• 领先市场利率养老债券不久前也是仅仅提供65岁以上的人群

    Government bonds paying well above the market rate of interest have just been made available exclusively to those aged 65 and over.


  • 实际上养老别的债务一样因此应该债券收益率来折现

    In effect, pensions are a debt like any other, and should be discounted with a bond yield.


  • 过去一年里,清算机构葡萄牙以及爱尔兰债券价格暴跌以后要求它们增加保证

    Over the past year the clearing house asked for more margin on Portuguese and Irish bonds after their prices fell sharply.


  • 同时会计准则驱使公司退休计划使用公司债券收益率来降低负债

    Meanwhile, accounting standards have forced company pension schemes to discount their liabilities using a corporate-bond yield.


  • 通过银行养老体系,日本国民持有这个国家95%公共事业债券

    Through Banks and pension schemes, the Japanese hold 95% of the country's huge public-sector debt.


  • 据称大部分秘鲁32年期债券养老买下的。

    Most of Peru's 32-year bonds were reportedly picked up by local pension funds.


  • 如果他们希望帮助银行筹集满足新的准备要求,则有可能放慢发行债券的步伐。

    But if they want to help Banks cough up the cash needed to meet the new reserve requirement they could simply go slow on bond issuance.


  • 他们喜欢使用工具是上调存款准备出售低息债券

    Their weapons of choice: increases in the reserve requirement ratio and sales of low yielding bonds.


  • 而且即便欧元区购买债券能取得收益不太可能取消增加保证

    And the margin increase is unlikely to be reversed, even if ECB buying drives yields back.


  • 随着银行盈利水平的上升为了帮助中央偿还债券利息而支付股息所占比例也将下降

    As the Banks' earnings rise, the proportion that has to be paid out in dividends for Huijin to finance repayments drops.


  • 救助就是欧洲稳定预期将债券购买者部分损失提供赔付

    The rescue fund, known as the European Financial Stability Facility, is expected to offer insurance against part of the losses on bond purchases.


  • 购买海外债券来自商业银行必须存于央行储备

    The money to buy foreign bonds has come from the reserves required that commercial banks must deposit with the central bank.


  • 我们应该怎样对冲定期债券借贷安排带来储备影响

    How will we offset the reserve impact of PDCF loans?


  • 上周五美国银行监管机构表示不会因为债券降级,而要求商业银行建立更多准备

    U. S. banking regulators on Friday said they would not require commercial banks to build up more capital to compensate for the lower rating on the Treasury securities they now hold as a cushion.


  • 英格兰银行(Bank of England)行长文·(Mervyn King)几天谈到这个世界已经从“承诺就是我的债券”变成了“我的承诺就是我的双层担保债务凭证(CDO squared)”时候,该如何重塑信心

    Mervyn King, the head of the Bank of England, talked a few days ago about how faith could be restored in a world where "my word is my bond" had been replaced by "my word is my CDO squared".


  • 如20世纪80年代米歇尔·米尔(MichaelMilken)率先使用垃圾债券(junk bonds),这些债券在米尔保险诈骗罪入狱遭到骂名

    Take junk bonds, whose use Michael Milken pioneered in the nineteen-eighties. They got a bad name when Milken went to prison for securities fraud.


  • 像购买信誉收益率公司债券一样,养老承担风险越大,的未来债务额就显得小。

    The more risk the pension fund takes (for example, by buying high-yielding bonds of companies with poor credit ratings), the lower its liabilities appear to be.


  • 签发债券实体承诺将来一个指定日期偿还债券持有人以及固定的息

    The entity issuing the bond promises to pay the bondholder the amount borrowed (called principal) at a designated future date plus a fixed a mount of interest.


  • 前此曾有人不大相信银行真的购买债券,因为使得整个过程完全成为自我循环

    Some have wondered whether the Banks themselves will buy Huijin's debt, a move that would make the process perfectly circular.


  • 糟糕资产市场意味着他们建立养老规模较小债券收益意味着规模的养老保险收入低。

    Struggling asset markets mean they build up a smaller pension pot; low bond yields mean the annuity income from that pot is lower.


  • 未来为了应对不断上调存款准备商业银行加大资产的“摆布”,通过抛售所持债券资产应对收紧流动性

    The future in order to deal with continuously raise the deposit reserve ratio, commercial Banks or will intensify the asset "mercy", through selling holdings assets to cope with tightening liquidity.


  • 英格兰银行认识到了养老问题,为他们购买通胀关联的债券从而员工享受到与通胀挂钩的养老

    The Bank of England recognises this issue. Its employees are guaranteed an inflation-linked pension so it meets that promise by buying inflation-linked bonds.


  • 它们要求美国国际集团债务抵押债券可靠部分进行投保只有其它投资方耗尽保证时,部分才亏损

    AIG was asked to insure the safest element of these CDOs that would lose money only if all other investors were wiped out.


  • 2007年5月24日中信建投证券主承销北京集团有限责任公司8亿企业债券成功发行

    On May 24, 2007, the enterprise bond of Beijing Jinyu Group Co. , Ltd. of RMB 0.8 billion underwritten by CSC as lead underwriter was successfully issued.


  • 7月26日,班特,一家刚刚勉强过关中型西班牙商业银行支付历史最高240基点发行一种房贷债券

    On July 26th Bankinter, a midsized Spanish commercial bank that just scraped through the tests, paid a record spread of 240 basis points to issue a mortgage-backed bond.


  • 7月26日,班特,一家刚刚勉强过关中型西班牙商业银行支付历史最高240基点发行一种房贷债券

    On July 26th Bankinter, a midsized Spanish commercial bank that just scraped through the tests, paid a record spread of 240 basis points to issue a mortgage-backed bond.


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