• 太阳升起时,李将军到达阿托克·马斯法院所在城镇山上俯瞰山下,决战会在此处进行。

    At sunrise, Lee arrived on a hill outside the town of Appomattox Court House. He looked down on what was to be his final battlefield.


  • 谢里·赫梅政府会议上说:“认为非常有趣。”

    "I think it will be very interesting," Serik Akhmetov said at the government meeting.


  • 帕斯捷尔纳赫玛这样作家圈子备受推崇的,但最初对他们的讨论只能在私底下进行。

    Writers such as Pasternak and Akhmatova were privately revered in these circles.


  • 这块岩石(名为塔什)坐落于仕林河边,并且认为巴什托克斯坦美丽地方之一。

    This rock (called Aktash) is located on the Zilim River and is considered one of the most beautiful places in Bashkiriya.


  • 佐利参观了实现一目标而实施两个项目位于比让燃气发电站塞拉利昂的布姆·布纳水电大坝项目。

    Zoellick visited two projects that have been created to reach that goal: the Azito gas-fired station in Abidjan and the Bumbuna hydroelectric dam in Sierra Leone.


  • 随着脸谱网大受欢迎伯格收拾行装,将这家公司搬入加州帕洛·永远离开了哈佛神圣殿堂

    As Facebook's popularity exploded, Zuckerberg packed up his bags and relocated the fledgling company to Palo Alto, California, forever leaving behind Harvard's hallowed halls.


  • 俄罗斯木斯市的利·纳恩科最新的杰出创作

    The extraordinary creation is the latest by Anatoly Konenko, from Omsk, in Russia.


  • 夏天的时候,为拍摄一部有关伊朗公开放映的电影,伊斯坦布尔托克机场飞往德黑兰霍梅尼机场。

    (Tribune Media Services) -- In summer, I flew from Istanbul's Ataturk Airport to Tehran's Khomeini Airport to film a public television show on Iran.


  • 认为苏·埃狠狠地推了一把,我还不清楚发生什么事。

    I think he was pushed quite hard by Assou-Ekotto and I'm not sure what happened to him. He might have landed the wrong way, I don't know.


  • 美国人停留类似西•托克维尔19世纪发现他们的那样:”这么幸运,在丰盛的物质中躁动不安”。

    Americans too have remained much as Alexis de Tocqueville found them in the 19th century: “So many lucky men, restless in the midst of abundance.”


  • 1831年9个月游历美国经历西·托克维尔迷恋不已,后来为美国写下了整整2卷鸿篇巨著

    ALEXIS DE TOCQUEVILLE was so enthralled by the nine months he spent in the United States in 1831 that he wrote two fat volumes about the country.


  • 人称扎(Zuck)的扎伯格加州帕洛·不张扬房子里常常步行上班

    Zuck, as he's known to most, lives in a modest house in Palo Alto and often walks to the office.


  • 南极这个名称来自亚里斯·多德北极称为北方的“·斯”(Arktos),因为北极坐落于大熊星座之下

    The name Antarctica came from Aristotle, who called the arctic north "Arktos" after "the bear", the constellation it lay under.


  • 近日第二世界健美、健康规范动作冠军赛哈萨斯坦城市别(Aktobe)成功举办

    Recently the second world body building, fitness and model’s figures championship was held in Aktobe, Kazakhstan.


  • 双胞胎女儿出生现在岁大了),F.T.叔叔传奇也随之诞生——26岁法兰·马斯·基力诺(Frank Thomas Aquilino)是·菲茨杰拉德证券交易公司副总裁

    So along withthe birth of the girls, now 6, was born the Legend of Zio (Italian for “uncle”)F. T. — Frank Thomas Aquilino, 26, a vice president at Cantor Fitzgerald.


  • 600年前,约翰.伍德爵士一队士兵来到意大利,佛罗伦萨附近驻扎下来,很快就出了.意大利人叫乔凡尼..每次意大利各城邦之间打伏,霍伍德把他的士兵雇佣愿给他出高价的君主。

    Six hundred years ago, Sir Johan Hawkwood arrived in Italy with a band of soldiers and settled near Florence. He soon made a name for himself and came to be known to the Italians as Giovanni Acuto.


  • 随着Facebook迅猛普及伯格打点好行囊,羽翼未丰的公司到了加利福尼亚州帕落从此永远地离开哈佛圣坛

    As Facebook's popularity exploded, Zuckerberg packed up his bags and relocated the fledgling19 company to Palo Alto, California, forever leaving behind Harvard's hallowed20 halls.


  • 去年春季加州帕洛·喜来登酒店(Sheraton)召开一次会议上,数百员工酒店闷热地下大厅之前伯格引用电影《特洛伊》(Troy)中的对白。

    At a meeting last spring, Mr. Zuckerberg quoted from the movie 'Troy' before hundreds of employees crammed into the steamy basement of a Sheraton hotel in Palo Alto.


  • 儿子一个知名的葡萄牙建筑师尔瓦罗西扎维埃拉冠军是1992年1988年普利兹许多其他荣誉奖章

    He is the son of one of the best-known Portuguese architects, Álvaro Siza Vieira , winner of the 1992 Pritzker Prize and the 1988 Alvar Aalto Medal, among many other accolades.


  • 名妇女发现男孩邻近伊基奥斯皮西奥大街上流浪,便带回了

    A woman found him wandering in the streets of Alto Hospicio, which neighbours Iquique, and took him home.


  • 何纳埃及国王(公元前1375 ? - 1358 ?),摈弃倡导一种敬拜太阳形式

    King of Egypt (1375? -1358?) who rejected the old gods and initiated a new form of sun worship.


  • 乔布斯加州斯市的车库起步,他合伙人史蒂夫·沃兹尼亚发布轻巧第二代苹果机,当时布开还是科技中心

    Jobs operated from in his garage in Los Altos, California, and with partner Steve Wozniak released the compact Apple II at the time Albuquerque was a technology hub.


  • 无数英勇的战士面前四处逃窜,或在他长矛之下。甚至还杀死了特洛伊国王普里摩斯的长子耳。

    The bravest warriors fled before Achilles or fell by his spear. He even killed Hector, the first son of Priam.


  • 此后不久,普京遇到了从前的法律系教授利?索布查

    Shortly thereafter, Putin encountered his old law professor, Anatoly Sobchak.


  • 巴上将原本想炸掉损坏极其严重“布拉哈·托克号”,遭到多尔·尼亚海军反对运回多尔·尼亚,成了一座战争博物馆

    Admiral Ackbar originally ordered that the far more damaged Braha 'tok be scuttled, but the Dornean Navy protested, and it was shipped to Dornea to serve as a war museum.


  • 色尔转达的谢意非常有用,请代各位资料提供者表示感谢

    This is helpful indeed. Thank you and please say thank you in my name to every "contributor".


  • 普里摩斯''。'帕里斯'。'',卡珊德拉父亲特洛伊国王,在特洛里城希腊人攻陷被杀。

    The father of Paris, Hector, and Cassandra and king of Troy, who was killed when his city fell to the Greeks.


  • 今年27岁的亿万富翁伯格现居美国加州帕洛也是林书豪成长高中地方

    The 27-year-old tech billionaire lives in Palo Alto, Calif. , the same town where Lin grew up and attended high school.


  • 今年27岁的亿万富翁伯格现居美国加州帕洛也是林书豪成长高中地方

    The 27-year-old tech billionaire lives in Palo Alto, Calif. , the same town where Lin grew up and attended high school.


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