• 一种毒性毒素,它致癌。

    Benzene is a highly poisonous toxin that is also carcinogenic.


  • 硝基苯类化合物一类毒性有机污染物,它们性质稳定生化降解

    Nitrobenzene compounds, a highly toxic compound, is very difficult to be degraded and its chemistry property is very stabilizing.


  • 机舱起火产生具有浓度毒性烟雾因此捂住防止吸入过量烟雾。

    The smoke in an airplane fire can be very thick and highly toxic, so cover your nose and mouth with a cloth to avoid breathing it in.


  • 如果怀疑宝宝吞食了某种毒性物质,则应请求急救服务尽快宝宝带到医院救治。

    If you suspect your baby has taken a very toxic substance, call the emergency services and get the baby to hospital as soon as possible.


  • 浓度毒性挥发性有机化合物(VOC)污染大气造成病态建筑综合症(SBS)”,严重威胁着人们的身体健康。

    The volatile organic compound (VOCs) with low concentration but high toxicity will pollute atmosphere and causes so-called "Sickly Building Syndrome" (SBS), and imperil heavily the health of people.


  • 尽管一个地方开采流程不同,但是毒性化学物质释放是相同,可怕故事充斥中毒自来水系统矿工周围

    Although the extraction process in each location differs, they share a need for highly toxic chemicals. Horror stories abound about poisoned water supplies and miners.


  • 半数受害者住院,如此住院表明这可能一种毒性特别强的大肠杆菌菌株

    Half of the victims have been hospitalised, a high rate that may indicate an especially virulent strain of E. coli.


  • 美国环保署刚刚完成一系列测试显示原油混合的化学分散剂毒性墨西哥湾海洋生物而言,并不原油本身来得;以此反驳了一些批评的声音。

    The EPA has just finished a batch of tests showing that dispersants mixed with oil are no more toxic to Marine life in the Gulf than oil on its own - contradicting the claims of some critics.


  • 高毒性大肠杆菌袭击德国,造成20死亡欧盟官员过去这种大肠杆菌的感染率已经出现下降

    European Union health officials say the rate of infection from the highly-toxic strain of E.coli which has hit Germany and killed nearly 20 people has fallen in the past two days.


  • 这些毒性物质通常是从沥青炼制而来导致癌症的可能。

    These are usually highly toxic substances from coal or from asphalt refining, and has led to cancer.


  • 根据它们作用方式毒性有机氟化物可以分为专一性作用类非专一性作用类。

    According to their modes of action, all the highly toxic organofluorine compounds can be divided into two groups, the specific one and the nonspecific one.


  • 产生反应活性、性质不相容毒性气体的通风柜管路不能连接在一起,并且直接排除室外

    Exhausting highly reactive, incompatible or highly toxic materials shall not be manifolded and exhausted directly to the outside.


  • 常见形式甘油三酯血症伴随酒精性毒性肝病

    The most common form is hypertriglyceridemia with alcoholic and viral liver diseases.


  • 设计那些毒性物质密封在原先用来堆放矿石库房中。

    The design placed highly toxic material in sealed bunkers that were earlier used to store iron ore.


  • 增加胃溃疡作用阿司匹林药理下降相反中断类固醇剂量使用阿司匹林出现水杨酸毒性

    Increased ulcerogenic effect; decreased pharmacologic effect of aspirin. Conversely, salicylate toxicity may occur in patients who discontinue steroids with concurrent high-dose aspirin therapy.


  • 虽然生物降解对于工业生活废水而言是一种经济有效净化方法,但处理硝基苯废水时其毒性限制了使用

    Although biodegradation is regarded as an economical and efficacious purified method in the treatment of industry waste water and sewage, the high toxicity of nitrobenzene would limit its application.


  • 光气作为剧毒的光气光气合成中的替代物不但毒性低,使用安全方便而且反应条件温和、选择性收率

    The triphosgene, being as the substitute for phosgene and diphosgene in synthesis, is not only low-toxic but also safe and convenient to use with mild conditions, good selectivity and high yields.


  • 含染料废水具有降解物质多、有机物成分复杂浓度毒性大等特点,国内外公认的难处理工业废水之一。

    Dyestuffs wastewater is featured by complicated organic matter composition, high density and toxicity, and is difficult to degradate bio-chemically.


  • 结果表明作为灵敏度成本低廉生物毒性监测方法环境监测领域有着广阔的应用前景。

    The results showed that the biologic toxicity monitoring method which as a kind of sensitive and cheap method, would have broad development prospects in the field of environmental monitoring.


  • 垃圾滤液污染物浓度毒性成分复杂,对生态环境人体健康危害十分严重是一种典型的污染、难处理浓度有机废水

    The concentration of the pollution in garbage leachates is high, the virulence is great and the component is complex , which harms the biological environment and people' s health very seriously.


  • 首次提出将毒性活性模拟应用于运动抗疲劳方面,从而运动能力

    At the first it is applied the low toxicity high activity mimic GPX on delaying the sports fatigue to improve exercise ability.


  • 过渡金属重金属具有特殊毒性,快速准确的同时测定多组分样品尤其是测定离子强度样品中的离子,在生态环境方面具有重要的意义。

    Transition metals and heavy metal are special toxic . It is very important to determine several ions at the same time, especially for the samples in strong ionic strength.


  • 研究发现各型基因突变均引起新生儿胆红素血症、急性溶血性贫血等,也毒性肝炎白血病淋巴瘤等疾病的发生一定关系

    Our Studies suggest that all the gene mutation may le AD to jaundice of the newborn, acute hemolytic anaemia, and have some relation to viral hepatitis, leukaemia, lymphoma.


  • 目的观察液体顺铂毒性的预防作用。

    Objective to observe the prevention of nephrotoxicity of cisplatin using hypertonic chloride liquid.


  • 结论剂量强度VIP方案化疗获得较的有效率完全缓解率,毒性能耐受。

    Conclusion: the intensive VIP regimen can improve the efficacy of SCLC, and the toxicity was moderate.


  • 具有良好导电性抗拉强度优良的电镀性能,较腐蚀抗氧化性能,毒性以及硬度

    Good electrical conductivity High tensile strength, Excellent electroplate Good capacity of resisting corrosion, and oxidation. Inocuos and High hardness.


  • 产品含有剂量毒性

    This product contains selenium which is toxic in high doses.


  • 目的探讨毒性脑炎患儿脑组织保护作用机制。

    Objective To study the protective effect of high-oxygen liquid on the brain in children with critical viral encephalitis.


  • 目的探讨毒性脑炎患儿脑组织保护作用机制。

    Objective To study the protective effect of high-oxygen liquid on the brain in children with critical viral encephalitis.


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