• 仍然需要雕刻副翼摄入量长须鲸基础

    Still need to carve the ailerons, intakes and fin base.


  • 长须鲸种群现在储存只有捕鲸15%。

    Populations of large baleen whales now store only 15 percent of the carbon they had before whaling.


  • 长须鲸声音频率20赫兹,座头更高一点。

    Fin whales make pulsed sounds at around 20 Hertz, while humpbacks sing at much higher frequencies.


  • 中所示的长须鲸,是生活纽约市外水域鲸鱼品种之一

    Fin whales, such as the one pictured here, have taken up residence in New York waters.


  • 配额允许每年捕杀150头长须鲸100多头小须鲸

    The quota would allow the killing of 150 fin whales and more than 100 minke whales each year for five seasons.


  • 科学家发现深颜色鲸鱼,比如长须鲸抹香鲸不会蓝色的鲸鱼那样遭受同等程度的灼伤

    The scientists also found that darker whales, in this case sperm and fin whales, tended to not get sunburned as much as lighter blue whales.


  • 长须鲸下来就有多米,七千公斤一天长三十公斤到五十公斤,两三可以长成

    Finback was born more than ten meters long, weighing seven thousand kilograms, day can grow thirty kilograms to fifty kilograms, two or three years can become a whale.


  • 号称中之有时好几十结成围住了一头三十吨重长须鲸几个小时就把吃光了。

    There is a known as the "tiger of the sea" killer whale, sometimes dozens of head formed a group, surrounded by a more than 30 tons of baleen whales, a few hours ate it up.


  • 去年返回温哥华途中,人们发现一条死亡长须鲸——与座头一样列为濒危物种的鲸——就卡在船头。

    Last year, the same ship was discovered to have a dead fin whale - which, like humpbacks, are classified as endangered - pinned to its bow when it returned to Vancouver.


  • 告诉我冰岛从 2006 年恢复了商业鲸, 2009 年大幅提高了定的限额,每年含 150 头长须鲸

    She shared that Iceland resumed commercial whaling in 2006, and dramatically increased its self-allocated quotas in 2009 to include 150 fin whalesannually.


  • 英国皇家学会生物研究期刊上报告中写道,蓝鲸皮肤颜色大多数鲸鱼都浅,因而晒伤也比皮肤颜色深长须鲸厉害。

    Blue whales, who have fairer skin than most whales, suffered more than the darker fin whales, she reports in the journal Proceedings of the Royal Society B.


  • 2006年,国际捕鲸委员会科学委员会其它组织估计格陵兰岛和冰岛之间水域有20,00030,000头长须鲸

    The International Whaling Commission's scientific committee and other groups estimated in 2006 that 20, 000 to 30, 000 members of the species are in waters between Greenland and Iceland.


  • 人类已知只有三种鲨鱼过滤取食的,鲸鲨就是其中一种。取食的时候,它们长须鲸一样大张着嘴,缓慢地过长满了浮游生物的水域

    They are one of only three known shark species that filter feed, as baleen whales do, swimming slowly through plankton-rich water, maws agape.


  • 人正在切开头35吨的长须鲸检查肉质,有一半长须鲸冰岛西岸的首都雷克雅维克北部Hvalfjsrour被捕捞。

    Whalers cut open and inspect meat from a 35-ton fin whale, one of two fin whales caught off the coast of Hvalfjsrour, north of Reykjavik, on the western coast of Iceland.


  • 长须鲸包括蓝鲸都是没有牙齿的,它们一种类似毛发般的细小结构——鲸须作为替代捕食方法,利用它们过滤海水中的食物,例如磷虾

    Baleen whales, including the humpback whales and blue whales, are toothless and instead use hairlike structures called baleen to filter tiny prey such as krill from seawater.


  • 长久以来细胞被认为存在于人类其他类人猿大脑,直到2006梭形细胞也在座头长须鲸鲸和抹香鲸大脑同样区域发现

    Long believed to exist only in the brains of humans and other great apes, in 2006 spindle cells were discovered in the same brain areas in humpback whales, fin whales, killer whales, and sperm whales.


  • 调查研究显示,这里168长须鲸包括珊瑚在内60种刺胞动物、8软体动物14种海绵11棘皮类动物、15种节肢动物8种a环节蠕虫。

    A survey has revealed 168 species of finfish, 60 species of cnidaria, including corals, eight molluscs, 14 sponges, 11 echinoderms, 15 arthropods and eight annelid worms.


  • 调查研究显示,这里168长须鲸包括珊瑚在内60种刺胞动物、8软体动物14种海绵11棘皮类动物、15种节肢动物8种a环节蠕虫。

    A survey has revealed 168 species of finfish, 60 species of cnidaria, including corals, eight molluscs, 14 sponges, 11 echinoderms, 15 arthropods and eight annelid worms.


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