• 完整研究报告近期运输研究D部分》上发表

    The complete study was recently published in Transportation Research D.


  • 大卫•麦伦敦大学学院交通运输研究中心客座教授

    David Metz is a visiting professor at the University College London's Center for Transport Studies.


  • 只是开始英国物流运输研究Richard Ellithorne

    This is only the beginning, says Richard Ellithorne at the UK Chartered Institute of Logistics and Transport.


  • 综合运输研究中,介入机会模型有着特殊价值地位必须加以改造。

    The intervening opportunity model has special value and occupies important position in the study of multiple transport network, but it must be improved.


  • 这句话我的理解和你稍有不同:得克萨斯运输研究所提出了一些有助于舒缓拥堵的简单措施缩短事故处理反应时间等。

    p5:TTI points to simple steps that could help, such as shortening the response time to accidents.


  • 根据德州运输研究研究,2007年的道路堵塞,使得美国浪费了42亿个小时工作时间,以及106亿公升汽油

    In 2007 its congested roads cost the country 4.2 billion working hours and 10.6 billion litres of wasted petrol, according to the Texas Transportation Institute.


  • 事实上,2007年,交通运输研究团队调查人们为何抵制大巴交通时,他们却发现大巴交通运输已经开始回暖了。

    In fact, in 2007, when he and his team of transportation researchers began studying why travelers shunned buses, they found themselves in the midst of a turnaround.


  • 这项研究比较全世界37个城市投入交通运输财富比例

    The study compared the proportion of wealth poured into transport by thirty-seven cities around the world.


  • 综合运输概念研究区内乡郊家庭运输需求采用的。

    The concept of "integrated rural transport" was adopted in the task of examining the transport needs of the rural households in the district.


  • 合作研究成果着眼于超音速运输飞行器概念,以满足NASA2030世代设定的噪音排放燃油效率目标

    A companion research effort looked at concepts for a new generation of supersonic transport aircraft capable of meeting NASA's noise, emissions and fuel efficiency goals for 2030.


  • 但是这个研究没有运输冷藏因素考虑进去。

    But the research did not take into account other effects such as transport and refrigeration.


  • 讲座展览亲身经历打开一扇门,告诉你化学研究如何解决全球性的棘手问题比如说食品健康能源运输

    Lectures, exhibits and hands-on experiments will explore how chemical research can help solve vexing global problems related to food, water, health, energy and transportation.


  • 根据运输通行便利化项目项目准备研究,中非非洲大陆运输成本最高的地区之一。

    Transportation costs in central Africa are among the highest on the continent, according to research done in preparation for the Transport and Transit Facilitation project as it is called.


  • 培养(在实验室培养皿培养出来肉)——美国善待动物组织提供帮助资金研究成果——将会数十亿动物从所有养殖场残酷运输中的恐惧屠宰场的痛苦终结释放出来。

    In vitro meat, the development of which PETA US is helping to fund, will spare billions of animals all the cruelty of factory farms, the terror of transportation and a painful end in an abattoir.


  • 根据马萨诸塞州理工学院最新研究表明,输气管能为两个交易天然气地区运输80%的天然气。

    According to a recent study from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, pipelines carry 80% of all gas traded between regions.


  • 根据之前研究SP被认为会引起发炎脑部神经组织用来帮助运输白细胞身体受伤部位

    From previous studies, it's known that SP causes inflammation and is used by the brain's neurons to help send white blood cells to injured areas of the body.


  • 2007年一项研究通过减少旅行运输提高效率宽带降低5%的排放

    By reducing travel and freight expenses, and improving efficiency, broadband will also reduce carbon emissions, according to a 2007 study, by 5%.


  • Springboard研究机构提供数据显示,虽然电信金融市场的半壁江山,但是增长最快领域卫生保健公用事业运输物流

    Telecoms and finance account for over half the market, but the fastest growth is in health care, utilities, and transport and logistics, according to Sudip Saha of Springboard Research.


  • 研究结果公布7月8号德克萨斯州运输协会出版份报告上,一协会常年在德克萨斯州中心地区向人们敲响警钟,以华盛顿的人民也可以听到

    The finding came in a report published on July 8th by the Texas Transportation Institute, which for years has rung an alarm bell from central Texas in the hope that those in Washington, DC, will hear.


  • 2002年,关于2万运输行程研究发现只有2.4 %的回程能找到合适返回装载货物。

    A 2002 study of 20,000 haulage trips found that only 2.4% of return journey legs found suitable backloads.


  • 麦肯锡不同的是研究理事会纳入了运输环节确认是很难迅速改变的部门。

    Unlike McKinsey, the research council included transportation, acknowledging that it would be a difficult sector to transform quickly.


  • 避免家庭取暖公路运输价格大幅上涨同时,而选中了减排80%作为目标剑桥研究人员不得不他们的分析报告构建套主要政策

    To avoid large price hikes in home heating and road transport while still hitting the 80 per cent target, the Cambridge researchers had to build two major policies into their analysis.


  • 动物福利法目前美国唯一相关联邦法案。该法案规定动物研究展览运输过程中的应待遇以及动物贩卖者应如何对待动物。

    The animal Welfare Act is the only federal law in the U.S. that regulates the treatment of animals in research, exhibition, transport, and by dealers.


  • 研究研究运输发电领域改造的可能性,包括鼓励伦敦印度德里使用自行车徒步

    The team also assessed scenarios in the transportation and electricity generation sectors, including increased cycling and walking in London and Delhi, India.


  • 研究表明由于新西兰有着清洁能源肥沃牧场,那里的卖到英国尽管经过长途运输碳足迹还是英国本地

    One study suggested that lamb from New Zealand, with its clean energy and rich pastures, has a lower footprint when consumed in the UK than locally produced lamb, despite the long-distance shipping.


  • 研究人员可以利用这些标签准备转换他们作为运输燃料棒的是,脱脂海藻干燥后

    Chemists can take these TAGs and readily convert them into transportation fuels. Better yet, the fat-extracted algae can be dried down and fed to chickens.


  • 研究报告指出巴西面临巨大减排机会主要土地利用(农业森林砍伐)、能源交通运输废物管理等领域的减排。

    The report states that Brazil has a great opportunity to mitigate and reduce emissions, mainly in land use (like agriculture and deforestation), energy, transportation and waste management.


  • 所以我们认为这项研究对于这些决策制订者来说有着重要的参考意义,可以帮助他们在商议新的海洋运输规则做出恰当决定

    So this study, we think, is important to help policymakers determine the appropriate path forward as they consider new regulations for shipping.


  • 如果一切进行顺利几个月后研究结构应用机场航空运输管理系统

    If all continues to go well, the results will be plugged into the airport's air-traffic control system for real within a few months.


  • 如果一切进行顺利几个月后研究结构应用机场航空运输管理系统

    If all continues to go well, the results will be plugged into the airport's air-traffic control system for real within a few months.


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