• 本文运用逻辑诊断故障分析法对300台柴油机运转状态进行分析,建立柴油机运转危险状态故障树模型,求出在目前水平危险状态发生概率为0.000288;

    By logical diagnosis and fault tree analysis, the operational condition of 300 diesel engines was analysed and a fault tree model of diesel engines under hazard condition was established.


  • 既然已经掌握可以帮助诊断网络问题工具集现在逐步看看解决常见问题的逻辑方法

    Now that you have a useful toolkit of network diagnostic AIDS, it's time to look at a logical, step-by-step approach to troubleshooting common problems.


  • J2EEWeb应用程序中,应用逻辑用户标识保存诊断上下文中最好地方一个servlet过滤器中。

    In a J2EE Web application, the best place put the logic to store the user's identity into the diagnostic context is inside a servlet filter.


  • 他们运用记忆测试病人逻辑自理能力测评进行初步诊断

    They use memory tests and evaluations of patients' reasoning and ability to care for themselves.


  • 详细讨论符合逻辑常见问题诊断方法

    It also provides a logical step-by-step approach to diagnosing common issues.


  • 目前查找液压系统故障传统方法逻辑分析逐步逼近诊断

    Current search of hydraulic system failure of traditional method is logic analysis to approach the diagnosis.


  • 本文紧密结合临床诊断实际,逻辑的角度对诊断假说形成检验评价进行了探讨。

    By closely combining with the data of the clinical diagnosis, I discuss how to form, test and evaluate the diagnosis hypotheses with logical methodology.


  • 论述了在故障诊断模块如何利用PLC逻辑判断功能实现对象监测传感器监测、PLC自身故障监测以及对故障的处理等。

    It discusses about how to realize inspecting the controlled objects, sensors, PLC and dealing with the fault by the logical judging function of PLC in the fault diagnosis module.


  • 本文简要讨论模糊逻辑、模糊推理智能电路板故障诊断中的应用

    This paper discusses the application of the fuzzy logic and fuzzy inference to intelligent circuit board diagnosis system.


  • 基于模糊逻辑理论人工神经元网络提出了将模糊神经网络应用于变压器故障诊断方法

    Based on fuzzy logic theory and artificial neural networks, the method of the transformer fault diagnosis with fuzzy neural networks is presented.


  • 编程序具有运行快速判断准确逻辑清楚给出诊断同时给出可信度优点。

    In the program there are some advantages, such as fast operation, high decision accuracy, clear logic, and can give a diagnosis with confidence.


  • 介绍大型自动控制模态分析诊断系统包括控制逻辑实现、完备的数据监测报警等功能

    This paper introduces the automatic control and modal analysis diagnostic system of a large horizontal snail machine. It includes the realization of control logic, data monitor and alarm functions.


  • 文章介绍HT- 7托卡马克实验装置中性诊断电源系统组成、结构,以及基于S7 - 300PLC逻辑控制系统。

    A power supply system for diagnostic neutral beam on the HT-7 Tokamak was developed. Its logic control system based on S7-300 PLC was described.


  • 分析电磁轴承传感器故障基本特征,提出了电磁轴承多传感器故障诊断方法——基于序列变量逻辑代数方法。

    It was analyzed in detail about the way of fault diagnosis of the sensors of magnetic bearings in guidance with the multi-valued logic algebra.


  • 提出了一种基于模糊正态划分逻辑推理诊断方法

    The diagnosis method based on fuzzy normal partition logic reasoning is discussed in this paper.


  • 故障诊断传统方法使用检测仪器手工进行的,所以数字逻辑虚拟实验系统中,虚拟仪器也是重要一部分

    The traditional method of fault diagnosis is utilizing instrument, therefore, in our virtual digit circuit experiment system, virtual instrument is one of important parts.


  • 我们提供智能型控制器线传感器扩展功能包括供应在线监测诊断网络通信可编程逻辑

    We offer a line of intelligent proximity sensors that extend their functionality to include supply line monitoring, diagnostics and network communication with a programmable logic controller.


  • 本文介绍了西门子7570-C计算机服务处理机特点逻辑结构硬件配置、软件系统故障诊断方法

    This paper describes the characteristics, logic architecture, hardware facilities, software system of the SVP of the Siemens 7570-c computer and fault-diagnosing methods of the computer.


  • 模型上,使用合理同构假定运用基于模型的诊断方法对程序进行逻辑错误诊断经典诊断模型作了比较

    On the model with reasonable isomorph suppose, a model-based diagnosis is used in program debbuging for logic errors, and compare this model to the other classical models on its advantages.


  • 提出了将线性时态逻辑(LTL)技术电网故障模拟量信息引入高压输电线系统故障诊断思想

    A new idea is presented to introduce the linear temporal logic (LTL) technology and analog information into a fault diagnosis system for high voltage (HV) transmission lines.


  • 本文介绍梅山炼钢厂连铸机冷水动态控制模型数学模型、控制逻辑模型诊断功能

    This paper has described the mathematical model, spray control logic and diagnostics in the secondary cooling water dynamic control model of CCM at Meishan Steelmaking Plant.


  • 由于诊断系统并非基于严密逻辑推理而是基于部分信息经验判断,因此其对测试精度不足测试信息不完备具有一定的棒性。

    Because above method is not a rigorous ratiocinative method, but a empirical diagnosis based on partial information, this method has robustness to the limitation of testing accuracy and information.


  • 逻辑门电路测试技术可以在泛序测试法基础上建立故障诊断用于完成电路故障的检测与定位诊断

    In the technologys of logic circuit test, we can use diagnosis tree to finish the test of logic element fault.


  • 通过反馈信息这种符合逻辑概念的方式,在标本制作仪器设置、光密度分析的测量诊断结果的判读连续发挥着作用

    It works continuously in a logistic concept with feedback to the sample preparation, the instrumentation Settings, the densitometric measurements, and the diagnostic interpretation.


  • 全文属于企业诊断报告型论文,纯理论性分析并不多,主要侧重于实务性问题,沿着提出问题、分析问题、解决问题逻辑思路,提出一些建议。

    I am a nature of enterprise diagnosis thesis, which focuses on issues in practice and gives some suggestions through the thought of finding, analyzing and solving problems.


  • 文中从实际诊断出发首次将IEC- 60599三比值故障诊断编写成对应的逻辑编码表,然后应用粗糙理论构造决策表并决策表进行约简,最后建立改进的新导则IEC - 60599三比值故障诊断决策规则。

    Firstly, a logical diagnostic table of IEC-60599 is presented, and a decision table can be constructed by applying the Rough Set Theory based on the IEC-60599 three-ratio fault diagnosis table.


  • 运用模糊逻辑处理了故障诊断中的模糊性问题。

    Some vagueness is dealt with properly by using fuzzy logic.


  • 通过诊断逻辑规则各子系统信息汇总形成关于系统故障诊断

    Integrating the sections of diagnosis to form the fault diagnosis of system.


  • 通过诊断逻辑规则各子系统信息汇总形成关于系统故障诊断

    Integrating the sections of diagnosis to form the fault diagnosis of system.


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