• 帕斯卡·迈特尔一种深入危险最变化无常环境从中拍摄具有感染力的图片非凡能力

    Pascal Maitre has an absolutely remarkable ability to go into the most dangerous, volatile situations and return with powerful images.


  • 它的感觉更像坐过山车,但真的很好。”德国游客蕾莎·克塞乘坐后说。

    "It feels more like a roller coaster, but it's really nice," a Germany tourist Theresa Kessemeier said after she completed a ride.


  • 马泰分析来自星云彗星轨道后,发现其中20%的彗星不是以为来自随机方向而是来自于天空的某个狭窄区域

    When Matese and Whitmire analyzed the orbits of these Oort Cloud comets, about 20% of them seemed to come not from the random directions you'd expect, but from a narrower section of sky.


  • 2002年房主克莱·邓恩斯把改造成了一个住宅录音室,REM乐队、鸽子乐团、缪斯乐队戴娜女士警乐团、舍丽·芭西都曾经在这里录过音。

    It was converted into a residential recording studio in 2002 by owners Paddy and Claire Dunning, and has been used by everyone from REM to Doves, Muse to Ms Dynamite, Snow Patrol to Shirley Bassey.


  • 法官补充说:“现在天上卫星看到街区、你的。”

    Then Sotomayor adds: "There are now satellites that look down and can hone in on your home on a block and in a neighborhood."


  • 路易斯安那大学拉斐分校天文学家约翰·马泰丹尼·多次发表声明表示,基于周期彗星运行轨道的不规则性,他们发现了天体存在证据

    Astronomers John Matese and Daniel Whitmire of the University of Louisiana at Lafayette repeatedly claimed to have evidence of its existence based on irregularities among long-period comets.


  • 心目中的英雄津巴布韦领导人罗伯·穆加贝古巴领导人菲德·卡斯以及利比亚领导人穆阿·卡扎菲

    Among his heroes, he counts Zimbabwe's Robert Mugabe, Cuba's Fidel Castro and Libya's Muammar Qaddafi.


  • 某些彗星似乎以某个倾斜角度向着太阳运行,上个世纪九十年代末期开始,马泰同事丹。·一直就这点争论不休。

    The argument Matese and his colleague Dan Whitmire have been making since the late 1990s is that some comets seem to be moving in toward the Sun from a skewed direction.


  • 理查德·令人警醒的新书为什么男孩落后》中引用众多的例子阐明这个问题

    A sobering new book, "Why Boys Fail," by Richard Whitmire, cites mountains of evidence to make the point.


  • 英语第一次引用单词truffle是在1591年名为《特尔·克里斯托弗·卡坦绅士相术》的译文中。

    The first citation we have in English for the word truffle comes in a translation of a 1591 document entitled The geomancie of Maister Christopher Cattan Gentleman.


  • 如果父母不是的很近,开车几分钟就能赶到,恐怕早就死掉了。”泰勒·齐格,今年26岁,一个人离父母在伊利诺伊州迈特·默拉(Metamora)的住处英里的地方。

    "I'd be dead if my parents weren't within driving distance," says Tyler Ziegel, who is 26 and lives in his own place about ten miles from his family's home in Metamora, Illinois.


  • 戈登•布朗终于被迫简要地表示尊重释放洛克比空难[2]制造者阿布德巴塞•阿尔-格拉希决定。

    Gordon Brown has finally expressed, under duress, laconicrespect” for the release of Abdelbaset al-Megrahi, the Lockerbie bomber.


  • 统治利比亚40多年穆阿卡扎菲于昨天杀死之前躲藏家乡肮脏下水道

    Muammar Qaddafi, the ruler of Libya for more than 40 years, was killed yesterday after hiding in a filthy drainage in his hometown city of Sirte.


  • 文获得了来自犹他州北卡罗莱纳州雪城奖学金邀请,《247体育》的杰里·预言进入狼群队

    Yurtseven has scholarship offers from Utah, North Carolina State and Syracuse, with 247sports' Jerry Meyer predicting he'll land with the Wolfpack.


  • 根据一些新近报导卡纳塔克印度邦名,旧称邦)悉摩迦附近的地方马的一些村庄里作为本国语言而复兴起来。

    According to recent reports, it is being revived as a vernacular in the village of Mattur near Shimoga in Karnataka.


  • ·最喜爱一本书爱丽丝梦游仙境》,作者是刘易斯·卡罗这本经典儿童故事书充满幻想,很少有人抵挡得了它魅力女士也例外

    Bette Midler, Alice in Wonderland by Lewis Carroll: Few would deny the appeal of this creative and classic children's tale by Lewis Carroll, and Ms. Midler is no exception.


  • 森的律师海兹里克曼是否不好意思承认曾经建议雇用苏克里

    Myerson's lawyer, Fred Hafetz, asked Rickman whether he was "embarrassed" to admit that he had recommended that Myerson hire Sukhreet.


  • 根据一些新近报导卡纳塔克印度邦名,旧称邦)悉摩迦附近的地方马的一些村庄里作为本国语言而复兴起来。

    According to recent reports it is being revived as a vernacular in the village of mattur near shimoga in karnataka.


  • 根据一些新近报导卡纳塔克印度邦名,旧称邦)悉摩迦附近的地方马的一些村庄里作为本国语言而复兴起来。

    According to recent reports it is being revived as a vernacular in the village of mattur near shimoga in karnataka.


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