• 人遗忘银行金库30珍宝重见天日,让人们打开眼界

    A collection of gems which lay forgotten in a bank vault for 30 years has been unearthed, leaving people's eyes wide open.


  • 英国《每日邮报20报道,人遗忘银行金库30珍宝重见天日人们打开眼界

    According to the Daily Mail of December 20, a collection of gems which lay forgotten in a bank vault for 30 years has been unearthed, leaving people's eyes wide open.


  • 熟练电脑罪犯进入电脑系统武装劫匪闯入银行金库容易得多其被捕受惩罚风险却很小。

    Skilled computer criminals can break into a computer system far more easily than an armed robber can gain access to a bank vault, and usually with far less risk of apprehension and punishment.


  • 美国财政部强制用以高于市场平均水平荒谬价格获得成堆无用白银并且它们储存银行金库

    The United States Treasury was compelled to acquire, at ridiculous prices far above the market level, hoards of unnecessary silver, and to store it in vaults.


  • 被告利用他们公司内部渠道得到了这些敏感信息,这与偷盗团伙里应外合盗窃银行金库没什么两样。

    The defendants took advantage of an insider's access to sensitive information in much the same way that a gang of thieves might get the combination to the bank vault from an insider.


  • 基础货币方面无论怎么增加都会要么银行金库吸纳,要么个人企业现金方式所持有而不会花出去

    Any further increases in the monetary base will either be held in bank vaults or held as cash by individuals and firms, without being spent.


  • 地球上人类宇宙中的梦想家可能存在外星生物可以现实生活中的一个瑞士银行金库守财奴一样游泳

    People of Earth, dreamers of the universe and possible alien organisms of the beyond: you can swim like Scrooge McDuck in a Swiss bank vault in real life.


  • 1940年不列颠战时起,水牛就被存在了银行金库,直到克斯·福特先生首次看到,它被战时的报纸包裹着。

    The buffalo had lain in a bank vault since the Battle of Britain in 1940 and was still wrapped in wartime newspaper when Mr Axford saw it for the first time.


  • 由于这样那样原因只有其中一个使用取消一张银行里。

    For some reason or other only one of these had been used and canceled; the other still lay in the vaults of the Bank.


  • 声明必须中央银行这里,付保证金,要不那样做,要不就在金库中存钱,并且表明作为存款中的储备金。

    It says that you have to keep deposits with us here at the central bank; either that or else keep vault cash and show that you have it as reserves for your deposits.


  • 一些银行表示他们仍有存储空间另一些则表示金库空间已接近饱和。

    While some Banks said they had space, others said their vaults were nearly full.


  • 团伙相邻建筑地窖地道进入银行地下室后,通过喷枪切开进入金库

    The gang tunneled into the bank's basement from a neighboring cellar, and entered the vault through a small hole they cut using a thermal lance.


  • 银行资本重新调整了,只有离开金库时才可能烫手的空头货币

    The Banks are recapitalized but with phony money that is potentially red hot if it should ever leave the vaults.


  • 妈妈银行工作的爷爷聊天时,小女孩走进金库

    The toddler walked into it as the mother talked to a grandparent who works at the bank.


  • 部分银行金库储备了足够多的现金,足以应付一半储户当场提现。

    Some keep enough cash in the vaults to repay almost half their depositors on the spot.


  • 只有美国银行金库大门敞开将案头柜台上。

    Only in America......do banks leave both doors to the vault open and then chain the pens to the counters.


  • 金库没有足够黄金时,银行倒闭,因为当人们开始索要黄金时,银行却拿出来

    Bank failures occur when there's not enough gold in the vault and then people start asking for the gold and the goldsmith banker doesn't have it to give out.


  • 除了巴克莱银行笔贷款衍生品没有确切的知道在巴克莱银行究竟是什么力量(如果有的话支撑。

    Short of peering at each loan and derivative, no one really knows what skeletons (if any) are lurking in Barclaysvaults.


  • 作为一个负责任企业机构立方氮化硼再次警告所有接受者欺诈信件虚假交易,不存在任何合同付款被困银行金库

    As a responsible corporate body, the CBN is once again warning all recipients of fraudulent letters on bogus deals, that there are no contract payments trapped in the bank's vaults.


  • 银行这项计划获益者之一大量藏匿于床现金应该进入他们金库或者他们提供共同基金

    Banks are among those who should gain from the scheme: much cash now secreted under mattresses should make its way into their coffers or into the mutual funds they offer.


  • 而反过来,福特公司(Ford生产线每一辆新车下线,又是否会改变英格兰银行地下金库那些重量不差毫分的金条的价值

    Conversely, will every new Ford which rolls from the line change the value of those so-accurately weighed bars under Threadneedle Street?


  • 珠宝放在银行

    She put her jewels in a vault at the bank.


  • 世界银行管理委员会(WODEBAKE)下设指挥中心- - -系统- - -系统- - -世界金库仓库保管员资金保管员资产监督人员

    Command centers established under WODE BAKE - major system - minor system - storage keeper of every world gold storage, fund keeper and capital supervisor.


  • 世界银行管理委员会(WODEBAKE)下设指挥中心- - -系统- - -系统- - -世界金库仓库保管员资金保管员资产监督人员

    Command centers established under WODE BAKE - major system - minor system - storage keeper of every world gold storage, fund keeper and capital supervisor.


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