• 实用主义者他们偏爱等待完整特性质量市场寿命良好支持以及鲁棒行为支持成熟产品

    Pragmatists who prefer to wait for mature products backed by full feature sets, high quality, market longevity, good support, and robust behavior.


  • 雇主们了解一直以来这是个残酷的市场可能相当段时间没有工作

    Employers understand that it's been a brutal market, and that you may have spent significant time without work.


  • 至于所有人工开销,“古怪的层面说来,市场又回暖之时,将我们置于一个较为有利位置”,董事费格斯·麦克尼尔

    For all the human cost, "in a strange way it has left us in a better position as the market picks up," says Fergus McNeill, the chief executive.


  • 至于所有人工开销,“古怪的层面说来,市场又回暖之时,将我们置于一个较为有利位置”, 董事费格斯·麦克尼尔

    For all the human cost, “in a strange way it has left us in a better position as the market picks up,” says Fergus McNeill, the chief executive.


  • 证据显示沿着公路修建许多城堡市场寺庙这一古老。

    There is evidence to suggest that many of the forts, markets and temples built along the road are much older than the wall itself.


  • 零售趋势加速了音乐制品市场消费年龄化。

    The ageing of the recorded-music market has been accelerated by trends in retailing.


  • 2000年后计算机掌控千禧年市场繁荣,因此也随之变化。

    As the 2000s dawned and computer systems coped with the new millennium, markets stayed up and so hemlines followed.


  • 突然间,对监管(许多人士看来这是个令人生厌话题,认为它那些阻塞市场头上角的官僚们的同义词)的要求意想不到地方传了出来。

    Regulation - nasty talk in some quarters, synonymous with pointy-headed bureaucrats choking the market - is suddenly being demanded from unexpected places.


  • 大众汽车首席财务鲍彻(HansDieter Poetsch)一个新闻发布会上指出全球汽车市场似乎没触

    The global auto market 'appears to not have reached the bottom yet,' VW Chief Financial Officer Hans Dieter Poetsch said at a news conference.


  • 市场参与者提到收益率曲线或者,或者曲线或者有所移动时候,主要的是各个基准(benchmarks)的收益率变化

    When market participants mention that the yield curve has moved up or down, or the long end or short end of the curved has moved, it simply points to the changes in yield of the various benchmarks.


  • 新兴市场,甚至其他地区,唱片业达到欧洲或者其他富裕国家水平还有相当

    But there is still a long way to go before collections reach European levels in emerging markets or elsewhere in the rich world.


  • 卡拉汉目前担任花旗集团首席行政。 据称,他可能不再负责市场营销专注运营技术方面的事务

    Mr. Callahan, now Citigroup's chief administrative officer, is likely to lose responsibility for marketing and will focus on operations and technology, these people said.Mr.


  • 俗话说市场持续非理性时间解决问题所需的要

    The market can be irrational for longer than you can remain solvent, as the saying goes.


  • 最初叛军故事出现之后市场上突然传说,足有一英里的吉普车队小镇开来。

    Two weeks after the first stories of the rebellion appeared, there was talk in the market of a mile-long convoy of jeeps heading toward the town.


  • 通用汽车首席财务杨世杰周四接受记者采访时说,信贷危机影响开始蔓延新兴市场

    'the impact of the credit crisis has started to spread to emerging markets,' Mr. Young, GM's chief financial officer, said Thursday in an interview with reporters.


  • 我们看到平板电脑时代的来临我们必须它置身于差异化市场”,索尼公司董事首席执行官霍华德·斯金格补充说

    "We see tablets coming out, but we have to put a tablet on the marketplace that is differentiated," Sony Chairman and CEO Howard Stringer added.


  • 金融市场史家发现,从本质上讲,SIV对冲基金玩的无非就是这个行业古老的把戏:

    Historians of the financial markets will recognise that what the SIVs and some hedge funds were doing was, at heart, the oldest game in the business: borrowing short and lending long.


  • 中国,丰田对发动机汽车税收优惠做出响应时间其竞争对手,而且并未做出足够努力开发针对中国市场汽车

    In China, it took longer than rivals to respond to tax breaks for vehicles with smaller engines and it has made less effort to develop cars specifically for the Chinese market.


  • 劳工联合会秘书布伦丹·:“信贷危机持续压制房地产市场抵押贷款渠道恢复十分缓慢。”

    The TUC general secretary, Brendan Barber, said: "the credit crunch is continuing to depress the housing market, with access to mortgage finance returning at a snail's pace."


  • 正像是“洛奇特权”一样,牛市也已经养成了这样一种习惯那就是金融市场持续时间要比大多数预料的时间的多。

    But just like the Rocky franchise, bull runs on financial markets have a habit of going on much longer than most people expect.


  • 对那些控制俄罗斯市场,“黑帮性质(其中有些是由少数族裔组成)”组织予以了谴责呼吁采取管制措施保护土生土俄罗斯人”,新法规遂得以出台。

    He denounced the "semi-gangs, some of them ethnic" that controlled Russia's markets, and called for regulation to protect "the native Russian population".


  • 不过对于男性来说这种影响力通过市场显现,对于女性来说,直接影响力——好看这件事本身能让她们自己更加开心——更加明显重要。

    But more of the impact of beauty on happiness among men works through markets, while among women the direct effect - being good-looking per se makes women happier - is more important.


  • 越南保险协会秘书PhungDacLoc本土的保险市场具吸引力,尚有待开发,尤其是那些农业和住房相关保险机构。

    Phung Dac Loc, general secretary of the Viet Nam InsuranceAssociation, said the local insurance market was attractive and stillunder-exploited, particularly in sectors such as agriculture andhousing.


  • 审判亚历克斯•克兹恩斯基写道:“当事人竞争对手打败之后,力图通过起诉获得自己市场无法取得的收益,方面文克莱沃斯兄弟不是第一。”

    Wrote Chief Judge Alex Kozinski: "The Winklevosses are not the first parties bested by a competitor who then seek to gain through litigation what they were unable to achieve in the marketplace."


  • 审判亚历克斯•克兹恩斯基写道:“当事人竞争对手打败之后,力图通过起诉获得自己市场无法取得的收益,方面文克莱沃斯兄弟不是第一。”

    Wrote Chief Judge Alex Kozinski: "The Winklevosses are not the first parties bested by a competitor who then seek to gain through litigation what they were unable to achieve in the marketplace."


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