• 研究小组发现自身不能消除部分硫化

    Pure enzyme on its own did not do much to reduce most of the sulphur compounds, the team found.


  • 硫化丁烯氧化中,一部分硫化异丁烯分子转化为亚砜,极压性明显提高腐蚀性有所增加

    Sulfoxide and sulfone, which are formed in oxidization of SIB, improve the EP properties and increase the copper corrosion.


  • 礼拜问题部分皮革硫化使用致畸物质某种非法第三世界用来硝制皮革合成物质。

    Last week the issue was some leather cured with a known teratogenic substance, synthetic Nirret or something just as illegal that's still used in third world tanning.


  • 那种味道来自大蒜素副产物这种合物被认为部分香草具有药用价值来源。

    That famous odor comes from byproducts of allicin, the sulfur compound believed to be responsible for most of the herb's medicinal benefits.


  • 这种黄色物质叫做脱水硫化通常石膏一种组成部分

    The yellow substance was gypsum, or calcium sulfate dehydrate, a common component of plaster.


  • 这些部件压力硫化形成压力套管,心脏部分

    These parts are vulcanized under pressure to form a pressure-containing sleeve that is the heart of a Pinch Valve.


  • 弹性密封件。给水排水管道连接密封件的材料要求第3部分硫化橡胶多孔材料

    Elastomeric seals - material requirements for joint seals used in water and drainage applications - Part 3: cellular materials of vulcanized rubber.


  • 无机化合物主要,除了硫化朱砂红色外,它们部分白色粉末结晶

    Inorganic mercury compounds take the form of mercury salts, which are generally in white powder or crystals, with the exception of mercuric sulfide cinnabar which is red.


  • 使用具有操作方便净化床层阻力小、适应性强、脱硫化部分有机速度快容量高等特点

    Have in the use of easy to operate, clean and high bed resistance, adaptability, and some organic sulfur from hydrogen sulfide faster, higher-capacity characteristics.


  • 主要赋存硅酸盐矿床硫化矿床中,在部分斑岩和碳酸盐中也发现锗的存在,且具有工业开发价值

    Germanium can be concentrated in silicate ore deposit, sulfide ore deposit and coal, and partly in porphyry and carbonate, therefore it has good industrial development future.


  • 论文分为部分,分别为材料MCM-41半导体硫化镉的组装,MCM-41与荧光染料红的组装以及MCM-41与有机发光配合物铕-苯甲酸-邻菲咯啉的组装。

    There are three parts in the dissertation: MCM-41 mesoporous material and semiconductor assembly, MCM-41 and fluorescence dye Eosin Y assembly, and MCM-41 and rare earth complex assembly.


  • 部分盐酸溶解碱性硫化溶液中能部分反应

    It can be partially dissolved by hydrochloric acid and can partially react with basic sulfide solution.


  • 燃料油通常含有一定量硫化燃烧过程中绝大部分形成二氧化硫,二氧化硫在一定条件下氧化合形成三氧化硫。

    The most of sulfur and sulfide that exist in the heavy fuel oils can be transformed into SO2, and SO2 can be oxidized to form SO3 during combustion of heavy fuel oil at certain condition.


  • 在第三部分中,五种和相应的硅油进行硫化生成不同的硅橡胶,发现硫化效果

    Finally, five addition type liquid silicone rubber get by five unvulcanized rubber vulcanizing containing hydrogen silicone oil respectively , they were vulcanized well.


  • 用途:产品广泛应用于净化半水煤气、原料天然气油田气、煤气二氧化碳气体中的H2S及部分有机硫化

    This product is widely used in semi-water gas purification, raw gas, natural gas, oil gas and the H2S of carbon dioxide gases and some organic sulfides.


  • 部分主要赋存在网格状石英围岩中的黄铁矿、磁黄铁矿少量金属硫化中和以分散状分布蚀变围岩中。

    Mainly coarse grained gold, along with pyrite, pyrrhotite, arsenopyrite, and minor base metal sulfides, occur in networks of quartz veinlets, brecciated wallrock, and disseminated in altered wallrock.


  • 部分超显微分散态(硫化银占62.79%)存在,同时在少量的金属硫化赋存着一部分银(占28.65%),角银矿和自然极少

    Most silver ores in dispersive state exist in oxidation manganic minerals(62.79%), others exist in sulfide mineral(28.65%), and few or no silver chloride and natural silver.


  • 导热加热旋转薄膜蒸发器一种新型硫化碱生产关键设备,它由导热油炉与旋转薄膜蒸发器两部分组成。

    The rotary film evaporator with heat-conducting oil furnace is a new kind key equipment for the production of sodium sulfide.


  • 产品具有良好着色率遮盖,耐侯性硫化气体不变替代部分二氧化钛

    The product has good coloring and cover rate, good weather, when the same black sulfide gas. Can replace part of titanium dioxide.


  • 用途产品广泛应用净化半水煤气、原料天然气油田气、煤气二氧化碳气体中的H2S及部分有机硫化

    Uses: This product is widely used in semi-water gas purification, raw gas, natural gas, oil gas and the H2S of carbon dioxide gases and some organic sulfides.


  • 研究了催化裂化汽油中的硫含量分布硫化形态,硫含量部分集中中、重组分,占80%以上;

    The sulfur content, sulfur distribution and morphology of sulfide were studied in this paper. Most content of sulfur concentrates on the middle and heavy component, and it can reach over 80 %.


  • 研究了催化裂化汽油中的硫含量分布硫化形态,硫含量部分集中中、重组分,占80%以上;

    The sulfur content, sulfur distribution and morphology of sulfide were studied in this paper. Most content of sulfur concentrates on the middle and heavy component, and it can reach over 80 %.


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