• 即使不是所有鳕鱼,起码黑线鳕缅因州乔治海岸水域开始恢复

    Haddock, if not cod, have begun to recover in Georges Bank off Maine.


  • 一个SNP,识别鲽鱼来源准确率96%。10SNP识别鳕鱼准确率几乎达到百分之百。

    Using just one SNP, it got the origins of sole correct 96 per cent of the time, and with hake it was almost perfectly accurate with 10 SNPs.


  • 有些鱼鳕鱼石斑鱼鲑鱼金枪鱼每个人都喜欢的。

    These are the ones, cod, groupers, salmon, tuna and so on, that everyone likes to eat.


  • 非常养殖包括鳕鱼科鱼、贻贝鲑鱼鲟鱼世界各地人们提供了食物

    A huge variety of fish, including cod, bream, mussels, salmon and sturgeon, is being farmed, providing food for people all over the world.


  • 鳕鱼鲱鱼已经欧洲贸易主要产品,水温变化迫使渔船离岸更远的地方作业

    Dried cod and herring were already the staples of the European fish trade, but changes in water temperatures forced fishing fleets to work further offshore.


  • 渔船可以接近海底地方捕到鳕鱼其他而不是沙丁鱼乌贼

    Trawlers in the area obtain hake and other fish that are at or near the bottom, not sardines and squid.


  • 有些渔场产卵季节封闭例如为了鳕鱼产卵);一些鱼孵化的渔场永久禁入的。

    Some grounds are closed during the spawning season (eg, for cod); others—nursery areas—are permanently off limits.


  • 原因之一是,大多数公司使用降低食物链鳕鱼沙丁鱼它们积累及少量

    For one thing, most companies use species of fish that are lower on the food chain, like cod and sardines, which accumulate less mercury.


  • 非常已被养殖包括鳕鱼小龙虾科鱼、大比目鱼贻贝鲑鱼黑鲈鲟鱼,世界各地人们提供了食物工作岗位

    A huge variety of fish, including cod, crayfish, bream, halibut, mussels, salmon, sea bass and sturgeon, are all farmed, providing jobs and food for people all over the world.


  • 真正维生素a只能动物食品找到鳕鱼甘油、甲壳动物肝脏牛油草食性动物蛋黄等。

    Helps detoxify. True vitamin a is found only in animal foods such as cod liver oil; fish and shellfish; and liver, butter and egg yolks from pasture-fed animals.


  • 然而按照规定捕量限制15公斤鳕鱼7公斤的其它

    According to the rules, however, the daily catch limit is 15 kg of cod and 7 kg of other fish.


  • 一些具体研究结论受益于海水温度上升北极鳕鱼的种群增加

    Among the specific findings: Low Arctic fish species such as pollack have benefited from rising ocean temperatures, which is why their populations have increased.


  • 而在制度,新英格兰针对鳕鱼等底栖,以渔船分组的形式进行限额捕捞。

    Under the new system, new England's groundfish catch, mainly cod and haddock, is divided among co-operative groups of boats called sectors.


  • 鳕鱼黑斑鳕只是两种寻找凉爽水域而往北迁移许多里地

    Cod and haddock are just two of the north sea fishes that have had to move scores of miles north in search of cooler waters.


  • 现在共有152家个人公司拥有鳕鱼马胶鱼、大型中上层和螯捕捞许可权。

    Currently a total of 152 individuals and companies hold fishing rights for hake, monkfish, horse mackerel, large pelagics, crab and rock lobster.


  • 鳕鱼占全所有消费45%。

    Cod and haddock account for around 45% of all fish consumed in Britain.


  • 鳕鱼无疑冰岛最有价值的存量正在衰减:九十年代以来,捕获的总吨数大约每年20万吨,相比而言六十年代是大约40万吨。

    Cod is far and away Iceland’s most valuable fish, but its stocks are falling: the tonnage caught since the 1990s has been about 200,000 a year, compared with about 400,000 in the 1960s.


  • 位于大陆架渔场数据源自大型深海标准化研究调查鳕鱼比目鱼skates刺。

    Those for fisheries on the continental shelves were derived from standardised research surveys of large bottom-dwelling fish such as cod, flatfish, skates and rays.


  • 一个片段取自名为海洋大头鱼鳕鱼的亲缘鱼。这种基因促进生长激素编码基因活动

    One, taken from a relative of the cod called the ocean pout, promotes the activity of the gene that encodes growth hormone.


  • 鳕鱼是缅因州原生

    It's a native fish to Maine.


  • 这些地区包括美国加拿大东海岸乔治沙洲,那里鳕鱼灾难性过度捕捞威胁到了生存。

    These included the Georges Bank off the east coast of America and Canada, where disastrous overfishing for cod threatened the collapse of stocks.


  • 海洋曾经游弋着大量脂肪含量高草食青鱼、毛鳞鱼,而在全球急剧变暖的效应之后,海洋成了鳕鱼,远东多线鱼比目鱼的地盘。

    After rapidly warming, a sea once swimming with fatty forage fish like herring and capelin eventually became dominated by pollock, Atka mackerel and flatfish.


  • 墨西哥圣诞节前一天大快朵颐,流行的圣诞食物包括传统菜、食品(尤其是鳕鱼),还有各种水果沙拉

    The Mexicans tend to gorge most on Christmas Eve, putting on a spread that includes traditional stews, fish (especially cod), and a range of fruits and salads.


  • 随着全世界鳕鱼其它众多沿海资源逐渐枯竭捕鱼业已转向公海开发资源

    With the depletion of the cod fishery and so many other coastal fish stocks worldwide, the fishing industry has turned to the high seas to exploit their resources.


  • 随着全世界鳕鱼其它众多沿海资源逐渐枯竭捕鱼业已转向公海开发资源

    With the depletion of the cod fishery and so many other coastal fish stocks worldwide, the fishing industry has turned to the high seas to exploit their resources.


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