• 篇文章引起了轩然大波

    The article caused (an) uproar.


  • 对于爆炸新闻》引起所有轩然大波认为,就抒情目标而言一个相当大胆声明

    For all the uproar over "Breaking News," I thought it was a pretty bold statement out of the gate in terms of lyrical target.


  • 篇演说引起轩然大波

    The speech has resulted in a firestorm of controversy.


  • 这件引起了轩然大波

    The whole business caused quite a stink.


  • 激起千层浪设想很快全国引起轩然大波点头称赞之,摇头质疑之。

    One stone arouses 1000 billow, the tentative idea causes a mighty uproar very quickly in the whole nation, nod eulogist has, shake one's head the person that oppugn has.


  • 在南加州也许这些副作用不会掀起轩然大波当地,肉毒杆菌现在用于腋下注射抑制出汗

    Presumably, these side effects wouldn't create such a stink in Southern California, where Botox is now being injected into people's armpits to prevent perspiration.


  • 约翰逊先生之所以引起轩然大波是因为他打算泰晤士河口座人工岛修建崭新机场

    Mr Johnson’s contribution to the debate was to propose a brand new airport on an artificial island in the Thames estuary, purpose-built and capable of operating around the clock.


  • 正如可能已经预见的,社会上引发了轩然大波-类似我们这个国家已经习惯看到环境辩论

    As you might expect, that's ignited a firestorm - akin to the environmental debates we're used to seeing in this country.


  • 现在这个发现已经引起世界园艺轩然大波,大家希望亚伯拉罕先生可以繁殖这种植物杜鹃收集者

    Now the discovery is causing a stir in the horticultural world once again as it is hoped Mr Abraham can cultivate and propagate the plant to sell to Rhododendron collectors.


  • 调查结果国内引起了轩然大波对于重庆市调查结果,深表忧虑者居多,而杜蕾斯的调查结果备受质疑

    The results of two surveys, both at home caused an uproar, for the findings of Chongqing, deep concern is that most of the Durex survey results are open to question.


  • 出于故事中的黑人主人公形象不同看法美国文学评论界掀起了一场轩然大波,一时众说纷纭,莫衷一是。

    Owing to the heroine Sula's controversial image in the story, many critics in the American literary circle hold rather different attitudes to this novel.


  • 福克斯上个月接受《电视指南杂志的采访中声称退出《CSI》,这一消息该剧全球铁杆粉丝间引起了轩然大波

    Fox announced she was leaving the show in an interview with TV Guide magazine last month, sending shockwaves through the program's avid global fan base.


  • 2005年发生“普马事件中国零售业界掀起轩然大波,而事件发生后关于供货商货款追偿问题更是引人关注。

    The "Price-smart affair" arising in 2005 lift a great disturbance in retail trade. Whereafter, the issue about claiming for payment for goods of providers is more attention-getting.


  • 苔丝出现赛季第二情节,“新的孩子”,Balki同意照看导致无论是家里在“纪事”的轩然大波

    Tess appeared in the second episode of the season, "New Kid on the Block", when Balki agrees to babysit her, causing an uproar both at home and at the Chronicle.


  • 很显然直到这位提名人妻子周一晚上发表演讲,并在媒体上掀起轩然大波之前,两位撰稿人其中有争议增添部分并不知情

    The speech-writing pair *apparently didn't know about the controversial additions until the nominee's wife delivered her address on Monday night, causing a media storm.


  • 2009年9月,赛莲 威廉姆斯参加美国女子网球公开赛这个27岁网坛巨星因边线裁判暴怒,而引起了轩然大波

    Serena Williams sent shock waves through the genteel world of women's tennis in September when the 27-year-old phenom erupted in rage against a U.S. Open line judge.


  • 工具制作行为的观测三个观测结果具有划时代意义,它在恪守“人类才是唯一的工具制造者”的人类学研究激起轩然大波

    The toolmaking observation was the most epochal of the three, causing a furor within anthropological circles because "man the toolmaker" held sway as an almost canonical definition of our species.


  • 这一消息引发轩然大波苹果股价也因此下挫;外界怀疑苹果此举可能是因为乔布斯出现新的健康问题或者某些产品尚未准备到位

    The news sent the company's stock downward, and raised questions about whether Mr. Jobs had new health problems or some new products were not ready.


  • 奥尔德登这个采访那些之前一直关注这个家庭不幸的人之中引起了轩然大波("thefirst a-hamoment" )。

    That interview had been "the first a-ha moment" for investigators who were previously taken in by the family's apparent distress, Alderden said.


  • 但是昨天该市开始中学高中进行保安随机抽检作为抓获这些“武器”的最后努力时,父母期望学校规章之间距离掀起轩然大波

    But as the city began random security scanning at middle and high schools yesterday in its latest effort to seize weapons, the gap between school rules and parents' expectations has set off a furor.


  • 1961年,拍摄耗资巨大的影片《埃及后》之际,出演马克·安东尼的已婚演员理查德·伯顿传出恋情八卦小报上引起轩然大波

    While filming the lavishly produced Cleopatra in 1961, she started a torrid, tabloid-chronicled affair with Richard Burton, who played Mark Antony and who was also married at the time.


  • 不要因为开怀大笑忽略了它——总监保罗·法伊格在2011年引起的这场轩然大波其他任何忧郁寒冷、次要的戏剧一样值得尊重

    Don't ignore it because it makes you laugh - director Paul Feig's 2011 hit deserves as much respect as any somber, wintry, subtitled drama.


  • ,蛇颈水下ufo或者甚至一个巨大鲸鱼无论是潜伏南极洲附近海域冰冷黑暗的深海中的庞大生物是什么,它都已引起轩然大波

    Kraken, Plesiosaur, underwater UFO or maybe even a massive whale, whatever is lurking in the dark fridge waters near Antarctica is a massive creature creating quite a stir.


  • 但是至少,《达尔文神圣事业还是能够证明这位世人耳熟能详、曾经掀起轩然大波的科学巨擘身上,还是一些崭新材料可供我们探索的。

    But, if nothing else, "Darwin's Sacred Cause" shows that there is still new material to be gleaned from the life of a man much picked over, and who turned the world upside down.


  • 这些事件卡塔尔这个小小的海湾国家引起了轩然大波也许这可以解释为什么卡塔尔迄今为止唯一有可能派遣战机帮助实施禁飞区阿拉伯国家

    Such things have a powerful impact in the tiny Gulf state, and may explain why Qatar is so far the only Arab country that looks likely to dispatch warplanes to help impose the no-fly zone.


  • 这个恶作剧家人之中引起轩然大波后来布鲁克自己这个重要问题提出来梅格才温顺喃喃道,“约翰,”说完就把扑到背心上了起来。

    This prank caused a terrible upset in both houses, but later on Brooke put the momentous question, and Meg meekly whispered, "Yes, John," and hid her face on his waistcoat.


  • 2009年12月血管学外科医生PaoloZamboni报告称颈部静脉曲张处采取气球疗法”能够使多元硬化症得以缓解的这一结论引起轩然大波

    When vascular surgeon Paolo Zamboni reported in December 2009 that inflating a tiny balloon inside twisted veins in the neck provided relief from multiple sclerosis, he created quite a stir.


  • 2009年12月血管学外科医生PaoloZamboni报告称颈部静脉曲张处采取气球疗法”能够使多元硬化症得以缓解的这一结论引起轩然大波

    When vascular surgeon Paolo Zamboni reported in December 2009 that inflating a tiny balloon inside twisted veins in the neck provided relief from multiple sclerosis, he created quite a stir.


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