• 包括模拟电路数字电路模拟电路运算电路采样保持电路饱和电路组成

    The including imitates the telephone and digital circuits, the simulation telephone is from the operation telephone, sample the hold circuit and defend the saturated telephone constitutive enzyme;


  • 技术充分利用PN反向饱和电流温度敏感函数的特性使用简单电路结构达到很好的温度特性电源抑制性能

    The sensitive temperature characteristics of PN junction inverse saturation current is fully utilized to obtain good temperature coefficient and PSRR with simple circuit structure.


  • 晶体管完全饱和电路打开关闭然后用于控制电路的工作,或者信息存储一个电路

    The transistor, when fully saturated, could turn a circuit on or off, and then could be used to control an electrical circuit or store information in an electrical circuit.


  • 重点研究了非线性电路跳变幅度变化饱和输出功率影响

    The changes of the step amplitude in non-linear dual step circuits are emphasized which affect saturated output power.


  • XRD电路进行了分析,计算出XRD的时间响应线性饱和电流

    The equivalent circuit of XRD was analyzed, and its response time and linear saturated current were calculated.


  • 介绍电视接收机显示器行扫描电路中的磁饱和电抗元件(线性校正线圈)原理铁氧体磁芯材料性能工艺要求

    This article describes the principium of line scan revise winding used in the line scan circuit of TV receiver and display, and the requirement for the characteristics of the ferrite core.


  • 本文采用跟随器、电流饱和电流开关高速单元电路设计种新颖BJT模拟开关。

    A new design of BJT analog switch using high speed unit such as emitter follower, current mirror and unsaturated current switch is presented.


  • 简要介绍自励可控饱和电抗器电路结构特性。

    The circuit topology and fundamentals of self-excited controllable saturated reactors are briefly introduced.


  • 介绍了实用的GTR保护驱动电路原理设计方法,并对电路的退饱和保护功能进行了测试。

    The principle and design method of practical drive circuit for GTR with self protection is introduced. The withdraw saturation protection of this circuit is also tested.


  • 建立电路(交流饱和状态运用)以铁氧体作为非线性电感数学模型

    For the circuit operating in AC and saturation condition, a mathematical model of the ferrites as the nonlinear inductance element is built up.


  • 运算放大器构造微分电路可能存在饱和现象导致输出输入电压之间满足微分关系,使微分电路失去应有性能。

    There may be saturation in the differential circuit built with the operational amplifier (op amp), which causes that the relationship between input and output is not differential expression.


  • 抑制过电压除了用相应RC电路外,还要注意它的最佳电路连接方法以及回路串入合适的饱和电抗器等。

    Besides adoption of the right RC circuit, attention must be payed on optimum circuit connecting, as well as proper saturable reactor seriesly connected in the circuit in order to suppress overvoltage.


  • 利用LTD等效电路PSPICE程序相结合,计算了LTD性能给出判断磁芯是否饱和简便方法

    A method of judging whether the core is saturated and simulating the output performance of LTD is presented with the combination of PSPICE program and LTD equivalent circuit.


  • 温控电路采用比例积分调节器,通过半导体制冷器,使激光器工作恒温状态下,同时引入积分分离思想,进而抑制积分饱和

    Temperature control was realized by PI adjustor based on semiconductor cooler. At the same time, integral separation was introduced to inhibit integral saturation.


  • 提出新型ZVT功率因数校正电路饱和电感联电加入辅助开关网络中。

    A novel ZVT power factor correction circuit is proposed, in which the saturable core and the-capacitor are added to the auxiliary switching network.


  • 信号采集系统主要针对呼吸体温血氧饱和脉率信号采集电路进行设计将采集数据单片机处理得到相应的参数信息。

    The signal acquisition system is mainly aimed at designing the circuit of breathing, body temperature, oxygen saturation and pulse rate single, and receiving the data from the single-chip.


  • 论文设计了光源发射驱动信号接收、信号调理数据采集硬件电路获得计算血氧饱和所需的信号

    Light sources launch driven, light signal reception, signal conditioning, and data acquisition system were designed, and signals for calculating oxygen saturation were acquired by these circuits.


  • 针对BTB部件功能需要,采用了随机替换算法以及两位饱和计数器算法,并给出电路实现电路结构简单,占用面积

    According to the desire of BTB's function, the paper realizes a pseudo-LRU replacement algorithm and two-bit bimodal algorithm. The circuit has advantages in its simple structure, and small space.


  • 系统硬件组成主要包括PXI系统、脉搏血氧饱和模拟器接口电路

    The hardware of the test system includes the PXI system, the Saturation of Pulse Oximetry simulator and the interface circuit.


  • 系统硬件组成主要包括PXI系统、脉搏血氧饱和模拟器接口电路

    The hardware of the test system includes the PXI system, the Saturation of Pulse Oximetry simulator and the interface circuit.


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