• 他们免费发放这种新型食物样品。

    They are giving away free of this new kind of cooking oil.


  • 他们免费发放这种新型食物样品

    They are giving away free A. samples of this new kind of cooking oil.


  • 所以如果可以一个饮食处方使达到健康的体重,我就会鼓励你(1)彻底放弃动物产品(2)食物油用量降低最小限度。

    So if I could write a diet prescription that would lead you to the healthiest body weight, I'd encourage you to (1) set aside animal products completely and (2) keep oils to an absolute minimum.


  • 健康饮食包括富含全麦纤维食物富含坚果植物和鱼等有益脂肪的食物

    Healthy diet includes foods rich in whole grains and fiber, foods with good fats from nuts, vegetable oils and fish, little sugar, and less red meat.


  • 中国人通常动物植物食物

    Chinese usually use animal or peanut oil to fry food.


  • 如果一定一定食物放在厨房上,翻动尽量吸干。

    If you must deep fry, be sure to drain the food on kitchen paper, turning it a few times to drain off as much oil as possible.


  • 我们发布规范建议永远带着食物上路,的爱车加满

    We issue the standard advice: always carry water and food with you, and make sure your mobile is topped up.


  • 如果部分氢化出现配料中,那么这份食物所含反式脂肪肯定配料表中显示的

    If partially hydrogenated oil appears near the beginning of the list, the food contains more trans fat than if the ingredient is low on the list.


  • 一般会把它片状放在其他食物上,或制成各种松露销售

    They are generally served sliced into extremely thin slivers on top of other food and are frequently suffused in oil for sale as truffle-oil.


  • 重复使用液态之前过滤除去食物残渣

    Before you reuse liquid deep fryer grease, it should be strained to remove old crumbs and food particles.


  • 同样必不可少还有哈吉斯——把羊肉、脂肪燕麦袋里做成的苏格兰传统小吃。 (BBC在某次介绍这种食物做法的时候,最后一步“入口响亮地嗝,或者马上去呕吐”。)

    Also compulsory is the eating of haggis, a concoction of minced offal, fat and oatmeal stuffed into a sheep’s stomach (a BBC recipe’s final instruction iseat and then belch loudly or throw up”).


  • 一个简单转换就是使用芥花籽食物

    One easy switch is to use canola or soybean oil for frying some foods.


  • 如果一定要深度,请在食物专用的食物过多吸掉,并在翻转食物尽量吸干。

    If you must deep fry then be sure to drain the food on kitchen paper, turning it a few times to drain off as much oil as possible.


  • 菜单上点烘焙烧烤、干煎、炙烤水煮清蒸食物吧,因为这些食物烹调过程中用的动物较少并且热量普遍较低

    Look for items on the menu that are baked, grilled, dry-sauteed, broiled, poached, or steamed. These cooking techniques use less fat in the food preparation and are generally lower in calories.


  • 他们过滤掉地沟食物残渣,然后重新希望削减成本餐馆商贩

    They sift old pieces of food from the oil and then resell it to restaurants and vendors looking to cut costs.


  • 鱼肉鸡肉也是食物的不错选择前提尽量不要用太多动物烹饪

    Other low-fat options are chicken without the skin, and fish, if they've been cooked without too much fat.


  • 海岸沿线螃蟹中发现有存在,而这些蟹类鱼类乌龟海鸟的主要食物来源。

    Along the coast, droplets of oil are being found inside the shells of young crabs that are a mainstay in the diet of fish, turtles and shorebirds.


  • 用心清洗减少水化合物消耗避免食物有效帮助你提高皮肤质量

    Careful cleaning, minimizing of carbohydrate consumption, and avoiding rich creams can be helpful in improving the quality of oily skin.


  • 含有反式脂肪的食物包括食品、快餐烤食品,比如花生酱以及含有氢化人造黄植物的食品。

    They are in fried foods, fast foods, commercially baked goods, such as peanut butter and items prepared with partially hydrogenated oil, margarine and vegetable oil.


  • 尽管有些家里使用食物残渣回收烹饪自制燃料,然而咖啡燃料看起来适合被大规模生产

    Although some people try to brew their own diesel at home from leftovers and recycled cooking oils, coffee-based diesel seems better suited to larger-scale processes.


  • 每种食物含有替代替代含有反式脂肪部分氢化困难因为找到和糖的替代品十分简单

    Sodium is in every food category, and it is more difficult to replace than the partly hydrogenated oil that composes trans fats, or than sugars, because there are easy substitutes for oils and sugars.


  • 棕榈人们食物来源,而用咖啡作燃料另外一个好处就是它不是食品来源。

    The coffee has the added benefit of not being a food source, like palm oil and soybeans.


  • 要求我们经常食用坚果低脂食物白奶酪、酸奶橄榄; 另外,还应少量地食用一些蒸煮禽肉

    It also includes frequent to medium consumption of nuts, low-fat products, like white-cheese and yogurt, olive oil and fish while for less frequent consumption recommends white meat.


  • 没有想吃酸败出来的食物没有人食物发现浸满食物残渣虽然食用起来安全的。

    No one wants to eat food Fried in rancid oil, and no one wants to find particles of old oil-soaked crumbs stuck to their food, even if it is safe to consume.


  • 橄榄追捧者认为优质特级纯橄榄通过烹饪带给食物特殊风味有益健康

    Partisans of the olive maintain that a high-quality extra-virgin oil brings its special flavor and health benefits to foods cooked in it.


  • 对于那些没有出口国家高昂食物价格得国家状况糟糕得火上浇

    For countries that have no oil to export, high fuel and food prices have made matters worse.


  • 许多藻类会生成作为食物储存以备不时之需。

    Many algae make oil, which they store as a foodstuff against an uncertain future.


  • 炸锅能极炸松脆薯条家庭自制甜甜其它食品但是每次炸东西的用量食物的成品偏高。

    Deep fryers are great for making crispy fries, homemade donuts, and other deep-fried fare, but the amount of oil they use to cook a single batch of food can get a little expensive.


  • 需要饮食包括各种水果蔬菜五谷杂粮、豆类橄榄坚果、低食物酸奶还有富含欧米伽3脂肪酸鱼类

    It needs a diet that will consist of lots of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, olive oil, nuts, low-fat dairy products like yogurt and fish that provides the omega-3 fatty acids.


  • 食物,就是我给你吃的蜂蜜摆在他跟前馨香的供物。耶和华说的。

    My meat also which I gave thee, fine flour, and oil, and honey, wherewith I fed thee, thou hast even set it before them for a sweet savour: and thus it was, saith the Lord GOD.


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