• 觉得Assyriska错过离开哈达德超过他们哭死-萨雷已经进入靴子有经验前锋认为一个工作

    You'd think Assyriska would miss the departed Haddad more than they are but Kusi-Asare has stepped into his boots well and the experienced hitman is doing a good job, in my view.


  • 亨利承认森纳抽到进行冠四分之一决赛时,被到了。

    Thierry Henry admitted he shuddered when Arsenal were drawn against Barcelona in the Champions League quarter-finals.


  • 拥有维斯喜欢参与进攻认为作为一边发挥重要作用

    Barcelona have Dani Alves, who very often takes part in their attacks. I think Emilio would make an instant impact on the other side because he is a better crosser.


  • 奥巴马演讲……错失良机能对打破国际气候谈判僵局起到任何作用,”“地球朋友”组织的阿萨·赫曼(Asad Rehman)

    "Obama's speech... was a huge missed opportunity which does nothing to break the logjam in international climate negotiations," said Friends of the Earth's Asad Rehman.


  • 这个篮球场,据迪奥介绍,位于达喀尔邻近的帕萨雷阿萨尼斯(ParcellesAssainies),这里是生长地方,也是他九年NBA生涯不可想象起点。

    The basketball court, DeSagana Diop explains, is in Parcelles Assainies, the neighborhood in which he grew up in Dakar and the unlikely starting point for a nine-year N. B. A. career.


  • (方济)曾记录下耐心对待所有首先就是要自己耐心。”还有说过“有一些耐心,所有的事情在简单之前都是很复杂的。”

    Saint Francis DE Sales wisely noted, "Have patience with all things. But, first with yourself." And Saadi said, "Have patience. All things are difficult before they become easy."


  • 桑坦德银行股价下跌1.4%,此前报道称银行首席执行官尔弗·恩斯(AlfredoSaenz)可能西班牙高等法院的相关判决公布之后辞去现任职务

    The bank fell 1.4% in early trading after a report in El Mundo that CEO Alfredo Saenz may need to leave his job following a ruling by Spain’s supreme court.


  • 最初来自枝繁叶茂达克星球这个世界发达的生态系统造就了大量恶梦般的猛兽

    The acklay originally hails from the lushly fertile planet of Vendaxa, a world with a dense ecosystem that has produced predators of nightmarish proportions.


  • 农业地区佛罗伦南部小时路程,南北紧邻翁布里亚

    The swath of farm country is two hours south of Florence and runs north-south on the border of Arezzo and Umbria.


  • 卡诺克布拉距离巴西东北部首府福塔东南部两个小时的车程,它以沙丘沙滩闻名。

    The dunes and beaches of CanoaQuebrada are a two-and-half-hour drive southeast of Fortaleza, the capital of Ceará state in northeastern Brazil.


  • 儿子尔瓦罗西扎维埃拉出名的是的卡吐露港我ñ葡萄牙北部居住巨大瀑布一个陡峭山坡笨重楼梯适合

    The son Álvaro Leite Siza Vieira is best known for his Casa Tolo in northern Portugal, a residence that cascades down a steep hill like a clunky staircase fit for a giant.


  • 苏亚被罚下场罪行后来被证明高兴了起来加纳前锋阿萨·吉安错过由此产生罚款,游戏的最后

    Suarez was sent off for the offence and was then shown leaping for joy when Ghana striker Asamoah Gyan missed the resulting penalty, the final kick of the game.


  • 尔瓦成为了罗马教头路易斯。恩里克(巴传奇)治下黄军团(罗马)的夏季目标

    The Giallorossi had named Velez Sarsfield talent Alvarez as one of the main targets for the summer under Coach Luis Enrique.


  • 洛蒙兄弟公司工作很快就唐纳森、拉夫金-特公司工作,在那儿她遇见了丈夫加里普尔。

    She went to work at Salomon Brothers but soon moved to Donaldson, Lufkin & Jenrette, where she met her husband Gary Appel.


  • 西班牙斗牛士何塞码丽亚曼斯执行一通牛市期间,2011年8月26日西班牙东南部尔梅溜亚,的斗牛

    Spanish matador Jose Maria Manzanares performs a pass to a bull during a bullfight in Almeria, southeastern Spain, August 26, 2011.


  • 西班牙斗牛士何塞码丽亚曼斯执行一通牛市期间,2011年8月26日西班牙东南部尔梅溜亚,的斗牛

    Spanish matador Jose Maria Manzanares performs a pass to a bull during a bullfight in Almeria, southeastern Spain, August 26, 2011.


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