• 难度系数多少?

    How hard is it?


  • 就使得韩德胜成为全球工作难度系数最高

    That leaves Fritz Henderson - the man with the toughest job in the world.


  • 等级难度系数皆是扯咸,最主要天然开口

    Climbing is so much more than grades and numbers. It is important to start enjoying the beauty of nature and community right from the beginning.


  • 课程将会简单实验开始,逐渐加大实验的难度系数

    We will start with easy science experiments and then move on to experiments with a bit more difficulty level.


  • 先前早就表征质量方法钻进难度系数井身质量记分卡。

    There have long been quality measures such as the drilling difficulty index and the wellbore quality scorecard.


  • 所有个组合(巴西一对是个例外)选用动作的难度系数相当

    All first 8 teams (with a single exception of Brasil duo) performed the combinations of very high Degree of Difficulty.


  • 方法综合考虑治疗术中操作相关基本因素附加因素,设计难度系数计算公式

    METHODS:After the primary and additional factors related to technic difficulties in root canal therapy had been wholly considered, the formula for calculation the difficulty coefficient was set up.


  • 按照难度系数每个任务排名也许会扔掉垃圾难度2然而着在书上3东西是9

    Rank each task for DIFFICULTY: you might say that taking out the garbage is a 2, while sitting and writing 3 pages of your book is a 9.


  • 词汇层面,博客评论在人称代词使用方面存在着差异,而且评论部分的难度系数相对较低可读性较高

    And the Fog Index of the sample comments is lower than that of the blog texts, which indicates a relatively high readability and accessibility ofthe comments area to be read.


  • 伏明霞跳水动作12名决赛选手难度系数最高5英尺2.126身型时溅起的水花很小

    Fu Mingxia's dives had the highest degree of difficulty among the 12 finalists. Her 5-foot-2,126-pound frame made only the slightest splash as it cut the surface of the water.


  • 发明能够不破坏植物组织,直接测量植物形态特征并且操作过程简单,操作难度系数,测量误差效果。

    The invention can directly measure plant morphological characteristics, and has simple operation process, low degree of operation difficulty and the effect of small measurement error.


  • 运动员所得分数去掉一最高分一个最低分剩下5得分总和35乘以难度系数就是动作的有效得分。

    The highest and lowest scores are scratched. The remaining five scores are totaled, multiplied by 3, divided by 5, then multiplied by the degree of difficulty.


  • 结论制作金属修复牙列磨损及缺失,虽然难度系数较大,但目前不失为一种良好齿科临床修复方法

    Conclusion Fabricating complete metal occlusal pad, though the difficulty coefficient is big, is still a good dental clinical restoration method at present.


  • 考查难度系数题型为主要控制参数建立了组卷问题数学模型,并给出遗传算法解决组问题的新方法。

    This paper presented a mathematical model with the main controlling parameters of the main points of knowledge, coefficient of difficulty and the structure of test question.


  • 一化专家权重、专家个人效用函数权重以及标准化后的指标计算效用函数,即可确定公路路政管理难度系数

    Therefore, the difficulty coefficient of road administration is determined by calculating the group utility function based on the normalized weights, utility function of every expert and the indexes.


  • 由于混杂复合材料组分多、结构复杂因此预测热膨胀系数难度较大。

    The components of hybrid composites are quite complicated and diverse. Therefore it 's difficult to predict its thermal expansion coefficient.


  • 岩体弹性抗力系数试验难度大,一般特大型水电工程隧洞进行

    The experiment on the elasticity resisting coefficient of rock mass is very difficult to be done, so it is conducted only in the pressure tunnel of oversize hydroelectric projects.


  • 确定网络能量函数加权系数困难引入竞争机制后,大大简化问题难度相关的网络参数容易确定。

    It is the most difficult to determine the weight coefficients of the energy function. If we introduce the competitive mechanism, to determine the pertinent parameters is easy.


  • 低温储罐混凝土基础,不但要有一定强度,还要达到一定保冷系数,其施工难度相对较大。

    Sufficient compression strength and cold insulation coefficient must be reached for the cold insulation concrete foundation of a low temperature storage tank.


  • 2H施工难度大:水平井段长,管柱摩阻大,对施工管柱要求安全系数

    The construction of P202-2H well is hard due to long horizontal hole section and large string friction. High safety coefficient for strings in construction is required.


  • 2H施工难度大:水平井段长,管柱摩阻大,对施工管柱要求安全系数

    The construction of P202-2H well is hard due to long horizontal hole section and large string friction. High safety coefficient for strings in construction is required.


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