• 弗朗索瓦丝·帕克现存所有画作都融合了肖像画流派

    All of Francoise Duparc's surviving paintings blend portraiture and genre.


  • 帕克没有给出更好的信息并且谨慎地避免臣民进行评判

    Duparc gives no improving message and discreetly refrains from judging her subjects.


  • 成年迪帕克伟大的教师鲜有历史记载

    Older Deepak: A great teacher has little external history to record.


  • 迪帕克·拉格·哈尼“生物燃料观察”作者

    Deepak Rughani is a writer of Biofuelwatch.


  • 印度储备银行执行主任迪帕克·莫汉蒂去年九月演讲我们发现一些极好的历史观点

    Some excellent historical perspective can be found in this speech made in September last year by Deepak Mohanty, the executive director of the Reserve Bank of India.


  • 安德斯网上到了发送短信数的最高纪录:帕克夏玛于2005年印度创下了月发送短信18.2万条的纪录。

    That led Andes to search for the largest monthly text message total he could find posted online: 182, 000 sent in 2005 by Deepak Sharma in India.


  • 安德斯网上查到了发送短信数的最高纪录:帕克夏玛于2005年印度创下了月发送短信18.2万条的纪录

    That led Andes to quest for the largest every month text information total he could ascertain posted online: 182,000 sent in 2005 by Deepak Sharma in India.


  • 我们一时代主要心灵医师--帕克-乔布拉,戴碧-福特马瑞安-威廉姆斯撰写的《隐性自我效应帮助人们了解概念最新读物之一。

    The Shadow Effect, by the leading spiritual healers of our timeDeepak Chopra, Debbie Ford, and Marianne Williamson — is one of the most recent efforts at getting people to understand this idea.


  • 同时弗朗西斯市格拉斯通(Gladstone )心血管疾病研究所迪帕克·什利瓦斯德瓦认为可以更酷,根本就用不着干细胞

    Deepak Srivastava of the Gladstone Institute of Cardiovascular Disease, in San Francisco, meanwhile, thinks he can go one better, by not using stem cells at all.


  • 与此同时印度可口可乐公司总裁帕克·乔利(Deepak Jolly)先生认为伙伴关系模式要求一个项目不同阶段,不同的利益相关方大量买进

    Meanwhile, the Vice President of Coca Cola in India, Mr. Deepak Jolly said that partnership models required a lot of buy-in from the different stakeholders at different stages of a project.


  • 帕克·赛曼把解决爪哇岛中部缺水的问题作为自己的任务一点一点地推进。

    Farmer Pak Sadiman has made it his task to do something about Central Java's water shortage problem, little by little.


  • 离开新奥尔良以后应当火车比洛西克,那儿下车然后张去帕拉斯。柴珀尔的汽车票,帕拉斯。柴珀尔在卢恩城以南十里

    Now when he leaves New Orleans he should travel via train to Biloxi, at which point he must disembark and purchase a bus ticket for Paradise Chapel, a town some twenty miles south of Noon City.


  • 比赛结束后来到马莎葡萄园条狭窄海峡查帕奎参加表亲安排偏僻别墅的派对。

    At the end of the race he went to Chappaquiddick Island, just across a narrow sound to the east of Martha's Vineyard, for a party arranged by his cousin in an isolated cottage.


  • 当然,据研究兄弟姐妹关系杨百翰大学研究者劳拉. 帕拉.沃克,有兄弟姐妹仍然一种很好的经历

    Of course, having siblings can still be a positive experience, said Laura Padilla-Walker, a Brigham Young University researcher who studies sibling relationships.


  • 另一位英国演员罗伯特·帕丁森同台竞技,后者以《哈利·波特》电影饰演塞德里克·戈里出道。

    He will star with Robert Pattinson, another British actor who began his acting career in a Harry Potter film, as Cedric Diggory.


  • 彼得·帕克年轻,两者生活背景完全不同,世界观也相异,”本

    "He's younger than Peter Parker, he's coming from a completely different background, a completely different world view," Bendis said.


  • 艾伦·帕克导演人》讲述艾尔(尼古拉斯·凯奇)鸟人(马修·莫恩)之间友谊的故事。两人均是宾夕法尼亚州费城某中学生,后来双双送往越南参战

    "Birdy", directed by Alan Parker, is a story of friendship between Al (Nicholas Cage) and Birdy (Matthew Modine), two Philadelphia, Pa high schoolers who end up being sent to Vietnam.


  • 8名士兵坎大哈省内路边爆炸,1名士兵帕克·卡的直升机撞机事故中受伤致死。

    Eight were killed in separate roadside bombings in Kandahar province, and one died of injuries from a helicopter crash in Paktika.


  • 但是吉纳•帕夫邻国哈萨克斯坦残忍杀害事,即使当地标准来看也是十分令人震惊的。吉纳•帕夫由克遇害时51岁,是吉尔吉斯斯坦优秀记者之一

    But the brutal murder of Gennady Pavlyuk, 51, one of the most prominent Kyrgyzstani journalists, in neighbouring Kazakhstan was shocking even by local standards.


  • 遗憾是,一生都纠结于1969年7月发生查帕的那场悲剧

    Yet his story hinges around the tragedy of Chappaquiddick in July 1969.


  • 怀疑论者却说,这是因为明白,查帕事件影响会卷土重来,而他无法摆脱这种恶劣影响。

    Skeptics said he also knew he could not fight the undertow of Chappaquiddick.


  • 第二早晨仆人帕多克来了,格比上尉介绍给

    The next morning when my servant Paddock arrived, I introduced him to Captain Digby.


  • 首先,我要感谢波帕乌克大使介绍邀请。

    Thank you, Ambassador Popadiuk, for the introduction and for the invitation.


  • 后卫竞争者帕特赖斯克逊永远都是可靠的,但从来没有获得令人瞩目队友那样的赞誉

    The right-back spot is a fight between Lee Dixon and Pat Rice. Dixon was always dependable, never getting the accolades of his more illustrious team-mates.


  • -帕克教堂长期成员,她表示对于这座建筑人们带来欢乐,当地居民也表示开心,不过大家没有意识到这座教堂会在网络上如此受欢迎

    Dee Dee Parker, a long term member of the Church by the Sea said the congregation is delighted that the building makes people happy but did not realise that they had become so popular online.


  • 美国路易斯安那女子丝·帕克2美元的价格廉价卖掉可能是西班牙抽象派大师毕加索真迹,实际价格可能高达数百万美元。

    A woman from Louisiana, US might have had an original Picasso painting in her possession, potentially worth hundreds of thousands or even millions of dollars, but sold it at a garage sale for $2.


  • 斯嘉丽·约翰逊和卡梅隆·亚茨以及-朗格莉亚-帕克带着她们玫瑰高跟鞋这个春天横空出世。

    Taking a bold, flowery step forward, Scarlett Johansson, Cameron Diaz and Eva Longoria Parker get a jump on spring with their sweet floral heels.


  • 斯嘉丽·约翰逊和卡梅隆·亚茨以及-朗格莉亚-帕克带着她们玫瑰高跟鞋这个春天横空出世。

    Taking a bold, flowery step forward, Scarlett Johansson, Cameron Diaz and Eva Longoria Parker get a jump on spring with their sweet floral heels.


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