• 一些兰科植物里面,根被通道细胞附近包含有海绵状纤维状物体

    In some orchids the velamen includes spongy and fibrous bodies near the passage cells.


  • 陆地棉小孢子发生过程中,相邻减数分裂细胞中的细胞通道一个明显特征

    The cytoplasmic channel in the wall of adjacent meiocytes was an obvious feature during microsporogenesis in Gossypium hirsutum.


  • 某些情况特别变化能触发信号——折叠方形状态激活一些其他,或在细胞中打开一个通道

    In some cases the specific change triggers a signal - the folded or square position may activate some other enzyme, or open a channel in a cell.


  • 细胞不同侧面并且有一个侧面一定向导管壁,而其他的侧面一定要朝向内部通道

    The cells have different sides, and one side must face the wall of the duct and the other must face the inner channel.


  • qt综合征另一个来源遗传,长qt综合症是离子通道的变异引起的,蛋白质通过控制离子流经细胞薄膜维持心跳

    Another source of information is genetic. Long QT syndrome is caused by defects in ion channels, proteins that maintain heartbeat by controlling the flow of ions across the membrane of heart cells.


  • 纳米作用可能类似于天生蛋白质通道,用来帮助进出细胞

    Possibly, the nanotubes are acting as analogues of the natural protein channels that pump water in and out of cells.


  • 科学家认为,蒙娜·丽莎露出哪种微笑,取决于我们视网膜哪些细胞接受到了图像信号,以及这些图像信号是通过哪个通道传送的。

    They believe Mona Lisa's smile depends on what cells in the retina pick up the image and what channel the image is transmitted through in the brain.


  • 哪些细胞首先接受到了图像信息,决定这些信息由哪个通道传送

    Depending on what cells picks up the image first depends on what channel they are sent to the Brian for interpreting.


  • 研究人员小鼠脑内注入某种良性病毒,这种病毒使细胞细胞兴奋有关离子通道对光产生反应

    Researchers have engineered a benign virus that, when injected into the brain, makes the ion channelsthe switches that turn cells on and off—responsive to light.


  • 答:来自神经系统肾上腺激素“着陆”到心脏细胞受体使得这些细胞中的通道打开

    A: Adrenaline from the nervous system lands on receptors of cardiac myocytes (heart-muscle cells), and this causes calcium channels in the membranes of those cells to open.


  • 离子通道可以带电粒子进入离开细胞产生电信号一类蛋白神经细胞交流的基础

    An ion channel is a protein that lets charged particles enter or leave a cell to generate electrical signals, a basic process of nerve cell communication.


  • M2蛋白获得重点关注离子通道M2蛋白突出病毒表面病毒进入细胞后通知病毒。

    Most attention has focused on the M2 protein, an ion channel that protrudes from the virus's surface and tells it when it is inside a cell.


  • 离子通道位于细胞使电荷原子(化学术语中的离子)可以进出细胞

    Ion channels sit in a cell's outer membrane and let electrically charged atoms (ions, as they are known in chemical jargon) in and out of the cell.


  • 变异基因编码一种叫做离子通道神经细胞蛋白质

    The mutation itself is in a gene for a nerve-cell protein of a type known as an ion channel.


  • 离子通道一种分子它允许等离子经由通过细胞

    An ion channel is a molecule that allows the passage of electrically charged atoms of sodium, potassium, calcium and so on through the outer membrane of a cell.


  • 之后,将细胞实际应用模型中,研究员们模型通道创造了一种可以移动盖子,这样就可以直接细胞地放入通道内了。

    Then, to actually apply the cells into the mold, researchers created a removable top for the channels where cells could be delicately placed inside.


  • 研究小组已经纳米颗粒通过液体输送到了模型通道内,没有他们细胞在模型内层通道移动

    The research team has already moved nanoparticles through the channels of the mold with fluid, but has not yet moved them through the model with living cells lining the finished product.


  • 许多生物学过程依赖离子通道这种能力调节通过细胞的离子流。

    Many biological processes depend on the ability of ion channels to regulate the flow of ions through cellular membranes.


  • 最初海藻中发现病毒通过一种特殊通道侵害神经细胞这种病毒对蓝光敏感。

    Viruses are engineered to infect neurons with a special type of channel, originally discovered in algae, which is sensitive to blue light.


  • 这种激光射线打开破损细胞通道精确瞄准杀死细胞的技术工作原理上得到了大家的认可

    The ability to use light to turn specific cells on and off with very precise timing could in principle allow new therapies.


  • 加州大学洛杉矶分校研究人员首次证明控制如何激活,以及如何重新调整自己以便打开离子穿过细胞通道

    The UCLA researchers were able to identify for the first time how the gating ring is activated and how it rearranges itself to open the gateway that the ions flow through.


  • 塑料方块上的三条通道通常包含一个正常细胞生长介质或者研究中的化学物质生长因子

    Two or three channels imprinted onto the plastic square contain either a normal cell growth medium or a chemical under study, such as growth factor.


  • 细胞一个复杂离子通道信使分子电压的集合。

    A living cell is a complicated mess of enzymes, ion channels, messenger molecules and voltages.


  • 通道内有许多不均障碍物引导细胞朝某个首选方向运动

    The asymmetric obstacles inside these channels direct cell movement along a preferred direction.


  • SyntheticGenomics海藻添加了基因片段,在海藻的细胞建立一个新的分泌物通道

    Synthetic Genomics's algae have been fitted with genes that create new secretion pathways through their outer membranes.


  • SyntheticGenomics海藻添加了基因片段,在海藻的细胞建立一个新的分泌物通道

    Synthetic Genomics's algae have been fitted with genes that create new secretion pathways through their outer membranes.


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