• 哪,棒的主意!”格林最近研究所一次聚会说道

    "My God, what an idea!" Greene said at a recent gathering at the Aspen Institute.


  • 20岁的姐姐比阿特公主也同样热爱旅行一样多的钱。

    Her elder sister Princess Beatrice, 20, also loves touring and spends just as much as her.


  • 前锋:大卫·比利亚(巴塞罗那),阿瓦罗内格雷多(塞维利亚),费尔南多·略伦特(毕尔巴鄂竞技),费尔南多·托雷(切尔西)。

    Forwards: David villa (Barcelona), Alvaro Negredo (Sevilla), Fernando Llorente (Athletic Bilbao), Fernando Torres (Chelsea).


  • 这个已知药酒找到许多在阿拜多陶罐中发现的成分

    Many of the compounds found in the Abydos jar were present in the known herbal wine.


  • 圣多坚持种族定义自己超越了种族概念;而同时他又自己的种族而骄傲这些来自阿克塞罗德的回答

    "Some of Santos's insistence on not being defined by his race, his pride in it even as he rises above it, came from that," Attie said.


  • 次日上午早餐希洪吃的,火车开始驶向阿里亚首府奥维亚多。

    While breakfast is being served in gijon next morning, the train starts to pull out towards Oviedo, capital of Asturias.


  • 问题鲸鱼没有用以保护的毛发毛皮羽毛而且它们为了呼吸,要被迫浮出水面,”合著卡琳娜。阿塞维多·怀特豪这样告诉探索频道新闻

    "The thing is, whales do not have hair, fur or feathers that could offer some protection, and they are forced to surface in order to breathe," co-author Karina Acevedo-Whitehouse told Discovery News.


  • 一只淡水来自波多黎各大学亚圭校区生物系显微镜中心何塞·r·阿尔曼多瓦拍摄。

    The head and eye of a freshwater shrimp, observed by Jose R. Almodovar of the Microscopy Center, Biology Department, UPR Mayaguez Campus, in Mayaguez, Puerto Rico.


  • 而且哈维伊涅法布雷加阿隆索这些人为这位射手输送炮弹,肯定得到理论上跟多机会

    And with players like Xavi, Iniesta, Fabregas and Alonso delivering the killer passes, he's sure to get more than his fair share of chances.


  • 多纳·阿尼亚公园广阔沼泽地下,研究人员们发现了一奇怪纪念性城市”,逃离那场破坏性海啸的难民按照亚特兰蒂建造的。

    Buried in the vast marshlands of the Dona Ana Park they found a strange series of 'memorial cities,' built in Atlantis' image by the refugees who fled the destructive tsunami.


  • 布兰德首先,尽管知道对此尚无定论,不过请问阿·伯格症有普遍

    BRAND: Well first of all, I know this is controversial, but how common is Asperger's?


  • 彼得亚雷惊讶发现自己关心太太关心阿格卡要

    Piotr was shocked to find himself more worried about his wife than about Agnieszka.


  • 以阿巴多为指挥细微的——眨眼间便会错失——但是却极其精准菲欧娜-马多克在其观察者》所撰写的评论中,敏锐地指出了这种简约主义

    In the case of Abbado, his directions were slight - blink and you'd miss them - but exquisitely precise; Fiona Maddocks highlights this minimalism in her perceptive review for the Observer.


  • 人们认识糖尿病始于两千多年当时希腊医师阿雷提乌注意身体尿消瘦

    A: Diabetes was recognized more than two millennia ago, when prodigious production of urine and wasting of the body were first noted by Greek physician Aretaeus.


  • 埃及阿比·多寺庙墙上有着这样的刻画图案:黎明时,一艘神秘出现在空中。

    Etchings on a temple wall in Abydos, Egypt, depict a mythical solar boat borne aloft at dawn (file picture).


  • 1886年巴黎商人保罗·杜兰德-鲁埃尔,用袋子装了300多幅印象派画作——包括成堆雷诺阿、毕沙西莱等大家的作品——带到美国

    In 1886 Paul Durand-Ruel, a Paris dealer, packed his bags with 300 Impressionist paintings-including piles of Renoirs, Pissarros and Sisleys-to take to America.


  • 那个古董投影展台里,阿尔·弗雷多阿德尔·菲奥神(莱奥波尔多·特里亚·特饰)批准下放映着电影,这正是20年来每个电影院的人看不到任何一个哪怕是简单原因

    In the antique projection booth, Alfredo screens the films for the approval of Father Adelfio (Leopoldo Trieste), the reason no one has seen a single kiss in 20 years of going to the cinema.


  • 至今保存完好罗马剧场之一,土耳其的阿古罗马剧院。

    A rendering of the Roman theater at Aspendius, Turkey is shown in Fig.


  • 相信我们能够降低多少日照鲸鱼损害,”阿塞维多·怀特豪

    "I do not believe we would be able to do very much to reduce the damage to whales caused by sun exposure," Acevedo-Whitehouse said.


  • 一些吃惊于佩德罗.阿尔莫多瓦爱片《吾栖之得到评委会的肯定。 这部影片由安东尼奥.班德拉领衔主演,他其中饰演一位自我毁灭的现代医生

    Some were surprised Pedro Almodovar's much-enjoyed The Skin I Live In, starring Antonio Banderas as a modern-day Doctor Frankenstein, failed to get recognition.


  • 允许员工繁忙的时候工作或者员工冬天的时候离开几个月(称之为“去贝尼·多姆”的疗养)。

    Asda allows employees to work only during busy periods or take several months off in winter (a perk dubbed "Benidorm leave").


  • 巨型geocheloneelephantopus阿尔·火山池塘中。

    Giant tortoises, geochelone elephantopus, in a pond at Alcedo volcano.


  • 多阿派书籍米尔先生表示,我们糟糕情况下尽力做好

    Mr Reimer, who has apparently read the Stoics, says “we will do our best under worse conditions.”


  • 保险业巨头阿维瓦公司其100万名客户的资料进行分析后发现,史密竟是英国普遍姓氏其次威廉姆

    The analysis of just over one million customers by insurance giant Aviva came up, not unsurprisingly, with Smith as the most popular surname, followed by Jones and Williams.


  • 位居排行榜最后五位城市包括纽约州的扬克弗吉尼亚州诺福克加利福尼亚州的莫多得克萨三个城市——阿林顿尔帕索和卢伯克。

    The bottom five cities included Yonkers in New York, Norfolk, Virginia, Modesto, California and three Texas cities — Arlington, El Paso and Lubbock.


  • 名为SpeakDolphin非盈利组织墨西哥波尔多阿文图拉的“海豚探索”游泳馆开发的一个程序正在iPad松下Toughbook进行测试

    The program, being developed by a non-profit called Speak Dolphin at Dolphin Discovery’s swim facility in Puerto Aventuras, Mexico, is being tested on both the iPad and a Panasonic Toughbook.


  • 桑坦德银行股价下跌1.4%,此前报道称银行首席执行官阿尔弗雷多·萨恩(AlfredoSaenz)可能西班牙高等法院的相关判决公布之后辞去现任职务

    The bank fell 1.4% in early trading after a report in El Mundo that CEO Alfredo Saenz may need to leave his job following a ruling by Spain’s supreme court.


  • 桑坦德银行股价下跌1.4%,此前报道称银行首席执行官阿尔弗雷多·萨恩(AlfredoSaenz)可能西班牙高等法院的相关判决公布之后辞去现任职务

    The bank fell 1.4% in early trading after a report in El Mundo that CEO Alfredo Saenz may need to leave his job following a ruling by Spain’s supreme court.


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