来弗里曼空降离开公路降落条壕沟

    McFerrin said it appeared that Freeman's car was airborne went it left the highway and landed in a ditch.


  • 兰斯多恩股票经纪公司退休金研究主管汤姆·麦克菲告诉BBC,这项改变可能重新洗牌房贷市场

    Tom McPhail, head of pensions research at Hargreaves Lansdown, told the BBC the change could shake up the mortgage market.


  • 保姆麦克菲到来发现格林太太孩子们正在两位城里搬进家中养尊处优堂兄争斗不休

    The nurse after the arrival of Mcphee, I found Mrs. Green's children are two and just from the city into the home, the pampered cousin feuding.


  • 也许齿麦克菲的身上集合的样元素,在我们还是孩子的时候认为自己都很了解,但是现在我们却意识并非如此。

    Black Tooth McPhee perhaps sums up everything which as children we thought we knew about pirates, and which we now realise we don't.


  • 为了帮助这个家庭通过一系列跌宕起伏神奇事件保姆麦克菲魔法教给五个孩子重要人生课程

    In order to help the family, through a series of ups and downs of the magical events, nanny Mcphee with her magic to teach five children an important life course.


  • 汤普森因多部电影中的角色世人所诸如理智情感》、《真至上以及《魔法保姆麦克菲》,同时她是这些电影剧本创作者。

    Thompson, best known for her acting roles in films such as Sense and Sensibility, Love Actually and Nanny McPhee, also wrote many of those screenplays.


  • 根据剧作者克里斯托弗·马库斯斯蒂芬·麦克菲力的说法,创造世界美国队长创立了一个世界,在这里允许更多二战时期一闪而过英雄

    But according to screenwriters Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeely, Captain America creates a world that will allow for more WWII-era flicks with the hero.


  • 麦克菲说,最终薪金方案(final salary scheme)中,收益和与收入挂钩如果这项方案,可以避免短期下挫

    If you have a final salary scheme, where the amount you get is linked to your earnings, then you will be insulated from the falls in the short term, says McPhail.


  • 中圈弧附近看着麦克菲登打进点球。这位法国国脚随后终场哨声吹响后哀伤坐在球场上,阿森纳全队都受到爱德华多让人恐怖受伤的影响。

    The France international then sat distressed on the pitch at the final whistle, with the Arsenal side having been affected by the horrific injury suffered by Eduardo.


  • 这份收购案内容包括英特尔麦克菲支付每股48美元现金收购该公司的股权这个股价比公司周三收盘价的29.93美元股高出了60%。

    Under the terms of the deal, Intel will pay $48 a share in cash, a 60 percent premium over McAfee's Wednesday closing stock price of $29.93.


  • 是“可爱人组”的第二个故事,作者大卫·麦克菲通过漂亮的水彩图画生动描绘出这三个好朋友在学校里发生的故事:他们学习怎样用印刷体书写字母“B”,放风筝在一起看书

    In this second tale about the lovable trio, David McPhail creates beautiful watercolor illustrations to portray three friends who learn how to print the letter "b," fly a kite, and read together.


  • 漫画家麦克·卢科维奇为什么画中描绘土拨鼠尔在记者面前承认自己收受了白宫呢?

    Why does cartoonist Mike Luckovich portray groundhog Phil confessing in front of reporters that he accepted money from the White House?


  • 如果听起来有点比利·尔普斯,我很抱歉确实兴奋引用麦克白》的选段

    I'm sorry if I sound a little bit like Billy Phelps, but I do get excited. He quotes the passage from Macbeth.


  • 温芙蕾是广播中害怕疯牛病自己汉堡遭到愤怒牛肉场主控诉时,首次遇见了尔·麦克格劳博士。摆平了这起控诉

    She first encountered him after she said on air that fears of mad-cow disease had put her off hamburgers; he helped her handle a lawsuit from a group of enraged Texas cattlemen.


  • 后记-如果记忆感兴趣的话,你也许愿意了解早先的“5提高记忆的捷径”系列关于记忆”中与欧娜·麦克广播片段。

    P. S. - If you are interested in memory, you may also want to see my earlier series on 5 Key Paths to Improving memory as well as my podcast with Fiona McPherson from About memory.


  • 麦克正在发起场强劲竞选活动由于在洛克·基金会多年出色工作全州上下拥有众多的朋友仰慕者。

    McRae was waging a vigorous campaign and had a lot of friends and admirers around the state from his years of good work at the Rockefeller Foundation.


  • 那么漫画家麦克·卢科维奇为什么在画中描绘土拨鼠尔在记者面前承认自己收受了白宫呢?

    So why does cartoonist Mike Luckovich portray groundhog Phil confessing before reporters that he accepted money from the White House?


  • 只有巨型海龟只凶残的小狗为伴麦克慢慢地忍饥挨饿

    With only a giant turtle called Fifi and a murderous terrier for company, Mac slowly starves.


  • 片中主要动画形象史瑞克奥娜分别麦克·梅尔斯和卡梅隆·迪亚兹配音

    The main animated characters of Shrek and Fiona were represented by the voices of Mike Myers and Cameron Diaz.


  • 帕默麦克·诺维克议论在乔治。拉格,他们的棋应该如何下。

    Palmer and Mike Novick argue about how to proceed after George Ferragamo's death.


  • 原班人马:麦克·梅尔斯·莱克,卡梅隆·迪亚茨·奥娜,艾迪·-驴子以及安东尼奥·班德拉斯-穿靴子的猫。

    The regular gang: Mike Myers as Shrek, Cameron Diaz as Fiona, Eddie Murphy as Donkey, and Antonio Banderas as Puss in Boots.


  • 星期三第二场比赛不久有人,他获得金牌表现麦克.尔普斯怎么样

    Shortly after the second race Wednesday, Bolt was asked how his double gold performance stood against Michael Phelps.


  • 星期三第二场比赛不久有人,他获得金牌表现麦克.尔普斯怎么样

    Shortly after the second race Wednesday, Bolt was asked how his double gold performance stood against Michael Phelps.


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