• 特曼人里法

    Then Eliphaz the Themanite answered, and said.


  • 里法特·侯赛因印度拒绝巴基斯坦援助

    He also says India itself has declined Pakistani assistance in the past.


  • 说:“里法克斯银行已经观察名单上时间。”

    "HBOS had been on the watch list for a very, very long time," he said.


  • 红色线表示的里法克斯伦敦住宅价格指数,现在说到了英国

    The red line is the Halifax Home Price Index for greater London we're talking UK now.


  • 长久停留一个思想上,因而就有可能被束缚住手脚。——里法克斯

    People will stay on a thought for a long time, so he could also be prisoners to it.


  • 研究平面平板波导射线理论分析电磁场分析,条形波导的马卡梯等效折射率

    The ray optics and wave optics methods for slab waveguides are also explained while the Marcatili's method and the effective index method are introduced for channel waveguides.


  • 如何延长批发债务担心迫使里法克斯(一家英国银行)9月17日自己卖得了劳埃德集团

    Worries about how HBOS, a British bank, would roll over its wholesale obligations forced it into the arms of Lloyds TSB on September 17th.


  • 零售银行巨头HBOS(哈里法克斯银行)惊人地倒下的同时许多小型银行包括银行倒下了。

    But a host of small, narrow Banks blew up too, including Northern Rock, while a big retail bank, HBOS, failed in spectacular fashion.


  • 新的劳埃德银行集团今天也承认纳税人持有股份上升至43%,才勉强被苏格兰里法克斯银行接收

    The new Lloyds Banking Group is expected to concede today that the taxpayer is to increase its 43% stake in the bank, which has been crippled by the HBOS takeover.


  • 英国央行行长文•透漏了2008年10月时,苏格兰皇家银行苏格兰里法克斯银行距破产有多

    Mervyn King, the governor of the Bank of England, revealed how close Royal Bank of Scotland and HBOS came to collapse in October 2008.


  • 英国最大抵押借贷公司哈里法克斯公布数据显示过去个月房价下跌了。是12年以来糟的情况。

    Data published by Halifax, Britain's biggest mortgage-lender, show that prices have fallen in each of the past three months, the worst streak for 12 years.


  • 只有苏格兰里法克斯银行(HBOS)唯一一家英国银行出现了亏损,这可能超过巴塞尔3资本标准

    Only one of Britain’s big banks, HBOS, made losses that would have overwhelmed the new Basel standards.


  • 雷曼破产后不到天,英国最大抵押贷款银行哈里法克斯银行走到了崩溃边缘,10月初皇家苏格兰银行也危在旦夕。

    Within a day of Lehman going bust, Britain's biggest mortgage lender, HBOS, was on the brink of collapse and by early October so was Royal Bank of Scotland.


  • 议会听证会上这位hbos(苏格兰哈里法克斯银行)风险部门主管2004年因为警告HBOS扩张太快解雇。

    At the parliamentary hearing the former head of risk at HBOS said he had been dismissed in 2004 for warning the bank that it was expanding too quickly.


  • 如此的话,2011年,本并购苏格兰哈里法克斯银行利润可观英国劳埃德船级协会,将会由于25%左右的零售市场份额英国而颇具风险。

    In that case, Lloyds's acquisition of HBOS, which in 2011 will start to come good in terms of profitability, looks vulnerable because of the combination's 25% or so retail-market share in Britain.


  • 莱斯银行集团宣布已经赚取季度的税前利润自从英国银行将优先股发给股东作为红利接管苏格兰里法克斯银行之后,是该行第一转亏为盈。

    Lloyds Banking Group said it had made a quarterly pre-tax profit, the first time the British bank has returned to the black since its bail-out and takeover of HBOS.


  • 调查是什么原因导致这场灾难的过程中,调查人员将焦点放在名利比亚特工,即阿卜杜拉·巴塞特··格·拉希阿明·哈里法·费希迈的身上。

    During the inquiry into what caused the disaster, investigators focused on two Libyan agents, Abdel Basset ali al-Megrahi and Lamin Khalifah Fhimah.


  • 纳税人不得不通过紧急注资挽救银行——苏格兰皇家银行苏格兰里法克斯银行(现在双双并入劳埃德银行集团) 。这促使一些管理人士本周出面道歉

    Taxpayers have had to rescue two big ones—Royal Bank of Scotland and HBOS (now absorbed into Lloyds Banking Group)—with emergency recapitalisations, prompting apologies this week from those in charge.


  • 假若那样的话,莱斯银行收购苏格兰里法克斯银行行为看上去相当不可靠,因为考虑后者的获利能力使其2011年走出困境,而双方联合后将占全国零份额的25%左右。

    In that case, Lloyds’s acquisition of HBOS, which in 2011 will start to come good in terms of profitability, looks vulnerable because of the combination’s 25% or so retail-market share in Britain.


  • 唱片的名称《拉斯塔教徒永不死亡》。

    The CD was called Rastas Never Die.


  • 南非仅有几千虔诚的拉斯塔教徒之一

    He was one of the few thousand committed Rastafarians in South Africa.


  • ·阿瑟木星酒店酒吧演奏乐队鼓手,这间酒店是首都亚的斯亚贝巴的新兴企业之一

    Tafari Assefa now plays his drums in a band at the bar of the Jupiter Hotel, one of the newer establishments in Addis Ababa, the capital.


  • 条路开罗西南方45尤姆洼地发现的。

    The road was discovered in the Faiyum Depression, about 45 miles southwest of Cairo.


  • 亲眼目睹了年前意大利诺战役重大伤亡,有4万杀、受伤失踪

    He had witnessed the heavy casualties at the Battle of Solferino in Italy four years earlier, in which 40,000 people were killed, wounded or missing.


  • 了蔡伦的造纸,中国文化在接下来的几个世纪发展得更加迅速。

    With Cai Lun's papermaking method, Chinese culture grew more rapidly over the next several centuries.


  • 贝尔巴布河地区,老人坐在咖啡馆角落着那些梳着灰发年轻人吹牛

    At Belcourt and Bab-el-Oued, old men seated in the depths of cafes, listening to the bragging of young men with plastered hair.


  • 纳尔大厅比肯山再哈佛大学从保罗·维尔故居波士顿大屠杀的发生地,游客们可以下午的时间找到大块国家遗产

    From Faneuil Hall to Beacon Hill to Harvard, Paul Revere's house or the site of the Boston Massacre, visitors can find a huge chunk of the nation's heritage in one afternoon.


  • 我们以前过,西方音乐音乐记谱

    We said before that in Western music we have musical notation.


  • 我们以前过,西方音乐音乐记谱

    We said before that in Western music we have musical notation.


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