• 这些数字文托提出的,证明非常重要的。

    These Numbers are the same ones Larry Pesavento recommends, and have proven to be extremely important.


  • 文章评论:“大只,太小只了。”

    One blog comment on Larissa’s article was, “Too much about you, not enough about the cats.”


  • 东岸黑沙海滩享受远离都市竞争的休假。

    Time out of the rat race on the black sands of Perissa beach on the east coast of Santorini island.


  • 不错为了修习管理课程银行透支笔钱

    Larissa: Yes, I had to take out an overdraft with my bank to pay for a management course.


  • 里萨火山属于墨西哥火山,它大致沿东西一线,横亘整个墨西哥。

    Pico DE Orizaba is part of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt that extends roughly east-west across Mexico.


  • 我们比哈尔、北方邦、孟加拉邦里萨难道没有穷的劳动力吗?

    Dont we have the poorest raw labor in bihar, up, Bengal and orissa.


  • 朱默克·里萨古纳两个孩子母亲,常常在尼日利亚首都拉各斯街道叫卖面包

    Jumoke Orisaguna is a mother of two who used to walk the streets of Lagos selling bread.


  • 作为助理国务卿,在2005年二月至六月期间,立克康铎里萨-赖斯主要助手

    As deputy secretary of state, Mr Zoellick was chief aide to Condoleezza Rice between February 2005 and June last year.


  • 情况不容乐观并不会造成恐慌性抢购。”粮农组织的阿布杜里萨•亚巴斯恩说道

    "The situation is not rosy, but there is no reason for panic-buying," says Abdolreza Abbassian at the FAO.


  • 情况不容乐观并不会造成恐慌性抢购。”粮农组织的阿布杜里萨•亚巴斯恩说道

    “The situation is not rosy, but there is no reason for panic-buying,” says Abdolreza Abbassian at the FAO.


  • 印度里萨世界艾滋病日前游客们在观看艺术家苏达山派特耐克创作的沙雕。

    Visitors look at a sand sculpture created by sand artist Sudarshan Pattnaik on the eve of World AIDS Day at Puri, Orissa, India.


  • 印度官员19,该国东部里萨出现高温天气,目前已有至少23死亡,可能与酷热有关。

    At least 23 people are suspected to have died in a heat wave swirling across the eastern state of Orissa, India, officials said Sunday.


  • 里萨,“一现象正印证了黑格尔的观点:我们唯一历史中学到的就是我们对历史一无所知。”

    Ritholtz says, “It’s like what Hegel supposedly said: The only thing we learn from history is that we learn nothing from history.”


  • 印度里萨,2006年2月27日3月5报告了4 904肌痛头痛有关发热病例。

    In Orissa state, India, 4904 cases of fever associated with myalgia and headache have been reported between 27 February - 5 March 2006.


  • 电影卡加维亚克拉克穿越怀有敌意美国原著民地盘以及与猜忌的图桑特。夏博战斗陷入爱河。

    In the movie, Sacagawea and Clark fall in love while traversing hostile Native American territory and battling the jealous villain Toussaint Charbonneau.


  • 印度时报》头大象印度东部里萨条公路上觅食,迫使司机车窗从自己出来

    The Hindustan Times said the elephant was scouting for food on a highway in the eastern state of Orissa, forcing motorists to roll down their windows and get out of the car.


  • 批判的声音来自个方向7月31日恼怒村民里萨飞到了伦敦,并来到了Vdeanta的年度全体大会

    Critics have also travelled in the other direction: angry villagers from Orissa were flown to Vedanta's annual general meeting (AGM) in London on July 31st.


  • 婚礼里萨Jajpur 区的印度寺庙举行。 除了新娘为一条有着丰厚嫁妆的乡下狗狗外,结婚仪式传统仪式无异。

    The ceremony, at a Hindu temple in Orissa state's Jajpur district, was conducted with all the rituals observed at traditional weddings.


  • 比方说,浦项公司打算花费1200亿美元里萨设厂,由于当地农民接受重新安置的安排,拒绝搬迁,这一计划搁置长达5之久。

    Posco's plan to build a $12 billion plant in Orissa, for one, has been stalled for five years by farmers who refuse to move despite efforts to relocate them.


  • 1930年,那位于奥斯陆郊外里萨城堡房子,南森阳台上心脏病发,终年69岁;现在他的骨灰南面草坪简单墓碑之下。

    Nansen died of a heart attack in 1930 on the balcony of his castle-like house in Lysaker, on Oslo's outskirts, where his ashes are now buried beneath a simple gravestone on the south lawn. He was 69.


  • 浦项公司我们土地想要我们的,”75岁Makar Kandi说道,里萨邦的丁其亚拥有亩地,靠种植槟榔供养一家口人。

    "Posco wants our land, it wants our water," said Makar Kandi, 75, who supports a family of eight with a one-acre plot on which he grows betel leaves in Orissa's Dhinkia village.


  • 2001年,斯坦福大学(Stanford)组织行为学教授•蒂登斯组织了研究参与者分别观看比尔·克林顿莫妮卡·莱温斯基丑闻反应

    In a 2001 study published by Stanford organizational behavior professor Larissa Tiedens, participants watched videos of Bill Clinton responding to the Monica Lewinsky scandal.


  • 关于这个学科许多想法并不总是可信的。

    Many of Vasari's ruminations on the subject are not always to be believed.


  • 迪纳位于加布埃尔丘陵地带

    Pasadena lies in the foothills of the San Gabriel mountains.


  • 曾将英国诗人西格夫·松的诗《于我,过去,现在以及未来》翻译成中文。

    He once translated English poet Siegfried Sassoon's poem In Me, Past, Present, Future Meet into Chinese.


  • 土耳其船长手下我们带到摩洛哥的

    The Turkish captain and his men took us to Sallee in Morocco.


  • 大学阿伯丁大学研究人员正在研究进食时间影响体重机制

    Researchers from the University of Surrey and University of Aberdeen are halfway through research looking into the mechanisms behind how the time we eat influences body weight.


  • 潮湿下午的丹比斯,酿酒师这样描述起泡酒:“紧张带着朴素甜美的特质”。

    "Nervy, with an austere, honeyed character", was how one winemaker described the bubbly on offer on a wet afternoon at Denbies.


  • 潮湿下午的丹比斯,酿酒师这样描述起泡酒:“紧张带着朴素甜美的特质”。

    "Nervy, with an austere, honeyed character", was how one winemaker described the bubbly on offer on a wet afternoon at Denbies.


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