• 介绍了一种导致汽轮机系扭失稳因素。

    A new fact is introduced which may lead to unstable shaft torsional oscillation of steam turbine.


  • 提出用SOPC技术实现轴系扭测量的方案。

    The paper introduces a new method for designing the vibration measurement system by SOPC technology.


  • 系扭模型采用集中参数等值模型,整个分为6

    Lumped parameter equivalent model is adopted in the shaft system torsional vibration model and the whole shaft system are divided into 6 parts.


  • 说明能用多种方法利用轴系参数对柴油机故障进行有效诊断。

    The results shows that many methods can be used with torsion vibration parameters.


  • 简单压缩机频率一般根据比率数就可对其进行判定

    The shaft torsional vibration analysis is a key technique in the design of the compressor shaft, which determines the safety operation of the compressor.


  • 进行汽轮发电机组系扭分析时,通常假设轴系材料特性参数常数

    In the process of torsional vibration analysis for turbogenerator rotors, the material characteristics parameters of shafts are often considered to be constant.


  • 大型汽轮发电机组发电机机械与电网统相互耦合作用结果

    The torsional vibration of the large scale turbo -generator shaft system is the responsive result of the mechanical-electrical coupling.


  • 轴系扭振对数衰减正比每个周期耗散的能量与峰值应能比值。

    This logarithmic decay ratio of the shaft set is in direct proportion to the ratio of the energy dissipated per cycle to the peak strain energy.


  • 本文优化理论应用大型汽轮发电机组研究提出了优化建模方法

    This paper presents a kind of optimum modeling method to apply the optimum theory to the research on torsional vibration of a large turbine-generator shafts system.


  • 该问题研究解释了高压直流输电控制器诱发汽轮发电机组轴系机理

    Through studying, the mechanism of the subsynchronous torsion oscillation caused by the controller of HVDC system has been understood.


  • 系扭频率响应计算采用连续质量模型,次同步特性分析采用集中质量模型。

    The continuous model is adopted in the torsional vibration frequency and resonance of shaft system, the lumped parameter equivalent applied in the sub-synchronous resonance.


  • 互补群群际能量壁垒准则汽轮发电机组稳定性研究中的适用性进行了探讨。

    The applicability of complementary -cluster energy-barrier criterion on researching stability of shaft system torsional vibration is discussed.


  • 目前大型汽轮发电机组系扭特性现场试验广泛采用稳态不对称短路变频激

    Presently, the method of steady state unbalanced currents is widely used in the field test of torsional vibration characteristics of large-scale steam turbine generator rotor system.


  • 过程中减小电气切换操作影响保证快关汽门顺利进行的积极措施。

    A decrease in the effects of electrical switching on torsional oscillations of shafts during fast valving is advantageous to fast valving.


  • 柴油机研究以往先建立扭振当量然后进行自由强制计算

    In the previous research on torsional. vibration of diesel engine shafting system, an equivalent system must be defined before calculating free vibration and forced vibration.


  • 大型汽轮发电机模型饱和参数对汽轮发电机组系扭响应计算影响进行了详细的研究。

    This paper discusses the effect of saturated parameters appearing in the mathematical model of a large turbogenerator on the response calculation of shaft torsional vibration.


  • 基于CCD摄像技术汽轮发电机组测量方法,本发明涉及一种汽轮发电机组轴系扭振的测量方法。

    The present invention relates to a turbine generator unit torsion vibration measuring method based on CCD image pick-up technique.


  • 最后还列举了实际算计算,证明此方法解决船舶推进扭振计算方面有效、方便的方法。

    The new method is able to solve torsional vibration of the shafting with branches and has been successfully used in many cases.


  • 随着国内外事故发生及电力统中多种导致潜伏因素,机组轴系扭振题目已经引起广泛关注和重视

    Along with the occurrence of several accidents caused by rotors torsional vibration all over the world, the problem of rotors torsional vibration has drawn abroad attentions.


  • 介绍汽轮发电机组模拟的设计原则利用雷卡迪传递矩阵分析计算了汽轮发电机组轴系扭振固有特性

    The paper introduces the principle of torsion vibration simulator on turbo-generator rotor system, and computes natural characteristics using Riccati matrix.


  • 大型汽轮发电机作为一类复杂开放统,基于非线性科学分析动力学特性,论述了轴系扭振原因及其本质

    The causes and essence of the torsional oscillation of large turbogenerator which consider as a kind of complex open system was investigated by using nonlinear science theory.


  • 依据设计原则,利用刚度矩阵、模态质量矩阵模态频率相似进行了扭振模拟机设计,扭振模拟机轴系固有特性实际机组轴系扭振动特性基本一致。

    By modal stiffness matrix, modal mass matrix and modal frequency, shaft units of simulator is designed. The former three steps natural characteristics are identical with the real units'.


  • 本文指出轴系”与其结构特点有关

    This paper explains that the repeated frequencies of torsional systems have relations with their structural feature.


  • 方法能明显地改善特性用于多种内燃机器的优化设计工作。

    The method greatly improves the characteristics of torsional vibration of shafting and can be used in optimum design for several engines.


  • 最后使用有限元计算了某钢厂冷轧机主传动固有频率转矩放大

    Finally, the torsion vibration nature frequency and torque amplitude factor of a rolling mill are calculated by using finite element method.


  • 计算结果表明机组频率避开了工频,轴系不会因共而破坏。

    The calculation result indicates that the torsional vibration frequency will avoid from power frequency and multiple frequency.


  • 扭振应力超过限值时设计橡胶幅衰减容许范围内,消减曲轴系统的动。

    When the torsional vibration amplitude and stress exceed the limit, the rubber torsional vibration damper should be designed to reduce the amplitude within the permitted range.


  • 首先建立了推进轴系两个模型进行了轴系扭振计算

    Firstly two torsional vibration models were built up and a calculation of their torsional vibration was made.


  • 本文分析内燃机曲柄连杆机构往复运动谐次运动惯量变化固有频率的影响,并对一多缸机轴系进行扭振计算。

    The effects of high order motions of reciprocating parts on the variation of inertias and natural frequencies of crankshaft system are discussed in this paper.


  • 本文分析内燃机曲柄连杆机构往复运动谐次运动惯量变化固有频率的影响,并对一多缸机轴系进行扭振计算。

    The effects of high order motions of reciprocating parts on the variation of inertias and natural frequencies of crankshaft system are discussed in this paper.


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