• 斯坦·劳雷尔出生于盖尔3

    Stan Laurel was born at number 3, Argyll Street.


  • 珍妮详细询问了情况以后,感到需要进一步感谢朋友阿盖尔公爵的恩德。

    Upon more particular inquiry, jeame found new occasion to admire the active beneficence of her friend the duke of arggle .


  • 阿盖尔同事一直研究言语传播特点,并把得到的信息提供管理者和他们团队

    Argyle and his associates have been studying the features of nonverbal communication that provide information to managers and their team members. The following summarizes their findings.


  • 今天苏格兰高地两个重要的宗族的后裔盖尔公爵索尔公爵对此截然不同的看法

    Today, the descendents of two prominent highland clans, the Duke of Argyll and the Duke of Atholl, hold strongly opposing views about it.


  • 冲突核心,是从麦克唐纳坎贝尔盖尔伯爵古老敌意因为唐纳德家族企图夺回阿盖尔他们祖先土地

    Central to the conflict was the ancient enmity between the MacDonalds and the Campbells, Earls of Argyll, as Clan Donald attempted to reclaim their ancestral lands in Argyll.


  • 这位无私的苏格兰小女生已经同意名厨尼克·纳恩合作,帮助盖尔-比特地方议会同学提供有营养午餐

    The selfless Scottish schoolgirl has now agreed to team up with Nick Nairn, the celebrity chef, to help Argyll and Bute Council provide more nutritious meals for her and her classmates.


  • 盖尔母亲琳达看待女儿天赋时既骄傲担忧

    Abigail's mother Linda views her daughter's talent with a mixture of pride and worry.


  • 这个婴儿尖叫着发出喔啊的声音盖尔则咿呀儿语。

    The baby squealed and made cooing noises, while Abigail talked her baby talk.


  • 拥有正宗英格兰血统,盖尔史密斯1744年马萨诸塞州韦茅斯出生,她母亲是昆西的后裔,那是殖民地具有很高威望的家族。

    Inheriting New England's strongest traditions, Abigail Smith was born in 1744 at Weymouth, Massachusetts.


  • 《约翰•亚当斯》由保罗•加麦蒂(饰亚当斯)劳拉•莱尼(饰盖尔)领衔主演,其他包括大卫摩斯沙拉•波利和汤姆威尔金森

    Other cast members include David Morse, Sarah Polley and Tom Wilkinson.


  • 摩西·蒙蒂菲奥里犹太人解放者帝国的英雄》,盖尔·格林著,哈佛大学出版社,540页,售价35美元或24.95英镑。

    Moses Montefiore: Jewish Liberator, Imperial Hero. By Abigail Green.


  • 一些铁皮,来自于玛丽琳·博尔兄弟姐妹捐赠,和她父母沃尔·特雷蒙德·古斯塔夫图书馆盖尔旅行与这家图书馆有关。

    Some of the tin boxes, donated by Marilyn Arbor and her siblings and once part of her father Walter Raymond Gustafson's library, that housed Geil's travel related materials.


  • 同时代其他妇女一样,盖尔缺乏正式教育但是好奇心使生性聪敏。

    Like other women of the time, Abigail lacked formal education; but her curiosity spurred her keen intelligence, and she read avidly the books at hand.


  • 盖尔逝世于1818年,埋葬于美国第一教堂教区陪伴丈夫的身边。

    Abigail died in 1818, and is buried beside her husband in United First Parish Church.


  • 盖尔·瑟斯·特隆,“选举权—及其错误”一书作者不同意

    Abigail Thernstrom, the author of "Voting rights-and Wrongs", disagrees.


  • 牛津大学教授麦可·尔·盖尔最近完成了项15年之久研究其中探讨了使人们快乐的原因。

    Oxford professor Michael Argyle recently finished a 15-year study that explored what makes people happy.


  • 妻子盖尔抱怨,“我们国家自做聪明,拿那个不起眼职位,可能就是某个人即兴杰作或者是他的想象。”

    He complained to his wife Abigail, "My country has in its wisdom contrived for me the most insignificant office that ever the invention of man contrived or his imagination conceived."


  • 盖尔·麦·布兰斯尼科于11月22日星期天上午12:04来到这个世界,”美国空间机构发表网站篇声明说道并且母子平安”。

    "Abigail Mae Bresnik arrived at 12.04am Sunday, November 22, " the US space agency said in a statement posted on its website, adding that mother and child are "doing well".


  • 报道,已经11球员离开盖尔森基兴后,沙尔克将继续清洗四名球员:蒿俊闵萨莫安南普拉·斯坦。

    Eleven players have already left Gelsenkirchen, and the exodus is set to continue as Hao Junmin, Gerald Asamoah, Anthony Annan and Nicolas Plestan are reportedly facing the axe.


  • 米勒太太凯马特为盖尔雷神玩偶时,注意到一个红色头发的芭比娃娃,于是决定亲自尝试改造寡妇”玩偶。

    When Ms Millar was in Kmart buying Abigail a Thor doll, she noticed a Sparkle 'Girlz' doll with red hair and decided to try and turn it into a Black Widow doll herself.


  • 这些洋娃娃已经变成了全新人物是由米勒太太盖尔共同设计的,她们希望出售这些娃娃。

    The dolls have now also evolved into brand new characters that Ms Millar and Abigail design together and hope to sell.


  • 这项研究美国国立卫生研究院,美国健康援助基金会,罗伯特·克拉里·史密斯盖尔•布伦的尔茨海研究项目支持下完成。

    This study was supported by the National Institutes of Health, the American Health Assistance Foundation, the Robert and Clarice Smith and Abigail Van Buren Alzheimer's Disease Research Program.


  • 学院任命了六位新的委员会成员包括墨西哥演员盖尔·加西亚·伯纳尔非洲裔制片人艾菲·布朗和斯蒂芬妮·兰。

    The Academy has also appointed six new committee members, which include Mexican actor Gael Garcia Bernal and African-American producers Effie Brown and Stephanie Allain.


  • 2004年,代表森纳处子赛季里盖尔成为了赢得英超奖牌年轻的球员当时仅1810个月

    In his debut season with Arsenal, Gael became the youngest player at the time to win a Premier League medal in 2004, aged 18 years and 10 months.


  • 盖尔·蔡斯

    Abigail Chase: Look!


  • 威尔·格雷厄姆故事一部分,盖尔而不是你讲故事人。

    Will Graham is part of the story you tell, Abigail, not the person to help you tell it.


  • 威尔·格雷厄姆故事一部分,盖尔而不是你讲故事人。

    Will Graham is part of the story you tell, Abigail, not the person to help you tell it.


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