• 从事对内业务的高校图书馆员倦怠程度要高于其它馆员

    The librarians who do the internal affair seem to have higher burnout than others.


  • 高校图书馆员职业道德建设状况直接影响图书馆职能发挥

    The condition of the construction of university librarian's professional ethics has a direct influence on the exertion of the functions of the library.


  • 高校图书馆员具备信息素质以及如何提高自身信息素质。

    University librarians should have of information quality, and raise the information quality of them.


  • 网络信息时代高校图书馆员角色工作职能发生巨大的变化。

    In the network information era, the role and working function of university librarians have been changed greatly.


  • 目的探讨高校图书馆工的社会支持应对方式心理健康的相关程度。

    ObjectiveTo investigate the relationship among social support, coping style and mental health on university librarians.


  • 分析高校图书馆员素质现状提出提高高校图书馆员素质的相关措施

    This paper analyzes the present situation of the quality of university librarians, and puts forward some corresponding measures for improving the quality of university librarians.


  • 目前我国许多高校图书馆敬业精神不强,直接影响了图书馆的服务质量

    At present, the library staff members in colleges and universities of our country are short of professional dedication spirit, which directly bring down their service quality.


  • 针对图书馆员素质建设分析了作为一名高校图书馆员应该具备基本素质基本能力

    In the light of librarians 'quality construction, this paper analyzes the basic qualities and basic abilities that the university librarian should possess.


  • 列举高校图书馆员存在几种心理健康问题分析形成原因提出解决对策

    This paper lists several psychological healthy problems existing in university librarians, analyzes on the reasons of the formation of these problems, and advances some solving countermeasures.


  • 文章阐述了高校图书馆员不良心理现状分析了产生不良心理的原因提出了相应的对策。

    This paper expounds the status of academic librarians' unhealthy psychology, analyzes the causes and puts forward some measures.


  • 深入分析高校图书馆员职业压力寻求缓解解除这些压力管理上的对策,具有重要的现实意义

    Analysis of occupational stress for librarians in universities and looking for management measures to alleviate and relieve these pressures has great realistic significance.


  • 文章介绍职业高原含义分类,对高校图书馆员职业高原现象进行了分析,并提出解决对策。

    This paper briefed the meaning and classification of career plateau analyzed university librarian's career plateau phenomenon, put forward some countermeasures.


  • 高校图书高校教学科研信息中心图书数字化知识经济高校图书馆员提出更高要求

    University library is teaching and scientific research, information center and digital library knowledge economy of university librarian put forward higher request.


  • 本文通过分析网络环境高校图书馆员继续教育重要性必要性,论述了馆员继续教育的内容途径

    The contents and ways of continuing education under networking environment were illustrated with analysis of its importance and necessity.


  • 指出形势高校图书馆员业务培训必要性原则分析了馆员业务培训方法和应该注意的问题。

    Under the new situation, this paper points out the business training university librarians, analyzes the necessity, the principle of the librarians' prof...


  • 论述高校图书馆员培训必要性阐述高校图书馆员培训的原则提出高校图书馆员培训具体措施

    This paper expounds the necessity of university librarians' training, expounds some principles of university librarians' training, and advances some concrete measures for the librarians' training.


  • 论述如何通过提高高校图书馆员素质提高服务质量指出图书馆员树立读者至上新型服务理念

    This paper expounds how to improve the quality of service through improving the quality of librarians, and points out that librarians should establish the new service idea of the reader first.


  • 文章通过职业枯竭认知探讨高校图书馆员职业枯竭的表现原因,提出了馆员职业枯竭的心理调适对策

    Through cognition of job burnout, this paper discusses symptoms and causes of job burnout and then puts forward some countermeasures for librarians to readjust job burnout psychology.


  • 未来高校图书馆员英语素质,具有强的阅读能力和一定的的能力,能为读者提供深层次的信息服务

    The prospective librarians, rather capable of reading comprehension, should be able to listen, speak, write and translate in English so that they can provide better information service.


  • 随着高校图书传统图书现代数字图书转型信息情报资源网络化数字化高校图书馆员的素质提出新的要求

    With the transformation of college library from traditional one to digital library, the networking and digitalization of information resources have posed a new demand for the librarians in college.


  • 分析高校图书馆员“职业高原”现象产生个体原因、组织原因结构原因,个体组织两个方面提出了相应的应对措施

    The article analyzes the causes of the phenomenon in the individual, organizational and structural perspective, and puts forward the counter-measures form the individuals and structural aspects.


  • 高校图书馆员工作压力生成原因出发探讨缓解馆员工作压力的相应对策。

    Starting from the reasons of work pressure on female librarians of university library, this paper probes into some countermeasures for alleviating the work pressure on female librarians.


  • 然而高校法律图书特殊环境研究需要确保法律图书馆员提升服务赞助人熟练程度

    However, the particular environment and research needs of academic law libraries ensures that law librarians in these Settings will develop a level of proficiency that will benefit their patrons.


  • 网络环境高校图书教育职能实现提供了平台学科馆员高校图书馆教育职能实现的制度保障

    Network Environment provides platform for the realization of the educational function in the library of a university, while disciplinary librarian system is the assurance eof such function.


  • 学科馆员制度高校图书开展信息咨询服务关键所在

    The subject librarian system is the key factor for the university library to develop information consultancy service.


  • 所谓高校图书馆员助理参与高校图书管理服务工作在校大学生岗位称呼

    The so-called college librarian assistant is involved in the work of university library management and service positions in college students called.


  • 图书馆员继续教育高校图书提高服务质量水平关键因素之一

    The continuing education of librarians of universities and colleges is one of the key factors to improve service quality and level.


  • 图书馆员继续教育高校图书提高服务质量水平关键因素之一

    The continuing education of librarians of universities and colleges is one of the key factors to improve service quality and level.


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