• 母亲雷切尔·尼尔:“杰克是个电脑神童,他完全对了所有选项键。”

    "Jack's a whizz on the PC and just pressed all the right buttons," Rachel Neal said.


  • 获得可用命令提示可以任何时刻,然后命令的选项就会出现屏幕上

    For hints about the available commands, you can press? At any time and the options will show on screen.


  • 而在按住CTRL组合时,用户可以选择列表中的多个选项

    While holding down the CTRL key, the user can choose multiple options in the list.


  • Win+/箭头 能分别最大化还原当前窗口,在窗口存在最大化选项时有效。

    Win+Up/Down maximizes and restores down the current window so long as that window has the option to be maximized.


  • 因此,不能使用粘合代码-q inlglue内联选项编译可识别内核扩展

    Hence, a key-aware kernel extension must be compiled with the -q noinlglue option for glue code.


  • 下该组合之后,搜索各个不同位置(complete选项指定),查找光标之前字符开头任何单词

    When you do, it searches various locations (as specified by the "complete" option), looking for words that start with whatever sequence of characters immediately precedes the cursor.


  • jCarousel大多数默认选项合适的,所以这个散列包含-scroll,值1让 jCarousel每次显示一个图像

    Most of jCarousel's default options are fine, so your hash contains only one key-value pair: scroll, with a value of 1, which tells jCarousel to display only one image at a time.


  • escape进入命令模式之后,可以使用setall命令显示选项设置列表

    To display a list of the options and Settings, use the: set all command.


  • Printscreen就会选项调用gnome - screenshot应用程序这捕获整个屏幕显示图2对话框

    Pressing the Print screen key invokes the gnome-screenshot application with no options, captures the entire screen, and displays the dialog shown in Figure 2.


  • 如图7所示,默认包含其他参数可以enter跳过这个选项

    As shown in Figure 7, the default is no additional arguments and you can press Enter to skip this option.


  • 默认都十分合理但是某些选项需要确保plugin . properties文件没有散乱非常有用

    The defaults are very reasonable, but there are certain options like making sure there are no stray keys in the plugin.properties file, which is very useful.


  • 为此次空格然后输入“100”分区大小设置100MB接着Bootable选项两次空格来将“Bootable”设置为

    To do this, I'll hit space twice and then type "100" to set the partition size to 100 MB, then set "Bootable" to true by hitting space twice over the Bootable option.


  • 例如如果希望使用多个或者gpg - agent配置兼容,GnuPG:EncryptPerl模块提供了许多帮助实现环境兼容的选项

    For example if you want to use multiple keys, or gpg-agent is incompatible with your configuration, the GnuPG: : Encrypt Perl module offers many options to help fit your environment.


  • 第一格式包含部署所有wsadmin选项单个options

    The first format is a single options key that contains all of the wsadmin options for the deployment.


  • 然后一下Enter 选择磁盘类型为“Linux”(选项还有OS/2”),按一下 Enter 继续

    Then, I hit Enter again, choose a disk type of "Linux" ("OS/2" is also available as an option), and hit Enter to continue.


  • 从Flash播放器取回PgUppgdn滚动整个页面添加cnee——record——mouse选项重新支持滚轮

    Reclaim your PgUp and PgDn keys from the Flash player to scroll the entire page, or add the cneerecordmouse option to re-enable your scroll wheel.


  • 选项箭头改变日历选择一个日期

    The Tab and arrow keys alter the calendar and choose a date.


  • 个性化可以体现许多方面选择仪表板中的模块,定义快捷选项收藏改变组件顺序等等

    Personalization can be done in many ways: choosing widgets for the dashboard; defining shortcut options and favorites; changing the order of elements; etc.


  • 如果怀念大写也没关系,你可以点击右上方扳手按钮重新设置这里汇聚系统所有设置选项

    If you miss the caps lock key, it can be remapped by clicking on the wrench icon in the top-right. That's where all the system Settings live.


  • 没错,在理想化条件下:面对有着许多选项对话框菜单启动页面时,方向

    And yes, under ideal conditions, touch is faster than a d-pad when there are lots of options available in a dialog or menu or launcher page.


  • 属性包括总是位于顶层选项、自动隐藏自动显示、切换任意标签可见性快捷透明度主题

    Properties include options like always on top, autohide, autoshow, keyboard shortcuts to toggle visibility of any tab, transparency and themes.


  • 如果任意中断默认启动看到一个类似6选项菜单。

    If you press a key to interrupt the default boot, you will see a menu of choices similar to that in Figure 6.


  • 选项数组中的惟一sql定义运行内部sql查询填充元素

    The only new key in this options array is the SQL key, which defines the inner SQL query to run in order to populate the element.


  • 或者使用空格左右箭头移动高亮显示的选项回车

    Or you can use the space bar or the left and right arrow keys to move the highlight, and then press the return key.


  • 相反可用选项编号列表方式显示,需要输入选择项的编号并按enter

    Instead, available choices are presented as numbered lists and you enter the number of your selection followed by the enter key.


  • 功能保留了实际输入字段自然顺序如果用户经常使用tab在各个输入字段中导航这个功能成为

    With this feature, the natural order of the actual input fields is preserved, making this a preferred option if your users frequently navigate input fields by tabbing.


  • 这个模型iPhoneiPod设备上很有用的,因为按钮选项可以提供一系列应用程序快捷访问应用程序功能

    This model is useful for an iPhone or iPod device, where a button tab provides a series of shortcuts to reach application functions.


  • 使用光标选择一个引导图像然后enter引导选项

    Use the cursor keys to select a boot image and then press Enter to boot that choice.


  • 计算机F8选择高级启动选项然后选择安全模式

    Your computer, press F8 to select advanced startup options, and then select safe mode.


  • TwibbleDesktop: Twibble能让用户管理多达3个不同Twitter帐号,同时支持快捷位置识别查看选项

    Twibble Desktop: Twibble allows users to manage up to 3 different Twitter accounts, and includes keyboard shortcuts, location awareness, and viewing options.


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