• 一直都喜欢启用当代英国乐队运用丰富多样伦敦音乐场景

    He always prefers to use contemporary British groups, drawing on the rich London music scene.


  • 几十年来,中国音乐场景一直变化不大,直到近年互联网的撼动下摇滚了一把。

    Unchanged for decades, China's music scene has been literally rocked in recent years by the internet.


  • 问到自己父亲置身同一个音乐场景,会不会觉得奇怪看上去稍微有点狐疑

    Asked whether he ever felt strange dabbling in the same music scene as his father, he looked briefly incredulous.


  • 索尔斯基明白这个声学规律,因为专业音乐,他通过制造非凡卓越的音乐场景,表达了这个规律

    So Musorgsky knew this law of acoustics because he was a professional musician and was playing off of it to create this rather unusual and remarkable musical sound-scape here.


  • 背景音乐可以通过联系场景来帮助观众理解

    Background music may aid viewer understanding by linking scenes.


  • 先生如果河南寻找此画中的场景这个演出创作音乐

    Mr. Tan said if a scene like the one in the painting could be found in Henan, he would create music for the show.


  • 节奏是指场景规律重复出现要素音乐某些有规律连续变化的音符

    Rhythm refers to the regular repeating occurrence of elements in the scene just as in music it refers to the regular occurrence of certain musical notes over time.


  • 致命诱惑》(1987)-贾尔是“吓人很吓人的一个片子”-中,阿德里安·莱恩让每个惊悚场景一点不引人注目的音乐行了。

    On "Fatal Attraction" (1987), "a very very scary film", as he found it, Adrian Lyne instructed him just to write "something discreet" whenever a scene was horrible.


  • 有了那些记录信息,导演就能进行编辑:比如重新拍摄失败镜头调整电影音乐,提升视觉效果以及运用其他各种改进方式完善替换掉那些效果平平的场景

    From that info a director can edit, re-shoot an actor’s bad performance, adjust a score, pump up visual effects and apply any other changes to improve or replace the least compelling scenes.


  • 缺少很多特效镜头、场景音效音乐

    It was without many effects and had missing scenes and temporary sound and music.


  • 单曲音乐录影带波扬·巴泽里(BojanBazelli)执导,由玛利亚·凯莉出演,场景一个移动的云朵楼梯背景衬托暗光舞台

    The single's music video, directed by Bojan Bazelli, features Carey on a darkly lit stage against a background of moving clouds and a staircase.


  • 镜子迷信已经成功音乐合唱队挑战,里面一出著名的镜子场景

    The mirror superstition has since been challenged with the successful musical Chorus Line, and its famous mirror scene.


  • 那时音乐随着画面一同出现,当电影表现悬疑悲伤或者公共混乱场景时,音乐恰如其分地表达着同样的情绪。

    Even then, music came along with the images, awarding them the right expression in the moments of suspense, of sadness or even on a common scuffle scene.


  • 尽管这些场景歌剧增添了黑色幽默以及很强的活力音乐还是平淡的。

    Though these scenes lend black humor and boisterous vitality to the opera, they are musically flat-footed.


  • 反复无常的人可以随时改变他们锻炼场景音乐类型

    The fickle can adjust their workout scenery and sound track.


  • 当时数千正在波里镇欢庆重金属音乐狂风卷携着大片黑云袭来,如同影片中描绘的末日场景,在场的人无不惊诧

    Thousands of people were celebrating at the festival in Pori when a strong freak wind with dark clouds shocked everyone.


  • 影片里或者动画里,场景创作出来,加入音乐还有一系列意向给观众传递某些信息

    With a film or animation scenes are composed, sequenced, and timed to music with the collective intention of leading an audience towards a specific message.


  • 主要用来解决声音分离分割、声音事件和声音源的刻划及表征听觉场景分析音乐分析等问题

    It aims to resolve problems such as sound segregation, segmentation, sound event and source characterization, auditory scene analysis and music analysis, etc.


  • 那儿会上有现场音乐演奏,还可以在午夜鸢尾花飘落美妙场景迎接新年

    The annual party there includes live music and a great view of the midnight fleur-delis drop to usher in the New Year.


  • 可能假设这样场景:您搜索一个网站,查找其中提供信息(比如电影音乐出席记录)。

    You might want to scour a website for information that it provides (such as attendance records for movies or concerts).


  • 尽管片段式歌曲符合那个时期娱乐风格周杰伦丰富多样音乐风格每个场景配合得天衣无缝,使得这些歌曲透过音乐棱镜折射而大放异彩

    The songs, while fragmented, are not recreations of the period style, but rather, are refracted through Chou's musical prism as he employs a rich variety of styles to fit each occasion.


  • 特别喜欢此类场景,比如男人女人演奏乐器她们讲解音乐或是她们演奏

    He is particularly attached to scenes in which men teach women how to play Musical Instruments, explain music to them, or play music for them.


  • 通过适时地再现这些历史时刻的所有场景看到人类历史艺术演变欣赏舞台演员们带来的音乐

    You will also get to see mankind's social and artistic evolution through scenes that recreate these historical moments in time and to enjoy the music with the characters on stage.


  • 中国五十六民族每个民族全部有个人独特的音乐过一首描绘蒙古族人民赛马场景的二胡曲吗?

    China has fifty-six nationalities, each nation has its own unique music, you've heard a Mongolian People's racing scene depicting Erhu it?


  • 现代武术舞台表演最为突出舞蹈音乐情景艺术多种元素融入,以及高科技手段运用舞台场景变化

    Of modern stage performance, the most prominent is the integration of various elements such as dancing, music, scene and art , the use of high-tech devices and the changes of the stage scene .


  • 伍迪·艾伦的这部电影里,开场便运用了音乐蒙太奇手法展示巴黎街景,而大部分场景中,

    During the musical montage of city scenes at the beginning of Woody Allen's new film there are more cars than people in most of the shots.


  • 信仰获得许多女孩肯德基成像以下场景缓慢温和音乐高档KFC

    In faith, I have gain many girls love in KFC, imaging the following scene: with slow and bland music, at slap-up KFC.


  • 信仰获得许多女孩肯德基成像以下场景缓慢温和音乐高档KFC

    In faith, I have gain many girls love in KFC, imaging the following scene: with slow and bland music, at slap-up KFC.


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