• 研究了混合粘结剂植筋爆炸荷载作用下锚固强度特性提出了可供应用锚固设计方法

    The anchorage property of rebar-implanting with composite adhesive under explosive loads is studied by the way of experiment, and the design method is presented.


  • 冷轧扭钢筋的拉拔试验构件试验结果表明,该种钢筋具有好的锚固延性,即很大变形滑移下仍可保持相当的锚固强度

    The pulling and extracting tests of the cold-rolled and twisted bars and experiments on these bars members have all proved that these bars possess comparatively superior ductility and bondability.


  • 沿焊接锚固长度焊接点强度必须足够对抗设计应力

    P the strength of the welded joints along the anchorage length of welded fabric shall be sufficient to resist the design forces.


  • 此外极限粘结强度也随着锚固长度钢筋直径增大而减小。

    In addition, the ultimate bond strength decreases with the increase of anchorage length and bar diameter.


  • 钢筋强度延性锚固性能以及施工适应性等几方面,比较我国现有各种钢筋特点,并提出了优化我国混凝土钢筋建议

    Based on comparison of strength, ductility, anchorage property and construction adaptation of steel bars in reinforcement concrete, the proposal of optimization for steel bars has been proposed.


  • 钢筋只有通过混凝土粘结锚固才能产生强度延性

    Reinforcing steel provides strength and ductility only through bond and anchorage to the concrete.


  • 为了估计混凝土抗压强度锚固系统出现故障时测量

    To estimate the concrete compressive strength, the Pullout force when the anchorage system fails is measured.


  • 这个问题可以通过增加锚固大小增加混凝土承载能力,提高抗压强度符合

    This problem can be met by increasing the size of the anchorage fitting or by increase the bearing capacity of the concrete by increasing its compressive strength.


  • 破坏发生钢板受拉强度得到充分利用脆性破坏,必须采取合理锚固措施予以克服

    When the failure taking place, the strength of steel plates has not been fully used, it belongs to brittle failure and must be overcome with reasonably measure.


  • 试验采用混凝土强度等级C25主要变化参数初始荷载加载历史CFRP加固、纵配筋锚固措施

    Concrete intensive grade is C25, the main variable parameters such as initial load and load history, CFRP amount, reinforcement ratio, anchor measure was adopted.


  • 通过试验分析,确定锚索安全系数粘结强度获取不同地质条件下锚索锚固过程中的动态试验信息。

    It could determine the safety factor and bond strength of the anchor cable, then, get dynamic test results of the anchor cable under different geological condition.


  • 岩土锚固调用提高岩土自身强度自稳能力

    Anchorage system can transfer or enhance intensity and steady ability of the geotechnical project.


  • 提出普通热轧变形钢筋活性粉末混凝土极限粘结强度锚固长度计算公式

    The formula is put forward for calculating the ultimate bond stress and the anchorage length of hot-rolled deformed bars and reactive powder concrete.


  • 最后通过试验抗拔力反算土体锚固体的极限粘结强度规范推荐值进行比较。

    Finally, the limit cohesion strength between the soil and the nail was obtained by in-situ test, and the results were also compared with those regulated by the technical specification.


  • 粘结锚固长度相同时,无论是对称还是横肋对称钢筋粘结强度混凝土强度提高提高。

    The bond-anchoring strength of rebar (whether transverse ribs distributed symmetrically or not) increased with increase in concrete strength when they had the same of anchorage length.


  • 基于克-布朗强度准则给出了岩体顶板锚固数值模型

    The numerical model of roof bolting and rock mass collaboration was based on Hoek Brown's strength criterion.


  • 根据多种锚固方案试件试验结果研究了锚杆锚固碎裂结构岩体模型强度变形特征

    Based on the test results from several anchoring projects, the deformation and strength character of the rock model of cracked structure reinforced by the bolt is studied.


  • 论述强度锚杆支护系统中的其它构件包括树脂锚固组合构件锚索

    The paper discussed the other parts in the high strength roof bolt support system, including the resin, combined parts and anchor.


  • 根据多种群方案试件的试验结果,研究了预应力锚锚索锚固均质岩体模型强度变形特征。

    Pointed to the slope intact rock strengthened by the prestressed anchor cable group, laboratory model test was preceded.


  • 关于锚索锚固注浆体之间峰值抗剪强度目前很少试验资料可供采用。

    At present, very little test data is available about the peak shear strength between the grout and the bore wall in the interior bond section of prestressed anchorage cable.


  • 通过试验确定无机锚固材料配合比,并对抗压强度、与混凝土粘结强度体积稳定性钢筋锚固进行研究。

    The mix proportion of the anchoring material is determined by experiments. The compressive strength, adhesive force to concrete, volume stability and anchoring force with steel bar are studied.


  • 新型无机锚固材料强度热稳定性、抗性、筋性能良好

    The material has excellent durability such as heat-resistance, impermeability and steel-protection.


  • 基于所得平均粘结强度,推导了临界锚固长度极限荷载表达式。

    The critical anchorage length and ultimate load functions are derived in response to the average bond stress.


  • 应用锚杆支护围岩强度强化理论建立了锚固体力学参数强化模型

    The theory of strengthening surrounding rock supported with bolting is applied in this paper. Then the strengthening model of mechanics parameters of bolting body is established.


  • 显示锚杆锚固应力波波固结波速)锚固介质强度直接相关,固结波速和锚固介质强度之间成抛物线关系。

    Numerical simulation results agree with experimental results, both of which show that velocity of consolidation wave in grouted rock bolt are related to the anchoring strength of fresh concrete.


  • 应用锚杆支护围岩强度强化理论,建立了锚固体力学参数强化模型。

    The theory of strengthening surrounding rock supported with bolting is applied in this paper.


  • 倾斜锚杆加固节理强度垂直锚杆,提高锚固面积显著提高节理抗剪强度

    The shear resistance of bolted joint can be obviously improved by higher ratio of bolt section to bolted joint area and inclined bolt.


  • 作者结合岩石力学试验岩石强度理论抗滑桩岩质锚固地基侧向抗力系数KH进行分析,并根据一定的变形观测位移分析法来为KH的取值一些探讨研究

    The writers also make some discussions and studies about the size of KH in the presence of deformation observations and displacement back analysis method.


  • 作者结合岩石力学试验岩石强度理论抗滑桩岩质锚固地基侧向抗力系数KH进行分析,并根据一定的变形观测位移分析法来为KH的取值一些探讨研究

    The writers also make some discussions and studies about the size of KH in the presence of deformation observations and displacement back analysis method.


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