• 视频记录超速电子警察检测方式雷达检测方式

    Video records of the police for speeding electronic detection method for radar detection methods.


  • 为了提高雷达检测信号能力它的就显得非常重要

    In order to improve the power of detecting radar weak signal, the key is to restrain noise of radar weak signal.


  • 雷达检测设备进行周期检定雷达装备计量保障工作重要内容之一

    Periodical check-up of the radar test equipment is one of the important tasks of the radar equipment measurement support.


  • 实际雷达检测环境中波、噪声产生干扰功率通常未知的。

    In a realistic radar detection scenario, the disturbance power generated by thermal noise and clutter is unknown.


  • 本文论述非瑞利雷达检测概率和虚警概率的计算机蒙特卡洛模拟方法

    The Monte Carlo Simulation Method of radar detection Performance in non-Rayleigh clutter is described.


  • 由于雷达检测背景复杂起伏经典CFAR检测不能保持稳定检测性能。

    Because of the complex and fluctuant background in radar, classical CFAR detection technology lose its stability.


  • 由于雷达检测具有无损、高效快捷分辨率等特征广泛应用混凝土质量检测方面。

    Thanks to its nondestructive, high-efficient, quick and high resolution, it is used in a wide range of concrete quality detection.


  • 展示自行开发软件系统进行处理解释的实例成果,证明地质雷达检测公路基层脱空可行的。

    The results obtained with the software developed by ourselves show that it is practicable to detect gaps between layers in highway bed by using GPR.


  • 海面低速目标非均匀运动射频瞬态干扰引起多普勒展宽影响高频地波雷达检测目标的准确性

    The Doppler spectral broadening due to nonstationary movement of target and radio-frequency clutter will decrease the veracity of target detection by high frequency ground wave (HFGW) radar.


  • 由于船舶靠岸速度,多很小,利用一般连续波多普勒雷达检测船舶靠岸速度,困难较大

    When Doppler frequency shift is very low for the very slow speed of a ship drawing alongside, it is rather difficult to detect ship's speed with a general CW Doppler Radar.


  • 通过公路地质雷达原理检测实例分析,论述地质雷达检测公路行业施工管理中的重要作用。

    Through the analysis of geological radar in principle and detecting cases, discussion is made on the significance of it used in construction management of highway engineering.


  • 文中详细研究了韦伯杂波形状参数目标起伏特性检测参数对雷达检测性能影响得出一些新的结果

    The effects of the shape parameter of weibull clutter, the target fluctuating characteristics, and the parameter of the detectors are studied in detail and some new results are obtained.


  • PD雷达检测中,雷达接收到回波信号能量相当传统雷达积累检测方法不能可靠地检测目标

    In the PD radar detection, when the echo signal energy received is quite weak, the targets cannot be detected reliably with the traditional radar accumulation and detection method.


  • LFMCW雷达检测运动目标,可以采用对称三角lfmcw信号通过配对实现动目标距离、速度耦合

    Triangular frequency modulation continuous wave, combined with frequency domain matching, is adopted to solve the problem of range-velocity decoupling in LFMCW radars.


  • 本文研究成果开发车载地质雷达检测系统,以及实际工程地质雷达非接触式检测技术应用具有一定的实用价值

    The study will be practical value for the development of the vehicle-system GPR detection and the application of non-contact GPR detection technology in actual project.


  • 本文通过地质雷达公路隧道衬砌检测模型试验研究地质雷达检测混凝土厚度、二衬中的不同深度,不同间距钢筋以及衬砌模型中的缺陷

    The paper did research on the thickness, depth, different spacing steel, and other bugs in the second concrete lining, through the model experiment of GPR in the highway tunnel lining detection.


  • 接下来宽带雷达目标多散射中心回波模型进行了仿真验证目标跨距离单元走动规律,对目前常用宽带雷达检测方法进行了仿真比较;

    A method of moving target detection in wide-band radar is then advanced basing on the MTCI algorithm, and the feasibility of the method is validated by simulation and experiment data.


  • 这起ufo事件发生数小时,俄罗斯雅库茨克西伯利亚地区空中交通管制员,声称雷达检测时速6000英里的速度飞行65000英尺高度

    Only hours prior to the March 1 event, air-traffic controllers in Yakutks, Siberia, claim to have picked up a UFO on radar traveling at 6000 MPH at a height of 65, 000ft.


  • 这起UFO事件发生数小时,俄罗斯雅库茨克西伯利亚地区空中交通管制员,声称雷达检测时速6000英里的速度飞行65000英尺高度

    Only hours prior to the March 1 event, air-traffic controllers in Yakutks, Siberia, claim to have picked up a UFO on radar traveling at 6000 mph at a height of 65,000ft.


  • RADA系统开发雷达用于威胁检测态势感知火力控制

    Rada designed the radar for this system for threat detection, situational awareness and fire control.


  • 简单来讲隐形技术可以使飞机雷达其他检测方法变得部分不可见

    Simply speaking, stealth technology allows an aircraft to be partially invisible on radar or any other detection methods.


  • 通过采用电子制导雷达波束技术使传感器可以同一时间完成多项任务同时大大提高检测能力

    By electronic guidance of the radar beam this technology enables the sensor to fulfill several tasks at the same time while increasing the detection capability substantially.


  • 雷达直升机提供远程水面舰艇搜索成像跟踪能力包括先进潜望镜检测模式

    The radar affords the helicopter long-range search, imaging, and tracking capabilities for surface vessels and includes an advanced periscope detection mode.


  • 雷达直升机提供远程搜索水面舰艇成像跟踪潜艇检测使用敌我识别系统识别飞行中的其他飞机

    The radar provides the helicopter with long-range search, imaging and tracking of surface vessels, a periscope detection mode, and the IFF to identify other aircraft in flight.


  • 新的强大的雷达采用积极电子定标阵列能够检测到非常微弱的目标,快速抓住它的隐身技术

    New, more powerful radars using active electronically scaled arrays can pick up fainter and fainter targets, and are fast catching up to stealth technology.


  • 然后Rodrigue博士开始检测小组所谓的“香水雷达探测器”,他将四种味道的基本香精油(柑橘柠檬茉莉百里香)放在这个设备面前。

    Dr Rodrigues then tested what the group calls its "perfumery radar" by presenting it with four essential scent oils: orange, lemon, jasmine and thyme.


  • 桑德日斯多姆高层大气科学研究所SondrestromUpper Atmospheric ResearchFacility拥有一个32米宽雷达抛物面天线反射镜(radar dish),可以检测海拔60公里至600公里的传导性有助于详细说明尖端电路结构

    The Sondrestrom Upper Atmospheric Research Facility has a 32-metre-wide radar dish. It measures conductivity from an altitude of 60km to600km and has helped define the cusp's circuitry.


  • NIITEK雷达探测系统允许士兵通过地面检测金属探测器办法检测威胁

    NIITEK says the radar system allows soldiers to detect threats through the ground that metal detectors wouldn't pick up.


  • 另外并非所有雷达基站可以检测地球3.5万公里外层太空轨道上的物体

    In addition, not all radar stations can detect objects in deep space orbit-about 22,000 miles above the Earth.


  • LFMCW雷达目标检测问题最终可归结差频信号处理

    The problem of LFMCW radar target detection, in essential, is the beat signal processing.


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