• 银行大多采取隐含定价方式规避金融当局利率管制扩大金融市场占有率增强盈利性

    Banks tend to adopt implicit pricing so that they can avoid the interest rate control of financial authorities, expand their financial market share, and enhance their competence in making a profit.


  • 迪拜金融当局首次一家中国金融机构颁发会员牌照此举突显海湾地区中国之间双边贸易正在不断增长

    Dubai's financial authority has granted a membership licence to a Chinese institution for the first time in a move highlighting the growing two-way trade between the Gulf region and China.


  • 本文对网络银行风险成因进行了深入剖析,列出金融当局商业银行电子货币发行机构面临的不同风险。

    This article has made deep researches of the factors of inter-bank's risks and listed all of the risks that finance bureaus and commercial Banks and issuing propagandas of electronic money facing.


  • 每次发生金融危机当局就会进行干预照管出问题机构实施货币财政刺激政策,从而进一步吹大这个超级泡沫。

    Each time a financial crisis occurred the authorities intervened, took care of the failing institutions, and applied monetary and fiscal stimulus, inflating the super-bubble even further.


  • 本周以前,美国当局还一直坚信他们一些贷款就能稳住金融系统直到房屋价格并且所有的坏账都得以解决。

    Until this week America's authorities clung to the hope that they could tide over the financial system with a few loans until home prices stabilised and all the bad debts were accounted for.


  • 虽然奥巴马当局国会致力于大力规范美国金融市场,然而如何处理这两家公司的问题正在华盛顿变得越来越惹人注目。

    The question of what to do with the twofirms has been a growing issue in Washington, where the Obama administrationand Congress are already focused on overhauling regulation of U.S. financialmarkets.


  • 节目更好地了解客户使金融机构潜在警戒执法当局阻止犯罪行为犯罪行为,帮助银行业

    Know Your Customer programs would better enable financial institutions to alert law enforcement authorities to potential criminal conduct and help deter criminal conduct in the banking industry.


  • 世界银行学院城市化城市管理计划目标是建立城市当局作为市政服务管理者、协调者与金融家的制度能力

    The WBI's urban and city Management Program aims to build institutional capacity of urban authorities to deal with their roles as managers, regulators and financiers of urban services.


  • 风险对经济处于高速发展期我国危害程度更大我国金融监管当局积极地研究防范对策,更好地规范驾驭这一货币形态演变的最新形式。

    And this risk does more harm to our country which is in the high speed development period. Therefore, Chinese finance custody authorities should actively research into the defend count…


  • 周初众人注意力都放在欧洲金融稳定基金改变前景原因是当时欧盟当局召开次高规格会议。但结果没有达成解决方案。

    While thoughts at the start of the week centred on the prospect of a change to the EFSF rescue fund due to some high profile meetings of EU authorities, the meetings passed without a resolution.


  • 因此,针对金融市场风险如何较为准确地加以度量建立完善的风险预警体制机制成为金融机构监管当局研究热点问题

    So, how to accurately measure financial risks, establish perfect risk warning systems and mechanisms, has become a hot issue of financial institutions and regulatory authorities.


  • 确保金融安全存款保险制度金融监管当局审慎监管、中央银行最后贷款人功能一起构成一国金融安全网三大基本要素

    In order to guarantee the safety of the finance, deposit insurance system, prudential supervision and lender-of-last-resort form the three fundamental elements of one nation's financial safety net.


  • 国际金融巨头铁矿石企业部分交叉所有权安排及其隐蔽限制竞争行为应当引起反垄断当局重视

    The Partial Cross Ownership arrangement between the iron ore firms and their secretly competition restricting conducts need the competition authority pay extraordinarily attention.


  • 国际金融巨头铁矿石企业部分交叉所有权安排及其隐蔽限制竞争行为应当引起反垄断当局重视

    The Partial Cross Ownership arrangement between the iron ore firms and their secretly competition restricting conducts need the competition authority pay extraordinarily attention.


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