• 撒切尔卷入策划事件南非认罪,他在不知情情况下资助这些唯利是图者非法购买飞机

    Thatcher was embroiled in the plot and pleaded guilty in South Africa to unwittingly funding a purchase of an aircraft allegedly linked to the mercenaries.


  • 更往下游去了解供应链,我们发现,木材经营者木材工厂认证通常大致由他们非法购买文件来完成的。

    Further down the supply chain, timber-dealers and factories are often certified largely on the strength of documents which may be illegally bought.


  • 非法购买DVD用来播放韩国肥皂剧,让他们感受到了韩国人享受美好生活,他们不再相信韩国美国践踏下的殖民地

    Illegal DVDs showing South Korean soap operas gave northerners a taste of the better life their former countrymen enjoyed, helping to destroy the myth of South Korea as a downtrodden Yankee colony.


  • 世卫组织说,50%以上情况中因特网隐藏实际地址非法网站购买药品发现假冒的。

    In more than 50% of cases, medicines purchased over the Internet from illegal sites that conceal their physical address have been found to be counterfeit, according to WHO.


  • 但是对于购买进入零售商店客户数量信息以此来进行交易也是非法的吗?

    But is it also illegal to buy information about the number of customers going into a retailer, and trade using those data?


  • 声称博物馆购买来历不明古代雕像应该非法的。

    It should be illegal, she declared, for museums to purchase classical statuary whose provenance was unclear.


  • 绿色和平组织希望各大公司拒绝购买涉嫌非法砍伐森林的牧场产品

    Greenpeace wants companies to refuse to buy products sourced from farms that have carried out illegal deforestation.


  • 采购暂停期内,上述制鞋企业拒绝砍伐森林而来的牧场购买皮革无论这些牧场合法的还是非法的。

    Under the moratorium, the footwear companies will refuse to buy leather sourced from farms on both legally and illegally deforested land.


  • 目前使用点对点网络之中,85%欢迎这样服务,57%的表示他们停止非法文件共享,他们中77%人表示将继续购买CD

    Of those currently using P2P networks 85% would welcome such a service, with 57% saying that it would stop them filesharing illegally and 77% of them claiming they would still buy CDs.


  • 血腥钻石”(以及如何避免购买到此类非法钻石。)

    "Blood Diamonds" and How to Avoid Buying Illicit gems.


  • 事实上他们说道我们愿意购买销售任何来自非法定居点产品但是我们乐于购买或销售来自于以色列国内商品因为以色列一个合法国家

    They say, in effect: we do not want to buy or sell the products of the illegitimate settlement program, but we are happy to buy or sell Israeli goods because Israel is a legitimate state.


  • 虚假恶意软件警告已经成为引诱无辜用户购买非法软件通用手段

    Fake malware warnings have become a common method of luring innocent users into buying illegitimate software.


  • 但是他们一首好歌热爱程度,能够匹敌非法途径获得的专业能力以及内心中不愿意花钱购买的想法。

    But their love of a good tune is matched only by their proficiency at obtaining it illegally and their reluctance to pay for it.


  • BI挪威管理学院份报告发现那些非法下载盗版音乐的用户相较不下载音乐的用户,在付费购买音乐的可能性上要高出10

    A report from the BI Norwegian School of Management has found that those who download music illegally are also 10 times more likely to pay for songs than those who don't.


  • 那些掩盖真实邮政地址非法网站购买药品[7],假冒药品的比例50%以上

    In over 50% of cases, medicines purchased over the Internet from illegal sites that conceal their physical address7 have been found to be counterfeit.


  • 除了促进销售计算机视觉技术同样也可以阻止销售方面,最近日本,通过自动贩卖机销售香烟,如验证购买对象是否年满20周岁,将被视为非法

    Computer vision can prevent sales, too. In Japan it recently became illegal to sell tobacco from vending machines without verifying that customers are at least 20 years old.


  • 除了促进销售计算机视觉技术同样也可以阻止销售方面,最近日本,通过自动贩卖机销售香烟,如验证购买对象是否年满20周岁,将被视为非法

    Computer vision can prevent sales, too.In Japan it recently became illegal to sell tobacco from vending machines without verifying that customers are at least 20 years old.


  • 但是尼尔森公司每周持续下降唱片销售统计数据表明没有什么能够遏止音乐迷们靠非法下载不是购买来获得歌曲专辑的行为。

    But as the constantly declining weekly Nielsen SoundScan sales figures demonstrate, nothing seems to have deterred music fans from stealing rather than purchasing songs and albums.


  • 零售价格之间存在巨大差异的时候(经常是300%),已缴税商品都可能税率地区购买然后运输税率地区非法销售。

    Where there are large differences in retail prices (often more than 300%), duty-paid products may be purchased in a low tax area and transported to a high tax area to be sold illegally.


  • 支持伴侣动物领养工作,以领养代替购买支持非法宠物交易

    Adopt pets instead of buying them and do not buy pets from illegal markets.


  • 利比亚制造购买酒精饮品都非法的。

    It's illegal either to produce or consume alcohol in Libya.


  • 消费者可能欺骗购买虚假非法商品

    It is highly possible that consumers might be fooled into buying fake or illegal products.


  • 手头第一件事水货问题。似乎必要重申一点:任何非法地下市场购买物品行为严格禁止的。

    Okay, the first matter at hand: gray market goods. As if I needed to say it again. The purchase of human articles from the gopher underground is strictly prohibited .


  • 购买非法物品洗钱用户完全可以通过比特币提款机或其他管理机构能轻松完成交易。

    Users who want to purchase illegal goods or launder money can do it easily without touching a Bitcoin ATM or other regulated service.


  • 美国司法部门表示广告导致非法进口处方药美国允许没有获得正当处方就可以购买这些

    The U. s. Justice Department says the ads led to illegal imports of prescription medication into the country, and allowed the purchase of these drugs online without valid prescriptions.


  • 什指出,《哈利·波特》印度风靡导致越来越多的非法途径购买猫头鹰

    Mr Ramesh said the craze for Harry Potter in India had led to an increase in people in buying owls for illegal bird trades.


  • 沃尔玛刚刚揭露购买中国制造非法木材(来自俄罗斯)。

    Wallmart has just been exposed for buying wood products made in China from illegal (Russian) timber.


  • 沃尔玛刚刚揭露购买中国制造非法木材(来自俄罗斯)。

    Wallmart has just been exposed for buying wood products made in China from illegal (Russian) timber.


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