• 到了马萨诸塞这个不起眼的地方

    I moved to this rinky-dink little place in Massachusetts.


  • 这位马萨诸塞州的参议员正在结束横穿美国东西海岸的行程。

    The Massachusetts senator is finishing his coast-to-coast tour across the United States.


  • 如果马萨诸塞再次露面的话,她发现一张拘捕令正等着

    If she shows her face again back in Massachusetts she'll find a warrant for her arrest waiting.


  • 马萨诸塞现在美国禁止捕杀鲨鱼之一

    Massachusetts is now one of the 10 states in America that have forbidden shark killing.


  • 马萨诸塞早期定居者包括英国受过良好教育影响力

    The early settlers of Massachusetts Bay included men of impressive education and influence in England.


  • 马姆贝特的墓碑仍然矗立马萨诸塞公墓那儿埋葬着尸体

    Mumbet's tombstone still stands in the Massachusetts cemetery where she was buried.


  • 马萨诸塞小学高中学生学习生涯中都必须通过一系列标准化测试

    Both elementary and high school students in Massachusetts must pass a series of standardized tests throughout their studies.


  • 根据马萨诸塞法律烟草公司必须测量每种香烟尼古丁含量报告结果

    Under the law in Massachusetts, tobacco companies have to measure the nicotine content of every type of cigarette and report the results.


  • 例如马萨诸塞医疗保健专业人员需要具备经过仔细查证继续教育学分

    For example, in Massachusetts, the healthcare professions require continuing education credits, which are carefully evidenced and documented.


  • 1633年,约翰·哈佛捐赠金钱以及300本书马萨诸塞一所成立学院

    In 1633 John Harvard gave money and more than 300 books to a newly established college in Massachusetts.


  • 伊利诺伊州参议员马萨诸塞部长所有参与者检测出三种污染物呈阳性

    Every one of the participants, ranging from an Illinois state senator to a Massachusetts minister, tested positive for all three classes of pollutants.


  • 马萨诸塞选民投票决定出因爱德华·肯尼迪去世而空缺一个参议员席位的人选。

    Voters in Massachusetts will vote for a senator to take the seat made vacant by the death of Edward Kennedy.


  • 1620年12月,勇敢殖民者最终不得不马萨诸塞岩石海岸的普利茅斯登陆。

    The brave group of colonists finally had to land at Plymouth on the rocky coast of Massachusetts in December 1620.


  • 1891年冬季一天美国马萨诸塞培训学校的一个走进体育馆进行日常训炼

    One winter day in 1891, a class at a training school in Massachusetts, U.S.A, went into the gym for their daily exercises.


  • 伊利诺伊州参议员马萨诸塞部长所有参与者被检测出三种污染物呈阳性

    Every one of the participants, ranging from an Illinois state senator to Massachusetts minister, tested positive for all three classes of pollutants.


  • 马萨诸塞托儿中心必须三个婴儿聘请名教师,其年均护理费用超过1.6万美元。

    In Massachusetts, where childcare centers must hire one teacher for every three infants, the price of care averaged more than $16,000 per year.


  • 2004年竞选总统期间,在爱荷华科洛作活动停留时,马萨诸塞参议员约翰·克里捕猎雉鸡

    Massachusetts Senator John Kerry hunts for pheasant during a campaign stop in Colo, Iowa during his 2004 run for the presidency.


  • 现在马萨诸塞一家公司表示通过扫描他们可以97%的准确率确定某人是否说真话。

    Now, a company in Massachusetts says that by using magnetic brain scans, they can determine with 97% accuracy whether someone is telling the truth.


  • 现在马萨诸塞一家公司表示通过使用扫描他们可以97%的准确率确定某人是否说真话。

    Now a company in Massachusetts says that by using magnetic brain scans they can determine with 97% accuracy whether someone is telling the truth.


  • 哈佛大学2011年的一份报告显示马萨诸塞取得了堪比韩国和芬兰数学成绩密西西比州分数则更接近特立尼达多巴哥

    A 2011 report from Harvard University shows that Massachusetts produces math scores comparable to South Korea and Finland, while Mississippi scores are closer to Trinidad and Tobago.


  • Keyssar考察了1870-1920年这时期,重点研究了马萨诸塞那里历史资料特别丰富研究结果也适用其他工业区

    Examining the period 1870-1920, Keyssar concentrates on Massachusetts, where the historical materials are particularly rich, and the findings applicable to other industrial areas.


  • 如果医生告诉病人:“不会认为最好的事情,因为觉得马萨诸塞医疗预算不利。”那他们可能会失去病人信任

    He said doctors risked losing the trust of patients if they told patients, "I'm not going to do what I think is best for you because I think it's bad for the healthcare budget in Massachusetts."


  • 布莱亚·邓纳姆马萨诸塞萨默维尔的母亲她一年级的孩子幼子一起洗澡,激动地见证兄弟间的亲情时刻,拍下张照片

    Bria Dunham, a mother in Somerville, Massachusetts, was so excited to watch a moment of brotherly bonding while her first-grader and baby took a bath together that she snapped a few photos.


  • 马萨诸塞伍斯特克拉克大学地理研究生生物学副教授多米尼克·库拉科夫斯基说:“越来越多的人把房子在了容易起火的环境之中。”

    "We are increasingly building our homes in fire-prone ecosystems," says Dominik Kulakowski, adjunct professor of biology at Clark University Graduate School of Geography in Worcester, Massachusetts.


  • 马萨诸塞参议员贾森·刘易斯众议院临时议长帕特丽夏·哈达确保董事会委员会中的 “性别平等” 而提出两项议案就是一个很好的例子

    A pair of bills sponsored by Massachusetts state Senator Jason Lewis and House Speaker Pro Tempore Patricia Haddad, to ensure "gender parity" on boards and commissions, provide a case in point.


  • 年前,马萨诸塞州的一位母亲发起了“友好彩绘石头活动”,现在它已经传播到了世界各地。

    The Kindness Rocks Project, which was started a few years ago by a mom in Massachusetts, has spread around the world.


  • 萨诸塞州塞勒姆大学的运动科学助理教授贾克琳·诺伯格说,正是这种奇特的形式使竞走成为一项有吸引力的活动。

    It's this strange form that makes race walking such an attractive activity, however, says Jaclyn Norberg, an assistant professor of exercise science at Salem State University in Salem, Mass.


  • 于1835年出生美国马萨诸塞州。

    She was born in Massachusetts, USA in 1835.


  • 相传全世界听到马萨诸塞州的枪声。

    Massachusetts, were, according to legend, heard around the world.


  • 于1835年出生美国马萨诸塞州,父亲百万富商

    She was born in Massachusetts, USA in 1835. Her father was a millionaire businessman.


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