• 陈老人物画有其丰厚土壤

    The figure painting of Chen Laolian flourishes in a rich soil.


  • 昨天参加本市著名历史街区-陈老摄影展,一不小心就做一回模特

    Yesterday, I joined in the photograph exhibition of CHEN-LAO-ALLEY, which is a famous history sight in our city. I have been a model occasionally.


  • ,对新酒的陈老好,而不锈钢容器对酒的老熟作用不很明显。

    Liquor storage in pottery jars has better aging effects compared with liquor storage in stainless vessels.


  • 欣赏陈老作法,没有昂贵礼物时儿子吟唱《渭阳曲》,2000古老文体内弟告别。

    He likes the way Chen Senior overcomes his lack of precious material gifts by asking his sons to sing the Weiyang Song to honour his brother-in-law with a 2000 year old literary accolade.


  • 秒钟还能感觉到女孩呼吸一秒钟不见了。 尽管老陈是个爷们,但是他自己说当时也是失声恸哭。

    One second he could feel her breath on him; the next she was gone and Mr. Chen tough as he was claimed to have burst into tears.


  • 有一件事无法否认,不管是桥上涂的黄油还是老陈,都无法阻止自杀者到来:既是如此,待在这里到底又有什么意义

    The irrefutable truth was that nothing-neither butter nor Mr. Chen-would dissuade the jumpers from coming: So what was the point of being here at all?


  • 一小部分每年圣诞节前后都会大桥庆祝新生,也可能是为了表达他们老陈谢意

    Of those he saved some small number met near the bridge every year around Christmas to celebrate their new lives and ostensibly to offer their thanks.


  • 然后老陈出现视线中,十分显眼因为他是涌动人流中唯一一个站着不的人,唯一一个摆弄着厚望远镜的人,唯一一个监视着那些在河边凝望的人。

    And then Mr. Chen came into view conspicuous for being the only still point in that sea of motion…and the only one sporting a pair of clunky binoculars the only one watching the watchers of the river.


  • 老陈顶着个啤酒牙齿黑黑的,由于抽烟过多不时发出刺耳咳嗽声。即便允许自己烟,也从没有停止过监视,抽得也是那种便宜南京烟。

    He had a paunch blackened teeth and the raspy cough of an avid smoker and he never stopped watching even when he allowed himself a cigarette smoking a cheap brand named after the city itself.


  • 老陈电话给她坏脾气男朋友打了个电话。 趁着老陈打电话,女孩爬上栏杆准备

    Mr. Chen took her phone and called her belligerent boyfriend and as he spoke to him she climbed the railing to jump.


  • 或者老陈通过法庭司法途径解决。

    Or Chen could take the legal route through the courts.


  • 老陈律师一个值得警惕信号,说遗体就是证据

    That's a warning sign for Chen's lawyer, who says the body is evidence.


  • 老陈现在每日呆保定一个旅馆,在这个女儿消逝北方城市

    Chen spends his days in a tiny hotel room in Baoding, the northern city where his daughter died.


  • 大喊一声疾步穿过老陈海报旗帜,奔向该名男子。

    I shouted and then burst toward him sprinting past Mr. Chen's posters and flags.


  • 对待有自杀倾向的女性老陈办法哭出来因为这样一来往往就能打破紧张气氛,一旦情感被宣泄出来就会抓住她的,拥着她离开桥边。

    If the potential jumper was a woman Mr. Chen's strategy was to try to bring her to tears for that often broke the tension and once emotion poured forth he might grab for her hand and huddle her away.


  • 在人群中放哨老陈存在似乎有些滑稽或者说使命完全是荒谬的行为。

    And yet standing sentry among the hordes Mr. Chen seemed a bit comical or his mission seemed the ultimate act of absurdity.


  • 老陈现在做这件原因还是孩子时他经常得不到家庭的疼爱。

    The reason Mr. Chen was in the business of saving lives now was that as a boy he'd always gone unanswered.


  • 张照片放大作为葬礼遗照但是老陈知道什么时候能够举行葬礼。

    The photo has been enlarged to be the centerpiece of her funeral, but Chen doesn't know when that will be allowed to happen.


  • 我们沿着楼梯井桥上发现了正在站岗的老陈,酷酷地朝我们点了点头

    We climbed the South Tower stairwell back to the bridge and found Mr. Chen again standing sentry and he proffered us a slight if somewhat cool nod.


  • 具体老陈不太记得了,他也时间管诸如此类的胡说八道。

    Mr. Chen was fuzzy on the details and didn't have much time for this nonsense.


  • 老陈1965年大学毕业后参与筹建广州地铁规划办公室

    Mr. Chan helped set up Guangzhou’s subway planning office in 1965, when he was straight out of college.


  • 小肠爆肚这些负盛名餐馆在这里

    The most famous old restaurants, like Chen's Stewed Intestine and Feng's Boiled Tripe, are here.


  • 现在紧紧抱着一个穿着绿色工作服的叫范平的尝试打消内心某些想法,老陈的话来说,就是“内心深处”的想法。

    And here I was bear-hugging a man in green coveralls named Fan Ping trying to crush some spirit inside him that had opted to in Mr. Chen's words "dive downward."


  • 现在我们翻译苏珊——她南京长在美国——还有一个突然出现加入我们老石,他寡言少语,看上去老陈的好朋友

    Our party now included my translator -susan-who was born in Nanjing but raised in the u.s.-and a wordless man who had suddenly appeared ostensibly a close friend of Mr. Chen's called Mr. Shi.


  • 6年前身为运输公司名职员的老陈报纸读到了关于大桥故事以及那些溺水而亡的人。

    Six years earlier working as a functionary for a transportation company Mr. Chen had read a story about the bridge in the paper about bodies raining to their end.


  • 大约15分钟后头痛欲裂老陈仍然一动不动站在那,无所畏惧,望远镜观察着人群。他做的事情是何等的单调!

    After fifteen minutes or so I had a splitting headache and yet Mr. Chen stood nearly stock-still unfazed scanning the crowd with binoculars.


  • 还有扫尘迎新,“谐音”()中国意味着过去了

    And Saul orientation, "soil" dust is harmonics "old" (dust) in China, this means that are old and over.


  • 老陈常常弯着腰,拿了尺子线盒木板上面什么东西

    He was often bent over drawing something on a plank with a ruler and an ink marker.


  • 越南诗人秋梦主编陈国正作序盛宴》由越南华文文学会出版该书收录了老、、青当代越南诗人39位

    Edited by poet Chiu Meng and prefaced by Guozheng Chen, The Feast of Poetry, an anthology including 39 contemporary Vietnamese poets was published in Vietnam.


  • 老陈来接我我们蓝球

    I'm waiting for Chen. We're going to see the basketball game.


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