• 英国又有一家金融巨头轰然倒下

    Another financial Titan has fallen in Britain.


  • 文章甚至预言至少一个金融巨头将锒铛入狱

    I even predicted that at least one financial superstar would go to jail.


  • 金融巨头

    She is a financial magnate.


  • 1999年,花旗集团还是刚刚成型金融巨头

    In 1999, Citigroup was the newly formed colossus.


  • 金融巨头依赖OpenBSD确保企业网络客户记录的安全。

    Financial juggernauts have been known to rely on OpenBSD to secure corporate networks and customer records.


  • 投资者公开报告称,做空跨国金融巨头英国银行他们获利了。

    They profited by wagering against global financial giants and British Banks, according to investors and public filings.


  • 陷入困境金融巨头待遇(尽管双方某些观点已经接近)。

    One is the treatment of troubled financial giants (although the two sides have got closer on some points).


  • 纽约联邦储蓄银行世界金融巨头顶尖高管占据董事会席位多年

    At the New York Fed, top executives of global financial giants fill many seats on the board.


  • 面对美国金融巨头的频频报喜,人们不禁要问:华尔街春天还有远?

    When good news is coming one after another from the U. S. financial giants, people cannot help but wonder: how far away is spring to the Wall Street?


  • 有些认为美国的住房金融巨头房地美应该担保抵押不是购买抵押。

    Some argue that Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae, America's housing-finance giants, should likewise guarantee mortgages but not buy them.


  • 佐治亚案例显示大量银行的恶行带来少数金融巨头不端所造成的同样大的损害

    The case of Georgia shows that bad behavior by many small Banks can do as much damage as misbehavior by a few financial giants.


  • 成为法规主要目标高盛公司及其他华尔街金融巨头相比这些公司承受着截然不同的压力。

    The companies bear little resemblance to Goldman Sachs and the other Wall Street financial giants that have become the main targets of the legislation.


  • 国际金融巨头铁矿石企业部分交叉所有权安排及其隐蔽限制竞争行为应当引起反垄断当局重视

    The Partial Cross Ownership arrangement between the iron ore firms and their secretly competition restricting conducts need the competition authority pay extraordinarily attention.


  • 这些金融巨头制定计划第一次世界战后一直努力因为一个阴险破坏过程目的是经济不稳定所有西方

    These finance moguls devised their plan after World War I, and have been working since on an insidious undermining process aimed at economic destabilization all over the West.


  • 华尔街金融巨头他们进入债务市场尝新的愚蠢行为,占据媒体头版头条,也是到目前为止为数不多的救市资金最大受益者

    Wall Street's giants and their foolish forays into debt-market exotica have hogged the headlines-and most of the rescue capital doled out so far.


  • 华尔街的这些金融巨头至少明面不得不放弃所谓自营交易业务,也就是银行拿自己直接交易,就对冲基金那样

    Wall Street's biggest have had to ditch, at least formally, their so-called proprietary trading operations, which is when the Banks are directly trading their own money, like a hedge fund would.


  • 十五年前法兰克福渴望成为全球金融中心如今德国金融巨头比如德意志银行安联保险公司伦敦生意要比在法兰克福多许多

    Fifteen years ago Frankfurt aspired to become a global financial centre, but these days German financial giants such as Deutsche Bank and Allianz do much more business in London than in Frankfurt.


  • 是一个日常表达中很有用句型,例如“美国国际集团向员工支付超过1.5亿美元奖金而他们的业绩就是将这个金融巨头到了崩溃边缘。”

    On the recent scandal of more than $150 million in bonuses paid to the AIG employees whose work pushed the financial giant to the brink of collapse.


  • 实际上今年瑞士信贷高兴甩掉了1997年购入Winterthur insurance,当时买下为了组成一个金融巨头收购并不成功

    In fact it was glad this year to get rid of Winterthur insurance, which it bought in 1997 in the hope of succeeding as a financial conglomerate; it didn't.


  • 总部位于洛杉矶的威尔金森建筑师事务所(L.A.-basedClive Wilkinson Architects)最近金融巨头澳大利亚麦格集团(Macquairie Group)澳大利亚的悉尼建成一座3000规模的移动办公室

    L.A.-based Clive Wilkinson Architects recently completed a 3, 000-person Mobile Office project in Sydney, Australia, for the financial giant Macquarie Group.


  • 我们名单中的61位金融致富巨头,有6个人曾经高盛投资银行部交易或是资产评估度过了他们的青葱岁月。

    Of the 61 tycoons on our list who derive their fortunes from finance, at least six cut their teeth in Goldman's investment banking, trading, or asset management divisions.


  • 本周美国金融巨头公布结果显示:不同银行处境迥异。

    The results unveiled this week by America’s financial giants were, however, far from uniform.


  • 其他银行相比,银行业巨头可能被迫填充更多缓冲资本,因为它们一旦垮掉,整个金融体系受到损害

    Very big firms will likely have to stuff their cushions a bit more than the rest because of the harm they can cause to the entire financial system if they collapse.


  • 美国工业巨头通用电气公司旗下的金融部门业绩同样悲惨。受累于不良信用卡债务商业贷款,通用电气公司第三季利润下滑42%。

    It was matched by a dire performance from the finance arm of the us industrial behemoth General Electric, whose profits dipped 42% thanks to bad credit card debts and business loans.


  • 不到年前,收购了摇摇欲坠抵押贷款巨头Country wide救助了投资银行美林(Merrill Lynch),从而避免金融灾难而备受称赞。

    Less than a year ago, he was hailed for helping avert financial disaster by snapping up teetering mortgage giant Countrywide and rescuing investment bank Merrill Lynch.


  • 法国的精品金融公司ShoreCapital兼并了各种巨头化学公司残余部分的Ineos何相同之

    WHAT do Shore Capital, a boutique financial firm, and Ineos, the remnant of various giant chemical companies, have in common?


  • 本周三中午伦敦一个活动上,达以这位华尔街银行巨头作为银行“显然”不明白金融形势发生怎样变化的例子

    Speaking at an event in London this lunchtime, the chancellor cited the Wall Street giant as an example of a bank that "manifestly" failed to appreciate how the City landscape had changed.


  • 本周三中午伦敦一个活动上,达以这位华尔街银行巨头作为银行“显然”不明白金融形势发生怎样变化的例子

    Speaking at an event in London this lunchtime, the chancellor cited the Wall Street giant as an example of a bank that "manifestly" failed to appreciate how the City landscape had changed.


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