• 意味着如果明天所有持有希腊债券CDS的投资者都合同进行结算易手金额低于所有合同的面值之和。

    That means that if everyone who owned a CDS on Greek debt settled their contracts tomorrow, a shrinking amount of money would change hands than the face value of all the contracts.


  • 如果贷款关联债券掉价,业主以低价购进等量面值债券并用之冲抵现有贷款

    If the price of the associated mortgage bond drops, the homeowner can buy the equivalent face value of bonds at a discount, and use it to redeem the existing home mortgage loan.


  • 最后谈判终于达成协议——希腊私有债权人所持有债券价值跌去面值一半

    In the end, negotiations settled on a bond exchange that will cut the face value of Greece's debt to private creditors by half.


  • 买入指数关联债券可以防止缩水因为总是能够面值甚至更高赎回。

    And buyers of index-linked bonds have protection against deflation, since they will always be redeemed at their face value or higher.


  • 债券的最终价值可能位于一美金面值还本分钱到三毛钱

    Recovery values on its bonds could be anything from pennies to more than 30 cents on the dollar.


  • 购买一份真实收益率为2%的10年期债券,当面值为1000美元债券最初付息是20美元。

    Take a bond with a 2% real yield maturing in ten years’ time; the bond will pay an initial $20 on a face value of $1, 000.


  • 有银行家说,“对他们来说高价买入企业债券没有任何意义,他们满足于债券面值的价格买入。”

    It rarely makes sense to buy at that high a price for them to be satisfied with being paid off only at par [the full value of the bond].


  • 后来,厄瓜多自行面值三分之一价格大部分债券因此厄瓜多无法立即海外市场发行债券

    It then bought most of them back for only about a third of face value. It thus has no immediate prospect of issuing new bonds in international markets.


  • 这些利率下,活跃对冲基金或许仍然准备一把希腊会按票面值还贷,但是主流基金都在抛弃他们持有的这些债券

    At those rates, the racier sort of hedge fund might still be prepared to gamble on Greece paying back its debts at face value, but mainstream funds are abandoning the bonds in their droves.


  • 篇报道还表示,如果银行资本低于特定水平银行债券持有人债券面值自动降低30%。

    The report said the holders of the bond would automatically suffer a 30% cut in the value of their holding if capital fell below a certain level.


  • 溢价或者折价购入债券实际支付的价款债券面值差额应当债券到期分期摊销。

    Where bonds are acquired at a premium or discount, the difference between the cost and the face value of the bonds shall be amortized over the periods prior to maturity of the bonds.


  • 还有说法干脆将减值希腊债券换成EFSF发行面值低一些债券

    There is also talk of simply exchanging the impaired Greek bonds with new bonds issued by the EFSF bailout fund, which would have lower face values.


  • 银行提供此项服务需收取费用金边债券发行面值千分之一。

    Banks charge a fee for this service-about one hundredth of one percent of the face value of the gilt issued.


  • 这种操作几乎不为人知。投资者可以找到病入膏肓人士联合他们低于面值的价格公开市场买进附带上述条款的债券,让自己变成债券的共同持有人。

    In a little-known practice, investors can recruit a terminally ill person and together they can scoop up these bonds on the open market for a discount.


  • 如此地忽略规则以至于银行不得不账簿债券其它交易贷款标记市场价格去年导致适当的减少了账面值巨大损失)。

    So forget the rule that banks have to mark the bonds and other tradable loans on their books to market prices, which for the past year has been causing huge losses due the writedowns.


  • 债券售价超过面值部分差额。

    The market price of a bond is higher than its face value.


  • 每年低于面值购买债券帐面价值增添的额外部分。

    The annual addition to book value contributed by bonds purchased below par.


  • 优先股债券相似它们明确面值确定股利

    Preferred stocks are similar to bonds in that they have stated face values and a specified dividend payment.


  • 这种债券始于1956年,英镑单位需要时可面值兑现。

    The bonds, which were introduced in 1956, are in units of one pound and are redeemable at face value on demand .


  • 溢价或者折价购入债券,其实际支付价款债券面值差额应当债券到期前分期摊销。

    Where bonds are acquired at a premium or discount the difference between the cost and the face value of the bonds shall be amortized over the periods prior to maturity of the bonds.


  • 指的债券优先股按照等同于面值价格出售

    A bond or preferred stock which is selling at a price equal its face (or par) value.


  • 举例假设面值10美元的债券以102%价格购入经纪人佣金5美元,应计利息20美元。

    To illustrate, assume that a $10 bond is purchased at 102 plus a brokerage fee of $5 and accrued interest of $20.


  • 债券打折出售到期支付利息只支付面值债券

    A bond that is issued and sold at a discount, pays no coupons and provides payment of the face value at maturity.


  • 债券打折出售到期支付利息只支付面值债券

    A bond that is issued and sold at a discount, pays no coupons and provides payment of the face value at maturity.


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