• 就是目前表现出来的当一种蔬菜价格上升农民马上一哄而上局面导致价格下跌蔬菜销售困难

    This is when the current performance to a rise in prices of vegetables, farmers immediately altogether the same situation, resulting in prices of vegetables for sale difficult.


  • 商业信用停顿使过剩商品销售更加困难银行信用混乱更加加重了过剩商品的销售困难,从而使生产过剩危机趋于尖锐化

    Business credit pause to the sale of surplus goods more difficult, bank credit increased the confusion more difficult to sell surplus goods, so that sharpening of the crisis of overproduction.


  • 尽管制造商零售商能够一定把握预测需求,但要准确地预测需求如何他们销售众多SKU分配困难的。

    Even though manufacturers and retailers can forecast aggregate demand with some certainty, forecasting accurately how that demand will be distributed among the many SKU's they sell is difficult.


  • 鼓励合作社农民网上发布关于他们销售产品遇到困难信息

    Cooperatives and farmers are encouraged to publish information online about any difficulties they may encounter when selling their produce.


  • :“很明显航空燃油销售问题境外运营伊朗航空公司马汉航空公司带来麻烦,这些困难可以克服

    "Obviously, the selling of jet fuel will pose problems for Iran Air and Maha Airlines, which operate out of Iran, but these are not difficulties that cannot be overcome," said Mehrdad Khonsari.


  • 增加消费市场的销售戴尔来讲困难的,因为个人用户趋向希望购买之前亲眼看到亲手摸一下要买的电脑

    Increasing sales to consumers is difficult for Dell because individuals tend to want to see and touch computers before buying them.


  • 技术上而言这那些传媒IT工作容易些,而对那些从事教师或销售员之类工作的人就相对困难

    While this might be technically relatively easy for someone who works in the media or IT industries, spending a lot of time online will be comparably more difficult for, say, a teacher or sales clerk.


  • 南美销售其实困难

    It's more challenging to sell in South America.


  • Sugawara希望能将销售数字一番,觉得甚至可以更好但是现在要得到车辆实在困难

    Sugawara expects to double his sales figures, and he could probably do even better, but he's having a hard time getting vehicles.


  • 本周一家面临资金困难资产公司-Thornburg,,以9-95销售了200亿美元最高信用评级债券

    This week Thornburg, a property firm facing funding difficulties, sold an array of top-notch securities worth over $20 billion at a 5-10% discount.


  • 知道销售推广计划进口许可我们兑现的提议是很困难的。

    Before we know your sales volume, your plan for promotion and import license's.


  • 尽管出现了很多问题困难iphone依旧季度打破苹果的销售记录

    Despite all its problems and issues, the Apple iPhone has constantly been breaking its own sales records with each quarter.


  • 诉说了阻止7万销售非法药品那些干劲十足的人们多么困难

    He describes how tough it is to stop highly motivated people from selling illegal medicines to a population of 70 000 people.


  • 意味着项目组合管理建立成为向上销售”的问题对此,获得足够的支持困难的。

    This means that establishment of portfolio management becomes a matter of "selling upward," for which gaining traction can be difficult.


  • 这种态度使得直接销售西方消费者更加困难

    This attitude makes it hard to sell directly to Western consumers.


  • 通用汽车尽管有着种种困难中国丰田表现出色;而通用在巴西的销售几乎丰田

    GM, for all its difficulties, is still doing better than Toyota in China and sells nearly ten times as many vehicles in Brazil.


  • 然而实践中要防止虚拟物品交易困难的,而且现在还出现了一些专门的虚拟物品交易平台玩家购买销售游戏中的物品。

    In practice, however, preventing trade in virtual items is difficult, and several dedicated trading platforms have emerged to enable players to buy and sell in-game items.


  • 一个困难销售大环境下,我们集团财政年度开始取得好的成绩

    In a tough consumer environment, the Group has made a solid start to the new financial year.


  • 索尼称,以后几个可能对于ps3销售店家来说困难,但公司努力生产,使货架上有货。

    Sony is cautioning that the next few monthswill be tough for PS3 shoppers as the company tries to get moreconsoles on store shelves.


  • 逐渐形成突破销售层层困难想法了吗?

    Are you gradually opening up to the idea of breaking ceilings of sales one after another?


  • 有可能发生但是并不是一个有意义衡量因为提供销售器官来源许多情形下无须太大困难可以确定

    This would happen, but not likely on a significant scale since the source of organs offered for sale could be determined in most cases without great difficulty.


  • 知道是否销售市场重要技能,但掌握销售市场技能对大部分来说困难的,这主要是因为他们害怕被拒绝

    I know of no other skills to be more important than selling as well as marketing. The skills of selling and marketing are difficult for most people primarily due to their fear of rejection.


  • 蒂森克困难需要保护一样:在2006年最后一个季度公司税前收益飙升10亿欧元(约13亿美元)销售是120亿欧元

    It is not as if ThyssenKrupp is in trouble and needs protection: in the final quarter of 2006 its pre-tax profits surged to euro1 billion ($1.3 billion) on sales of euro12 billion.


  • 对于一些员工,像是经常移动销售代表可能困难

    For others, such as sales reps who are constantly on the move, this may be more difficult.


  • 苹果公司达成出人意料又具有里程碑意义的业绩目标iPhone手机的季度销量许多分析师原以为季度苹果公司的iPhone销售面临困难

    The most surprising milestone Apple reached was the quarterly sales record for the iPhone, which many analysts believed would have a tough quarter.


  • 苹果公司达成出人意料又具有里程碑意义的业绩目标iPhone手机的季度销量许多分析师原以为季度苹果公司的iPhone销售面临困难

    The most surprising milestone Apple reached was the quarterly sales record for the iPhone, which many analysts believed would have a tough quarter.


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