• 偏远菲利·库阿利·库迪岛上,土地贫瘠餐馆旅馆不多

    On the remote islands of Filicudi and Alicudi, the land is barren and there are few restaurants and hotels.


  • 艘船一面改装,一面朝着似乎可能降临的命运开去:巴西特林达附近彼此个正着。

    They made the alternations as they sailed on towards a destiny that must have seemed improbable: the two ships happened upon each other off the Brazilian island of Trindade.


  • 马来西亚马努马慕苏鹿优雅地组合一个笑脸,向那些有幸空中目睹它们风采的游客微笑致意

    The islands of Manukan, Mamutik and Sulug in Malaysia are graciously grouped to form a smiley, greeting visitors fortunate enough to view them from the air.


  • 民帕克·赛曼把解决爪哇中部缺水的问题作为自己的任务一点一点地推进。

    Farmer Pak Sadiman has made it his task to do something about Central Java's water shortage problem, little by little.


  • 认为没有帮助,你游到那个那么远吗?

    Do you think you could swim or fly as far as the island, Wendy, without my help?


  • 约翰迈克尔空中踮起脚尖第一次观看这个

    Wendy and John and Michael stood on tip-toe in the air to get their first sight of the island.


  • 他们包括了四种发现自印尼巴布亚福贾利亚蝶

    They include four Delias butterfly species from the Foja Mountains in Papua in Indonesia.


  • 比赛结束后来到马莎葡萄园条狭窄海峡查帕奎参加表亲安排偏僻别墅的派对。

    At the end of the race he went to Chappaquiddick Island, just across a narrow sound to the east of Martha's Vineyard, for a party arranged by his cousin in an isolated cottage.


  • 出席会议加勒比海领导人中的位- - -巴巴多斯的大卫·汤普森伯利兹城的安鲍最近选举担任公职

    Two of the Caribbean leaders who took part in the meeting were recently elected to office, David Thompson of Barbados, and Dean Barrow of Belize.


  • 鸟类一起尖叫荒原山地风雨一起呼啸

    Lindisfarne, the Holy Island, shrieks with birds; the moors and mountains howl with wind and rain.


  • 澳大利亚毛海豹生物学家·米勒首先发现一个巨大白色物体太平洋遥远西南角麦夸里

    Dean Miller, an Australian fur seal biologist, was the first person to spot the large white object floating past Macquarie island in the far south-west corner of the Pacific Ocean.


  • 普拉有着称为非洲有着美味食物酒店之一的李•查欧•乐斯酒店。

    On Praslin Island, Le Chateau de Feuilles has been called one of Africa's best hotels for food.


  • 马蒂·马可·维看来康尼莱顿海滩九英亩大小的公园时候做一些改变

    The way Marty Markowitz sees it, the rundown nine-acre park where Coney Island and Brighton Beach meet is ripe for a sparkling transformation.


  • 卫生安全专家比尔·如果核辐射不能很快得到控制,更多国家采取措施限制进口日本食品

    Canada, Australia and Russia have adopted similar bans on Japanese foods. Health and security researcher Bill Durodie said more countries are likely to follow.


  • 能源开采历史一向一系列推动变化灾难为里程碑:帕玻尔·阿尔法钻井平台爆炸、三里核事故、切尔诺贝利核泄漏事故,以及埃克森·瓦尔兹号溢油事故。

    The history of energy extraction has been marked by a number of disasters that have driven change: Piper Alpha, Three Mile Island, Chernobyl, and the Exxon Valdez to name but a few.


  • 当时一起跟在他们父亲身后的弟弟帕特里克现在已州的众议员听到这个故事,也泣不成声。

    Teddy's brother Patrick, who followed their father and is now representative from Rhode Island, sobbed as he heard the story.


  • 卡西运输经理科特雷尔怀特音乐节相识9个月传出了怀孕消息。

    Cassidy's pregnancy comes just nine months after she met transport manager Cottrell at the Isle Of Wight Festival.


  • 由帝汶东半部(西半部属于印度尼西亚)、奥罗特、加科欧酷西非地组成,人口大约100万,也是世界上最小民族之一,20%的人口居住首都利。

    With a population of about 1 million people, it is one of the smaller nations in the world and about 20% of the population lives in the capital, Dili.


  • 现如今,大卫·奥布拉再次造访坎顿,同行还有来自新英格兰水族馆的珊瑚专家·罗特佳(RandiRotjan以及评估厄尔尼诺现象影响程度其他科学家

    Now I'd returned to Kanton with David Obura and Randi Rotjan, a coral expert from NEA, and other scientists to assess the impact of the El Niño event.


  • 棕榈集团各个个人承包商供应商此次危机中虽未受到外界关注,也遭受了巨大损失。 他们很快得到最高50拉姆(136000美元)的现金支付款

    The company’s individual contractors and suppliers, who have suffered silently but deeply in this crisis, will soon get a cash payment of up to 500,000 dirham ($136,000).


  • 团队一直畜牧合作,过去选定巴里村庄接种疫苗大约已有六万只受益

    Girardi's teams have worked with the Ministry of Animal Husbandry to vaccinate dogs in select villages on Bali over the past year, with about 60, 000 dogs having been helped.


  • 度假第二我们驾车开了长的,前往马略卡东北部,阿尔库小镇附近

    On the second day we drove quite a far way to the north-east of Mallorca, near the town of Alcudia.


  • 听到巴里,我自己也订了张机票去那里

    Candice: When I heard that you were going to Bali I booked myself a ticket there too.


  • 克拉锡罗斯个陡峭山坡上,坐落着一座由石材建造住宅俯瞰爱琴海

    On the Cycladic island of Syros, a stone house is set into a steep hillside overlooking the Aegean Sea.


  • 费尔南多·诺罗尼亚海龟飞旋海豚保护区位于巴西东北伯南布哥州354公里远的地方。

    Located 354 kilometers off the coast of Brazil's northeast state of Pernambuco, the island of Fernando DE Noronha is a sea turtle and spinner dolphin sanctuary.


  • 游客欣赏独特岩石同时也可以发现这个世界上美丽的

    Tourists travelling to la Digue island to see the unique rocks will also discover one of the world's most beautiful islands.


  • 游客欣赏独特岩石同时也可以发现这个世界上美丽的

    Tourists travelling to la Digue island to see the unique rocks will also discover one of the world's most beautiful islands.


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