• 好几年来,山达教会传记作者谢尔曼合约年代顺序记录这位创始人的生活但是那本书仍然被认可,教会拒绝谢尔曼见个聊。

    For years, the church has had a contract with a biographer, Dan Sherman, to chronicle the founder's life, but there is still no authorized book, and the church refused to let me talk to Sherman.


  • 那么哪个才是真的巴马? 是那个幼稚无能的“矮子”还是那个搞雅弗利

    So which is the real Mr Obama: the naive incompetent “in over his head” or the duplicitous Machiavellian?


  • 一方罗克看起来牺牲”,则完全与廷不同。

    Roark's apparent "sacrifice, " on the other hand, isnothing of the sort.


  • 克林姆林宫对他们眼中的贪婪的巴耶夫没有任何同情。

    The Kremlin shed no tears for Mr Bakiyev, whom it saw as two-faced and greedy.


  • 维克斯曼--议案美国经济超过ETS欧洲的经济覆盖补偿更加慷慨大方

    The Waxman-Markey bill covers more of the American economy than the ETS does of Europe’s, and takes a far more generous approach to offsets.


  • 于是出去了。伊甸园东边安设路伯转动火焰的把守生命道路

    So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life.


  • 于是出去了。伊甸园东边安设路伯转动发火焰把守生命树的道路

    "So he drove out the man; and he placed at the east of the garden of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned every way, to keep the way of the tree of life," and read.


  • 赛璐珞(片):胶片(赛璐珞)

    Cell Side: The base (Celluloid) surface of a strip of film.


  • 圆锥一部分平行,也不平行于圆锥母线。

    A conic section whose plane is not parallel to the axis base or generatrix of the intersected cone.


  • 镀锌网箱施工图纸平整放在挖好的

    The stone cage nets should be galvanized according to construction drawings flat on the pit dug or slope.


  • 雅弗利《邦主鉴》里那种比较闻名的“不道德的”主义,至少同样重要的。

    This aspect of Machiavelli is at least as important as the more famous "immoral" doctrines of the Prince.


  • 塞迪承认乡愁固然痛苦可以有效生命有意义

    Sedikides admits that nostalgia has its painful side, but the net effect is to make life seem more meaningful.


  • 本文水平保护层一次爆破开挖技术李家峡水电站工程应用实例

    In this paper, a new technique of protective layer excavation of horizontal foundation was expounded and applied to the construction of Lijiaxia hydropower station.


  • 4号卫星单挑天行者,黑暗能量卢克

    Kyp confronted Skywalker on Yavin 4 and used his dark side energies to knock Luke into a coma.


  • 合成皮革条(质地紧密并且有很多小孔)像是不是PT -03乙烯类嵌条。

    The lower synthetic leather panels (both solid and perforated) are suede-like rather than the vinyl-like panels of the PT-03.


  • 科洛桑沦陷由于弟弟阿纳金杰娜恼羞成怒,帮助杰娜摆脱黑暗

    After the fall of Coruscant, Kyp helped Jaina steer away from the dark side, as the death of her brother Anakin filled her with rage.


  • 结果表明,包膜尿素施情况下,浓度始终接近对照水平通过径流损失可能性很小

    Under base employ of the coated urea, the total N concentration of farm surface water was near the contract level, and the possibility via runoff was very little.


  • 可以通过多种方式达到本上不外乎,托组织沿制作一个突起区域,这就是提到的后

    This is achieved in a variety of ways, but essentially involves creating a raised groove or area along the posterior border, on the fitting surface. This is often referred to as the postdam.


  • 易怒米勒设立一个10英寸工作普遍复合工具片。

    Gingery miller set up with a 10 inch face plate for facing large work and the universal compound tool and base.


  • 提出一种反求工程局部参数方法数据边界特征的自动提取方法。

    This paper presented a method for automatic edge points extraction of point data based on local base surface parameterization.


  • 结果表明:经等径角轧制后板材晶粒取向等径角轧制前的(0002)取向演化共存的取向。

    It is found that the orientation of the sheet processed by ECAR is changed and the crystal orientation evolves from (0002) basal plane orientation to coexistence of basal plane and non-basal plane.


  • 检测圆锥管螺纹方法很多,但测量过程复杂。

    There are many ways to measure base-level pitch diameter of cone-shaped thread.


  • 使用相匹配滤波技术提取振型相位然后再利用时变滤波进行振幅校正,以此分离出信号

    Phase-matched filter is applied to extract phase of fundamental surface wave, and then time-variable filter is used to correct amplitude spectrum in order to isolate fundamental mode signs.


  • 其他消息马尔奥尼、特雷泽盖图多尔帕罗扎内蒂莱罗塔列兰特仍然养伤中,不会接下来一周进入比赛名单。

    In other related news, Marchionni, Trezeuget, Tudor, Paro, Zanetti, Giannichedda, Legrottaglie and Mirante are still injured for the Bianconeri and will not be available for the next upcoming weeks.


  • 目的探讨异常形态上颌全口义齿应力分布状况影响

    Objective:To investigate the influence of occlusal surface morphology on stress distribution in the base of maxillary complete dentures(MCD).


  • 目的探讨异常形态上颌全口义齿应力分布状况影响

    Objective:To investigate the influence of occlusal surface morphology on stress distribution in the base of maxillary complete dentures(MCD).


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