• 团队估计产品待办列表中每一项的大小

    The team sizes product backlog items.


  • 因为能量kT比值,决定了大小

    Because it's the ratio between the energy and kT that dictates the size of that term.


  • 设定控制大小

    Setting the size of controls.


  • 知道待办大小可以帮助我们排列优先制定发布计划。

    Knowing the size of the items helps prioritize them and plan the release.


  • 对话方块编辑器提供配置工具可自动对齐控制调整控制项的大小

    The Dialog editor provides layout tools that align and size controls automatically.


  • 文字方块可以显示行文字、以控制大小来将文字换行加入基本格式

    Text boxes can display multiple lines, wrap text to the size of the control, and add basic formatting.


  • 人类活动磨刀河口动力主要影响改变正压力项的大小几十年来,磨刀门河口正压力呈减小的趋势。

    The most important impact of the human activities on the estuarine dynamics of the modaomen estuary lies in altering the barotropic force which decreases generally in recent decades.


  • 人类活动磨刀河口动力主要影响改变正压力项的大小几十年来,磨刀门河口正压力呈减小的趋势。

    The most important impact of the human activities on the estuarine dynamics of the Modaomen estuary lies in altering the barotropic force, which decreases generally in recent decades.


  • 使用平铺视图属性方法,可以指定显示字段,还可以平铺视图窗口集中控制所有大小外观

    Tile view properties and methods enable you to specify which column fields to display for each item, and to collectively control the size and appearance of all items within a tile-view window.


  • 对于实现最佳BPEDB大小考虑设计模式使用工作

    Another design pattern to consider for an optimal BPEDB size is the usage of group work items.


  • 6显示了视频比特、视频大小高宽视频设置

    Figure 6 shows the video setting entries for video bit rate, frame rate, video size, and aspect ratio.


  • 例如可以一个屏幕移动同时改变大小

    You might have an item that moves around the screen and changes size at the same time, for instance.


  • 鉴于这个原因使用WebSphereVirtualEnterprise时,应当核心组大小限制50(作为比较保守举措)。

    For this reason, you should limit the core group size to 50 (as a conservative measure) when using WebSphere Virtual Enterprise.


  • 然而一个问题如果我们很多1K大小数据只有少量的200MB大小的数据,这将造成了数据分布不均衡。

    There is a problem, however: if we have many data elements which are 1K in size, and only a few which are 200MB, then we have an uneven distribution.


  • 计算开发最快速技术内存数据存储,它们不断增加速度和存储大小这样持续需求驱动的。

    One of the fastest-developing technologies in computing is memory and data storage, which are driven by the constant need for increases in speed and storage size.


  • 所以可以提取关于选择某种网格大小时在哪个网格层次上将生成多少索引信息而不必真正创建物化索引。

    So you can extract the information how many index entries would be generated on which grid level if you choose certain grid sizes — without actually creating and materializing the index.


  • 一些队列大小限制因此如果队列中加入一个,多就会拒绝。

    Some queues are restricted in size, so when you want to add a new item to a full queue, the additional item is rejected.


  • 半个世纪以来,科学界人士一直争论着这样个话题,即大脑大小是否智力有关。近日,美国科学家的一研究证明了两者之间的关系。

    For more than a century some of the biggest minds in science have debated whether brain size has anything to do with intelligence. A new study suggests it does.


  • 他们发现,如果矩阵每一平方英尺的话,整个计算结果可以覆盖曼哈顿大小地方

    They worked outthat if each entry in the matrix were written on paper that was one inchsquare, the answer would cover an area the size of Manhattan.


  • 未使用依赖可能不会应用程序的准确性任何影响它们的确影响应用程序的大小许可

    Unused dependencies may not have an impact on the correctness of an application, but they do affect its size and licensing.


  • 因为每个计划增加字符串长度总数大体相同,所以随后稳定期比例可以作为重新设置底层数组大小的参考指标

    Because each plan item increases the total string length by roughly the same amount, the ratio of subsequent plateaus provides an indicator of the resize factor for the underlying array.


  • 这个盒子里不同大小积木一个积木代表了列表的一任务。

    You'll be filling that box with wooden blocks of varying sizes, each of which represents a separate task on your list.


  • 天气预报大气模型一个特殊区域注入指定规模大小微粒()。

    It takes a weather-forecasting model of the atmosphere and injects particles of a specified mass and size at a particular place (the "source term").


  • 英国心脏协会研究表明四分之一英国是从小的荧幕上了解有关心脏病发作的信息的。

    A study by the British heart Association shows that one in four people in England get their information on heart attacks from what they see on the big and small screen [source: the Guardian].


  • 不过实验中使用不见底”的在且安全没有意识到的情况下,会比使用正常大小的人喝掉近73的汤。

    But in one experiment, diners giving a 'bottomless bowl' which automatically refilled with soup, ate 73 per cent more than those given normal bowls - and didn't even realise it.


  • 美国电视纪录片生产商资助下,该小组继续开展与实物相同大小试验

    The team went on to carry out a life-size test funded by an American TV documentary maker.


  • 我们一个区块大小设置8K如果我们2gb数据分为8 K大小区块最终网格得到250,000个8k的区块。

    Let's say a chunk is 8k: if we divide the 2gb data element into 8k chunks, we'll end up with 250,000 chunks of 8k in size that are stored in the grid.


  • 另一重要更改包括VMM动态可变页面大小支持(VPSS)。

    Another important change includes VMM dynamic variable page size support (VPSS).


  • 随着示例大小增长更加接近使用业务预期 75/25比率

    As the sample size grows, it will more closely match the expected 75/25 ratio from the business items used in this example.


  • 移除30分钟以上,以防止过时限制缓存大小

    An evictor removes entries older than 30 minutes to prevent staleness and limiting the size of the cache.


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