• 工厂处于歇业的边缘,银行陷入泥潭

    Factories were closing and Banks were in trouble.


  • 目睹过大量机器仅仅因为注册错误陷入泥潭

    I've seen plenty of machines get bogged down simply because of errors in the registry.


  • 尽管最大的努力希腊银行仍然陷入泥潭危险

    Despite their best efforts, Greek banks still risk being swamped.


  • 如今法国债券息差已然攀升,法国也面临陷入泥潭风险

    French bond spreads are already creeping up: there is a risk that France could get sucked into the morass, too.


  • 不要解决这些幻想问题而使自己陷入泥潭,效率下降

    Don't bog yourself down trying to solve these phantom issues.


  • 为了应付这些他们制定例程正是许多顾问陷入泥潭的地方。

    To cope, they develop routines - and here's where many consultants get stuck.


  • 无须热情高涨突然中断恋情,但是有了这些方法,你小心避免使自己陷入泥潭

    This needn't pull the plug on passion, but it'll make you more aware so you don't go looking for trouble.


  • 正直品格可以聪慧成就伟业力量拙劣的品格多半愚蠢之人陷入泥潭的罪因。

    The honest moral character may be the strength of getting achievement to the intelligent person the shoddy moral character mostly is the reason of falling into the mire to the stupid person.


  • 这种观念允许更熟悉工作客户单位自己动脑筋思考问题,从而使公司陷入泥潭

    That notion, however, was bogging companies down, not allowing units closer to the work, and to the customers, to think for themselves.


  • 曾经见证过几个因为建模失败而陷入泥潭项目共同一点就是缺乏建模开发活动之间集成

    I have witnessed several nightmare projects in which modeling failed, and the one thing they all had in common was a lack of integration between the modeling and development activities.


  • 时间所剩无几,不可坐以待毙:商品价格接近历史高位,阿富汗战斗陷入泥潭巴基斯坦人民深受其害

    There is little time to waste: Commodity prices are nearing record highs, the fighting drags on in Afghanistan, and the people of Pakistan are hurting.


  • 现如今,想获得收入技巧次级债的问题广泛影响了股票债券货币市场,稍不注意,就有可能陷入泥潭

    With the subprime mess working its way into every back alley of the stock, bond, and money markets, this is a tricky time to be searching for income.


  • 如果生意陷入泥潭或者遇到了麻烦,正是您的个性品牌企业最艰难的时期使其生存下来甚至更加繁荣

    If your business tanks, or if things just go wrong, your personal brand is what allows you to surviveeven prosper during tough times.


  • 虽然罗马三号已经陷入泥潭一个西班牙法国率领集团却的名为加强合作”的欧盟规章义无反顾的前行

    Now that Rome III has been stymied, a group of nine countries, led by Spain and France, is going ahead under a provision in EU law known as "enhanced co-operation".


  • 削减医保养老金政策正在陷入泥潭2011年,首批婴儿潮时期出生的人们退休,老年选民数量将会不断增长(表格)。

    The politics of cutting health care and pensions is getting worse. In 2011 the first baby-boomers retire and the number of elderly voters will only grow (see article).


  • 一些贪婪银行比如美国银行、富通银行苏格兰皇家银行,它们陷入泥潭不能自拔之相比的是包括巴克莱摩根大通在内的银行却蒸蒸日上

    Some acquisitive firms such as Bank of America, Fortis and RBS floundered; others including Barclays and JPMorgan Chase prospered.


  • 去年,此案被法院驳回,迪斯尼公司取得暂时胜利。但是公司警告投资者如果最终官司,公司陷入泥潭因为要支付几百万美元赔偿金。

    The company won a dismissal of the lawsuit last year but had warned investors that it could be on the hook for "hundreds of millions" of dollars if it eventually loses the case.


  • 指控使谷歌陷入了一场法律纠纷的泥潭,这场纠纷的范围复杂性使得查尔斯狄更斯的《荒凉山庄》中的尼斯和贾尼斯看起来很简单

    This allegation has led to Google becoming mired in a legal battle whose scope and complexity makes the Jarndyce and Jarndyce case in Charles Dickens' Bleak House look straightforward.


  • 为了恢复原有动力,政界新人必须向公众表明,他们可以赢得合理使用权力,与同时不会陷入曾经吞噬了前人泥潭

    To restore momentum the new outsiders must show that they can win power and use it-and at the same time not fall into the mire that has engulfed their predecessors.


  • 这项宣言药品方面措辞模糊从中可知磋商过程陷入泥潭

    The declaration's wording on drugs was opaque, reflecting stalled negotiations.


  • 但是由于美国历史上从未陷入债务违约泥潭分析学家认为白宫国会截止日期之前达成共识

    But as the U.S. has never fallen into debt default in its history, analysts believe the White House and Congress will reach consensus before the deadline.


  • 因此开发人员常常发现他们的代码偏离面向对象模型的轨道,反而陷入过程编程模型的泥潭

    As a result, developers often find their code departing from the object-oriented model and diving instead into a procedural programming style.


  • 他们继续前行看见到处绿洲,他们正打算在那里洗澡时,刚才打的不小心陷入泥潭开始深陷朋友救了他。

    They kept on walking until they found an oasis, where they decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in the mire and started drowning, but the friend saved him.


  • 员工陷入失业泥潭却无法自拔,时间如此之长,还是1948年起的头一次。

    Workers are escaping unemployment more slowly than at any time since 1948.


  • 大多数民众享受繁荣机遇世界无疑要好个80%的国家陷入经济停滞泥潭的世界。

    A world in which most people enjoy prosperity and opportunity is surely better than one in which 80% are Mired in economic stagnation.


  • 而是苹果股票期权倒填日期”金融丑闻泥潭陷入更深风险。目前包括苹果在内200公司已经承认有过此种行为

    The risk, rather, is that Apple will become more deeply Mired in a financial scandal over the backdating of share options, a practice that it and more than 200 other firms have now admitted to.


  • 而是苹果股票期权倒填日期”金融丑闻泥潭陷入更深风险。目前包括苹果在内200公司已经承认有过此种行为

    The risk, rather, is that Apple will become more deeply Mired in a financial scandal over the backdating of share options, a practice that it and more than 200 other firms have now admitted to.


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