• 这个技术的实现进一步建立隧道病害诊断评价系统奠定了基础。

    As a result, a stable groundwork is established for the tunnel disease diagnosis and appraisal system.


  • 目前铁路运营隧道病害状况严重有些已达到威胁铁路行车安全程度。

    The present damage situation of railway operation tunnels is very serious, sometimes they even threaten the traffic safety of the trains passing through the tunnel.


  • 寒冷或严寒地区隧道常在春出现渗漏并引发各种冰冻,造成隧道病害

    Leakage often occurs in the tunnel at cold region during the spring thawing period and results in some tunnel diseases.


  • 问题是常见隧道病害影响隧道正常使用,危及行车安全重要因素。

    Groundwater seepage and water inflow usually happen in tunnel, which have great impact on normal operation of the tunnel and threaten the traffic safety.


  • 介绍南岭隧道地质条件、原设计施工概况,以及隧道病害现状及本次病害整治措施

    The article introduces the geological conditions, design and construction, present situation of the defects and the defect treatment measures of Nanling tunnel.


  • 通过模拟分析隧道衬砌结构不同病害状态力学特性提出了隧道病害不同治理措施。

    By analyzing the mechanics state of secondary lining under different tunnel diseases, several treatments is put forward in the paper.


  • 裸洞隧道病害产生主要是地下应力场损伤渗流温度因素耦合作用形成的,非常复杂非线性耦合过程

    Cavern tunnel diseases, mostly forming underground stress field under the action of damage, seepage, temperature and other factors, are very complicated nonlinear coupling process.


  • 衬砌开裂黄土公路隧道普遍存在病害

    The lining cracks are widespread diseases of highway tunnel in the loess.


  • 调查表明隧道变形病害所在斜坡出现滑坡现象密切相关并且严重危及铁路行车安全

    The survey shows that deformation and fracture of tunnel is correlative with landslide intimately and endangers security of trains running seriously.


  • 可以广泛地用于线路、场地隧道边坡等项目工程地质勘查病害诊断。

    It can be widely used in engineering-geological investigation and hazard research of highway, site, tunnel and slope.


  • 介绍隧道病害现状,对病害原因进行了全面的分析

    Introduce the diseases current status of Damao right tunnel, and analyse the reason of diseases.


  • 运用理论分析模型试验现场试验方法铁路隧道基底结构受力状态病害产生的机理以及病害整治措施进行研究。

    By using the methods of theoretic analysis, model experiment and spot test, the mechanical condition of tunnel bed, the mechanism of tunnel bed disease and the treatment measures are studied.


  • 隧道衬砌病害表现为开裂、剥落、渗漏水等。

    The main diseases in the liners are cracks, peeling-off and water-leakage.


  • 针对我国既有铁路隧道铺底病害严重现状采用弹性支承铁路隧道铺底结构受力状态进行分析。

    In view of the severe situation about the bed disease in the existed railway tunnel, the mechanics condition on the railway tunnel bed was analyzed by using the elastic bearing method.


  • 介绍成昆线隧-桥-隧工点的落石病害以及桥梁隧道两个专业协同设计完成病害整治的情况。

    The Stone falling disease in Chengkun railway and its renovation measure by both bridge and tunnel specialties are recommended.


  • 调查表明隧道变形病害与所在斜坡出现滑坡现象密切相关并且严重危及铁路行车安全

    Ths survey shows that deformation and fracture of tunnel is correlative with landslide intimately and endangers security of trains running seriously.


  • 研究结果结合具体的隧道工点调查,可以穿越黄铁矿地层隧道混凝土病害整治预防提出了针对性很强的工程措施。

    The research, along with specific site investigations, provides helpful guide for renovation and prevention of concrete lining erosion in tunnels passing through pyrite-bearing strata.


  • 针对新庄黄土公路隧道地表裂缝衬砌开裂病害特征,探讨病害产生机理,并运用仿真、实测等手段详细分析了病害原因

    On the basis of the disease evolution of Xinzhuangling Highway Tunnel in loess, the disease reasons are analyzed through numerical simulation and field observation.


  • 鹿山隧道出口滑坡病害阐述了滑坡现象的成因进行滑坡体性质的分析。

    Taking the defect of landslide at the exit part of Bailu Mountain Tunnel for example, the causes of landslide are expounded, and the nature of landslide is also analyzed.


  • 介绍了梨园隧道病害处理得出套浅埋软弱破碎围岩隧道施工技术

    In this article the disease treatment for Daliyuan tunnel is introduced and a new tunnel construction technology is obtained to treat soft crush wall crock.


  • 本文首先重庆地区隧道路面病害进行了调研提出在层间铺设聚酯玻纤缓解隧道路面早期破坏

    First of all, this paper investigates the diseases of tunnel pavement in Chongqing, proposes that laying fiberglass-polyester paving mat can be used to prevent premature failure of tunnel pavement.


  • 主要研究成果如下:(1)系统归纳总结了运营公路隧道主要结构病害类型相应的检测方法

    The main research achievements are as following. (1)The main disease type and detection methods of structure disease in operation road tunnel were summarized sysytermly.


  • 隧道开裂目前隧道工程经常出现病害严重影响工程质量交通安全

    Second lining of tunnel cracks is one of the most frequent diseases in the highway tunnel construction, which adversely impacts the project quality as well as traffic safety.


  • 文章介绍了某高速公路偏压连拱隧道衬砌结构发生严重破坏隧道上方产生规模较大的山体开裂情况下,所采取病害处理措施

    The paper introduces the measures adopted to treat the severe defects in the lining of an unsymmetrically loaded multi-arched highway tunnel with large-scale cracks in the mountain mass above it.


  • 文章介绍了某高速公路偏压连拱隧道衬砌结构发生严重破坏隧道上方产生规模较大的山体开裂情况下,所采取病害处理措施

    The paper introduces the measures adopted to treat the severe defects in the lining of an unsymmetrically loaded multi-arched highway tunnel with large-scale cracks in the mountain mass above it.


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