• 借助于数值模拟技术不仅较准确描述过程而且预测内部的成型缺陷

    By the aided of numerical simulation technique we can not only accurate picture the cavity filling process also can predict moulding fault among the die casting et al.


  • 组织形成主要变形作用于未凝固,引起质量热量分布状态发生改变所致

    The formation of roll-casting microstructure is mainly attributed to the deformation of un-solidified liquid phase, the varied distribution of mass and heat.


  • 砜超中,溶剂影响决定超滤膜的主要因素之一

    The effect of good solvents on polysulfone ultrafiltration membrane casting solution was one of the determining factors.


  • 水平这道工序包括四个过程电解铜板熔化凝固牵引管坯的切割

    Horizontal continuous casting procedure includes four processes: electrolysis copper plate melting, copper fluid solidification, the drawing and cutting of tube billet.


  • 介绍了一种在钢铁结晶器连续位仪使用BGO闪烁体探测器电路设计

    Introduced BGO scintillator detector electric circuit design which used in the Continuous metal cast crystallizer in the steel and iron company.


  • 采用实验以及电脑影像技术,结晶器弯月进行模拟研究不同工艺条件下弯月面进行了数值模拟

    The simulation study for crescent-moon surface of molten steel in mold is conducted with water simulating experiment and computer video according to different process conditions.


  • 溶剂体系(溶剂溶剂)不对称形态形成重要作用

    Solvent system including solvent and nonsolvent in membrane casting solution plays an important role for making the morphology of asymmetric membrane.


  • 应用计算软件PHOENICS水力模型,模拟了方坯结晶器内流场和流动分布。

    Using flow field software PHOENICS and water model, this paper describes the flow field of molten steel in continuous casting billet mold.


  • 坯内产生针孔气泡缺陷原因是脱氧不良,产生体积气泡缺陷的原因是机浇注过程氩气流量过高

    The defects on pinhole bubble formed in slabs result from badness deoxidization, and the defects on large volume bubbles formed in slabs result from the high flux of argon during casting.


  • 提高当量增加孕育剂量降低态组织的渗碳体数量,均有利于增加石墨数量

    Adding of carbon equivalent and the amount of inoculant can reduce the amount of as cast carbide and increase the number of nodular graphite.


  • 概述直接利用电解铝生产关键技术,并熔炼工艺参数选择质量控制进行了全面的分析。

    Key technique of casting aluminium strip with electrolytic aluminium liquid is summarized. The choice of technological parameters of smelting and casting and quality control is introduced.


  • 研究了交变磁场作用下磁场频率变化对7050铝合金小型静态成型坯熔体面、显微组织以及元素分布影响

    The effect of alternating magnetic field frequency on the meniscus, microstructure and element distribution of the static formed ingots of minitype square billet of 7050 aluminium alloy.


  • 生产工艺中,连长度生产中一个非常重要参数直接反映冷却状况的合理程度

    In continuous casting course, the liquid core length is a very important parameter, it reflects the cooling condition of casting and the appropriate degree of pulling speed.


  • 塑性(网格)方法研究模拟样品轧制变形行为,无铅芯的样品进行了比较,由此了解轻压下时的变形特征

    The Cu Pb clad samples were used to simulate the strands with liquid core and the deformation characteristics of the sample in the rolling process were investigated by visio plasticity (mesh) method.


  • 生产数据进行分析,认为钢水成分、拉结晶器波动等造成坯表面主要原因

    The composition of molten steel, cast speed and mould level changing are thought to be main reasons of causing surface longitudinal cracks by analyzing producing data.


  • 分析发现,尺寸结构不合理,前箱高度不稳定坯上下板面凝固结晶差异形成带表面夹渣主要原因

    The main factors of slag is related to size and irrational structure of nozzle, unstable liquid height of tundish and crystalline differences between surfaces of cast-rolling strip.


  • 目前带坯生产中前温度主要通过经验大量试验确定

    At present, the temperature of aluminum liquid in front box is decided by experience or a larger number of experiments.


  • 本文介绍了带坯轧机结晶控制气动装置工作原理应用效果

    This paper introduces a pneumatic device controlling metal level of the mound in an aluminum strip. caster, and describes its working principle and application effect.


  • 可运用数学模型预报参数冶金效果坯的温度芯长度、凝固壳厚度等。

    This model is aimed at forecasting the metallurgical effects of various CC process parameters, such as temperature field, liquid pool deepness and solidification profile.


  • 介绍攀钢中间罐连续系统工艺特点利用系统实测中间罐温度及其变化过程。

    Technological features of continuous temperature measuring system are described in this paper. Actual temperature profiles of molten steel in tundish are measured by use of it.


  • 过程结晶器控制提出一种新的模糊控制方法

    A new kind of fuzzy control is proposed for mold level control in continuous casting process.


  • 本文研究溶剂温度膜条件厚度对过氯乙烯膜渗透汽化分离乙醇水溶性能影响

    In this paper, the effect of solvent and temperature of preparing membrane and the thickness of the membrane on its performance was studied.


  • 介绍了结晶控制系统FUZZYPID设计应用

    The design and application of FUZZY PID in level control of continuous casting crystallizer are introduced.


  • 随着温度上升通量先是明显下降然后略有上升。膜分子物质去除率先是增加,然后急剧下降。

    As the temperature increases , the water flux first decreases evidently , then increases slightly and the clearance rates of low - molecular weight substances first increase , then decrease shaply.


  • 结晶器内传热可视为一个稳态过程可用依赖拉坯速度三维稳态热传导方程描述。

    The heat transfer of steel fluid in continuous casting mould is a stable process and can be depicted with three-dimensional stable heat conduction equation depending on tension speed.


  • 凝固进行,相中的溶质不断富集,最终在中心区域形成宏观偏析。

    The macrosegregation is formed in central area of the billet resulted from the continuous enrichment of solute during solidification process.


  • 进行了热度对出结晶器厚度、方表面温度凝固过程中坯壳厚度影响模拟分析研究。

    The effects of superheat on the shell's thickness leaving mold, the surface temperature of casting blank, the shell's thickness in casting solidification and the length of liquid core were simulated.


  • ZL 111铝合金相线温度保温后的组织进行研究。

    The microstructure evolution of ZL111 by heat holding above the liquidus temperatures was investigated.


  • 本文介绍结晶控制系统配置,控制方式和控制算法以及位控制原理

    The article mainly describes caster mould level control system in Zhujiang Steel including its configuration, control mode, control arithmetic, as well as mould level control principle.


  • 采用电子扫描显微镜(SEM研完了组成挥发时间形态结构影响

    The effects of the composition ofthe casting solution and evaporation time on the morphology of the membranes were investigated by the use of scanning electron microscopy (SEM).


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