• 剥离车轮踏面失效主要类型

    Peeling is the main type of failure of wheel tread.


  • 剥离车轮失效主要类型

    There are four principal types of limestones.


  • 阐述了车轮踏面剥离轴承剥离影响

    And the effect of wheel tread peeling on peeling of bearings is expounded.


  • 介绍日本最新开发车轮踏面擦伤检测装置

    The latest developed inspection device for wheel tread flat in Japan is described.


  • 结合我国钢轨情况提出了比较合理的车轮踏面外形。

    In the light of rail in our country a more appropriate wheel tread has been provided.


  • 车轮擦伤预示诊断列车安全运行具有重要意义。

    The prognostics of surface scrape on wheels is important for train safety.


  • 文中弹性车轮踏面轮缘激励速度函数进行理论分析

    The paper makes a theoretical analysis of the speed frequency response function excited by the tread and flange of the resilient wheel.


  • 轨道车辆车轮中的缺陷特别是车轮踏面裂纹引发事故巨大隐患。

    Flaw of the railway vehicle wheels, especially the crack of the wheel tread, is the most potential trouble for the accident.


  • 介绍车轮踏面形状接触式自动检测装置原理结构组成使用效果

    The principles, structure and application effect of the non contact type automatic inspection equipment for wheel tread shape are described.


  • 得出合理车轮踏面钢轨外形配合可以提高机车车辆曲线通过性能的结论。

    It is put forward that the reasonable match of wheel and rail shapes may improve the locomotive and vehicle curve passing performances.


  • 现场调研基础上,提出车轮跳动过大影响车辆运行平稳性主要原因

    On the basis of the investigation and research in field, too much bouncing of wheel treads is the main reason to affect the operation stability of vehicles.


  • 轮轨之间剧烈作用导致车轮严重损伤现象至今没有得到根本解决的难题

    The interaction between wheel and rail results in the severe damage of the wheel tread, which is a problem that has not been resolved yet.


  • 滑行使车轮踏面损伤引起振动噪声为此经常旋削车轮从而缩短使用寿命。

    Sliding will result in the damage on the wheel tread, and cause vibration and noise as well. Therefore, the wheels should be often turned, and the service life is shortened.


  • 叙述了对车轮踏面缺陷超声检测,其目的为了实现对轨道上运行车轮自动化检测。

    This report relates to ultrasonic testing of metallic railroad wheels in defects and excessive wear. The testing is accomplished in-track on moving wheels automatically.


  • 不同车轮踏面形状同一钢轨匹配具有不同轮轨接触几何关系影响车辆动力学性能

    The wheel-rail contact geometry relationship is different when different wheel tread shape matches the same rail, which will influence the dynamic performance of the vehicle.


  • 车轮踏面磨耗导致车轮外形改变使滚动直径产生偏差,对车辆系统动力学特性影响较大。

    Wheel tread wear leads to change of the wheel profile and rolling diameter, which influences the dynamic behaviors of railway vehicles seriously.


  • 讨论了一种应用线阵CCD图像传感器测量火车车轮磨损检测系统; 分析了系统的测量原理

    The principle of a measurement system used to inspect the wheel tread contour of locomotives and cars with linear CCD image sensor is introduced.


  • 车轮相比,测试得到磨耗后车轮踏面名义直径位置凹陷区域附近容易形成踏面两点接触

    Compared to the new wheel tread, the worn tread is easy to form two-point contact nearby the depression area of the nominal diameter position of wheel tread.


  • 通过测量列车在运行过程车轮钢轨接触产生冲击载荷引起钢轨形变来检测车轮踏面擦伤。

    The principle of the project is that the wheel tread will generate the impact load that induce deformation of rail when the train running.


  • 采用数值仿真方法研究了不同车轮踏面外形、轮对内侧轨底和车速踏面磨耗深度磨耗分布影响

    Numerical simulation was used to study the influence of profile shape, vehicle speed, wheel back distance and rail cant on the wear depth and wear distribution of wheel profile.


  • 应用Matlab平台开发了粗糙度算法数字化锉刀软件,实现了对轨道车辆车轮踏面外形数字化虚拟打磨。

    A virtual file for smoothing digital profile of wheel tread of railway vehicles is created based on MATLAB and specific roughness calculation method.


  • 本文通过调研大量国内外已有擦伤检测方法分析优劣性,最后采用了一种新型车轮踏面擦伤检测方法

    Through studying a large number of existing domestic and abrasion test methods, and analyzes their advantages and disadvantages, this paper advanced a new method of detecting the wheel tread.


  • 论文重点分析了车辆运行速度轮轨摩擦系数、车辆载重轨道几何不平顺轨距大小车轮踏面形状等因素脱轨影响

    The influence of train running speed, wheel-rail friction coefficient, vehicle load, track geometric irregularity, partly load, gauge and the shape of wheel tread on derailment was emphasized.


  • 尽管激光扫描测量具有测量精度易于磨损优点,但目前国内外采用方法测量车轮时,实际测量精度和效果均不理想。

    Even with the advantages of high measurement precision and not easy to wear for the method, the practical measurement result of the linear structured light is not satisfying.


  • 踏面擦伤故障调查基础上,找出故障原因,提出相应改进措施建议

    Under the investigation to the fault of wheel tread flat sliding of freight car, in this paper, the fault reason was found and corresponding improving measures and proposes were put forward.


  • 对的检修十分重要轮缘磨耗踏面磨耗等重要的测量参数。

    To examine locomotive wheels is very important, brim abrasion and fade abrasion of the wheels are the important parameters.


  • 主要原因车轮钢轨上由于制动滑动产生脆性马氏体所导致踏面损伤变。

    One of important reasons is that the generation of brittle martensite due to brake sliding of wheels on rails leads to tread damage and its creep.


  • 采用机器视觉测量技术实现对车轮轮缘踏面磨损的在线自动检测,对提高我国铁路车轮轮对的检测水平具有重要的现实意义。

    It is significant to improve the inspection level by using machine vision measurement technology in on-line automatic inspection for train wheel flange and tread wear rates.


  • 实验表明运用便携式磨损检测仪可以方便、快捷检测踏面轮缘磨损量,实验表明精度能够满足铁道部相关规定的标准

    The experiment show: use this machine can measure the abrasion of the trade profile and flange conveniently, besides the precision can satisfy the standard of Ministry of Railways.


  • 实验表明运用便携式磨损检测仪可以方便、快捷检测踏面轮缘磨损量,实验表明精度能够满足铁道部相关规定的标准

    The experiment show: use this machine can measure the abrasion of the trade profile and flange conveniently, besides the precision can satisfy the standard of Ministry of Railways.


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